
requital n.報答;報復,復仇;罰;報答的行動;酬謝之物;〔罕用語...


I added , that otherwise i was perswaded , if they were all here , we might , with so many hands , build a bark large enough to carry us all away , either to the brasils south - ward , or to the islands or spanish coast north - ward : but that if in requital they should , when i had put weapons into their hands , catty me by force among their own people , i might be ill used for my kindness to them , and make my case worse than it was before 我又補充說,假如他們不會背棄我的話,我相信,只要他們到島上來,我們有這么多人手,就一定可以造一條大船,把我們大家一載走,或向南開往巴西,或向北開往西印度群