
requite vt.報答,酬謝,報酬;報復 (for; with); ...


Mingjian person the harbour power due - out , we wish to be for the bicycle renew of this traditional profession but carry on the unremitting effort , to requite the love and esteem of social public to mingjian , the clear person of mingjian wishes to cooperate , hold hands with your trustworthiness total enter and create fine tomorrow together 明健人蓄勢待發,我們愿為自行車這一傳統行業的復興而進行不懈的努力,以回報社會各界對明健的厚愛,明健人愿與您誠信合作、攜手共進、共創美好的明天!

Securing judgment procedure is to protect the legal rights of creditor , under that aim , there also exist two direct aim , one is safeguard the execute of the judicial addict made in the future , the other is to avoid the unredemptive damages chapter 3 the type of civil securing judgment procedure this chapter researches into the type of civil securing judgment procedure and relevant legal basis in main countries , including the arrest and einstweligeverfugung in germany and japan , the juger en refere iprocedure and qrdanance sur requite in france , attachment , temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction in u . s , pre - judgement rremedies in britain , and property preservation and advance execution in china the civil securing judgment procedure system of france , u . s . and britain don t meet the situation and tradition custom of china , while the civil securing judgment procedure system of german and japan has deficiency the conclusion of this chapter is , we should reasonably reform current civil securing judgment procedure system of china , reconstruction the dual civil securing judgment procedure system under the division of property preservation and action preservaition chaptei4 court has the power of jurisdiction this chapter researches into the court which has jurisdiction to different kinds of securing 筆者認為,民事保全程序存在審理階段的保全程序和執行階段的程序,是特別的訴訟程序和執行程序兼容;民事保全請求權屬于廣義上的訴權;民事保全權屬于裁判權(司法權)和行政權并存;民事保全程序應當體現迅速原則、全面保護雙方當事人;權益原則、程序正當原則、保全措施的標的有限原則;民事保全程序的總目的是為了保護債權人的合法權益,其直接目的有二:一是保障將來執行文書的強制執行,二是:避免將來無法挽回的損失。第三章民事保全的類型本章對各主要國家關于民事保全的類型及其依據逐一作了論述:德國和日本的假扣押與假處分、法國的緊急審理程序和依申請作出裁定的程序、美國的, 、一。扣押和中間禁令、英國的臨時性救濟措施、我國的財產保全和先予執行。

Anhui xuancheng new century green foods factory take “ the quality first , price is reasonable “ , “ the prestige first , customer is highest “ as an aim ; with try for the best , raise the product quality continuously for request ; the science technique that the exploitation change with each passing day , pursue the ego growth ; with hard development the new product requite a society 安徽宣城新世紀綠色食品廠以“質量第一、價格合理” 、 “信譽第一、顧客至上”為宗旨;以精益求精,不斷提高產品質量為要求;利用日新月異的科學技術,追求自我成長;以努力開發新產品回報社會。

Whether from commiseration for a woman of so miserable a destiny ; or from the morbid curiosity that gives a fictitious value even to common or worthless things ; or by whatever other intangible circumstance was then , as now , sufficient to bestow , on some persons , what others might seek in vain ; or because hester really filled a gap which must otherwise have remained vacant ; it is certain that she had ready and fairly requited employment for as many hours as she saw fit to occupy with her needle 或許是出于對這位如此命苦的女人的憐憫或許是出于對平淡無奇的事情也要故弄玄虛的少見多怪或許是出于某種難以解釋的原因這在當時和今天都是有的某些人苦求不得的別人卻可予取予奪或許是因為海絲特確實填補了原先的一項空白不管是什么原因吧,反正求她做針線的活路源源不斷,只要她樂意于多少鐘點,總有很不錯的收入。

Whether from commiseration for a woman of so miserable a destiny ; or from the morbid curiosity that gives a fictitious value even to common or worthless things ; or by whatever other intangible circumstance was then , as now , sufficient to bestow , on some persons , what others might seek in vain ; or because hester really filled a gap which must otherwise have remained vacant ; it is certain that she had ready and fairly requited employment for as many hours as she saw fit to occupy with her needle 或許是出于對這位如此命苦的女人的憐憫;或許是出于對平淡無奇的事情也要故弄玄虛的少見多怪;或許是出于某種難以解釋的原因? ?這在當時和今天都是有的? ?某些人苦求不得的、別人卻可予取予奪、或許是因為海絲特確實填補了原先的一項空白;不管是什么原因吧,反正求她做針線的活路源源不斷,只要她樂意于多少鐘點,總有很不錯的收入。

Whether from commiseration for a woman of so miserable a destiny ; or from the morbid curiosity that gives a fictitious value even to common or worthless things ; or by whatever other intangible circumstance was then , as now , sufficient to bestow , on some persons , what others might seek in vain ; or because hester really filled a gap which must otherwise have remained vacant ; it is certain that she had ready and fairly requited employment for as many hours as she saw fit to occupy with her needle 也許是出于對這位命苦的女人的同情;也許是為了給司空見慣的或一文不值的東西添加怪異的成份使人好奇;也許是出于無法解釋的原因,這在當時和現在都是有的,對有些人來說,有些東西是不能強求的;也許是海絲特確實填補了原來必然存在的空白;有點可以肯定,那就是只要它認為干針線活是合適的,那她想干長時間,就有多少活在等著她呢。

Subject to the provisions of this act , and unless the context of the policy otherwise requites , the terms and expressions mentioned in the first schedule to this act shall be construed as having the scope and meaning in that schedule assigned to them 根據本法規定,除非保險單內容另有其他要求,本法所附第一附件內的術語及措詞,應按賦予該附件規定的詞意和范圍解釋。

With the market leading transforming from sellers to buyers , quick and variable market requirement requites a company to quick response to market and shortening time - market key that directly decides whether a company will succeed in contention 隨著賣方市場向買方市場的轉變,快速多變的市場需求使得快速響應市場、縮短產品上市周期成為企業競爭成敗的關鍵。

Then hear thou from heaven , and do , and judge thy servants , by requiting the wicked , by recompensing his way upon his own head ; and by justifying the righteous , by giving him according to his righteousness 代下6 : 23求你從天上垂聽、判斷你的仆人、定惡人有罪、照他所行的報應在他頭上、定義人有理、照他的義賞賜他。

You are acquainted with that general neglect of things which is bred of violent , trusting , requited love . any mortal being who is not the woman you love seems superfluous to creation 您不會不知道共同分享和相互信賴的熱烈愛情,可以把一切事物擱置腦后在這個世界上,除了這個自己愛戀著的女人,其他似乎全屬多余。

“ then is it not probable that this englishman may be some one who , grateful for a kindness your father had shown him , and which he himself had forgotten , has taken this method of requiting the obligation ? “那么,說不定這個英國人曾受過令尊的恩惠,他沒有忘記,所以采取這種方法來報恩,這不是很可能的嗎? ”

And adoni - bezek said , threescore and ten kings , having their thumbs and their great toes cut off , gathered their meat under my table : as i have done , so god hath requited me 士1 : 7亞多尼比色說、從前有七十個王、手腳的大姆指都被我砍斷、在我桌子底下拾取零碎食物現在神按著我所行的報應我了。

Now david had said , surely in vain have i kept all that this fellow hath in the wilderness , so that nothing was missed of all that pertained unto him : and he hath requited me evil for good 撒上25 : 21大衛曾說、我在曠野為那人看守所有的、以致他一樣不失落、實在是徒然了他向我以惡報善。

Thou hast seen it ; for thou beholdest mischief and spite , to requite it with thy hand : the poor committeth himself unto thee ; thou art the helper of the fatherless 14其實你已經觀看。因為奸惡毒害,你都看見了,為要以手施行報應。無倚無靠的人,把自己交托你。你向來是幫助孤兒的。

Constructing a credit account requites the specification of credit limit . the constructor will set the credit limit instance variable to be equal to that specified as a parameter 創建一個信用帳戶需要設定該帳戶的信用限制。構造器會把該實例變量(即信用限制)設為一個參數。

Before setting off , the fishermen will come to the tin hau temple to burn joss sticks and pray for luck . when they return fruitfully , they will then come to requite tin hau for her kindness 漁民揚帆出海前都會到天后廟進香求福,而滿載歸港時亦會前往天后廟答謝神恩。

But if any widow have children or nephews , let them learn first to shew piety at home , and to requite their parents : for that is good and acceptable before god 提前5 : 4若寡婦有兒女、或有孫子孫女、便叫他們先在自己家中學著行孝、報答親恩因為這在神面前是可悅納的。

For caress with cry up , children with smile with act in pettish to take in to requite , for make fun of and ignore , the children take in to respond with self - will by get mad 對于撫愛和夸獎,孩子們以微笑和撒嬌加以回報,對于嘲弄和漠視,孩子們以發怒和任性加以回應。

And when joseph ' s brethren saw that their father was dead , they said , joseph will peradventure hate us , and will certainly requite us all the evil which we did unto him 15約瑟的哥哥們見父親死了,就說,或者約瑟懷恨我們,照著我們從前待他一切的惡足足地報復我們。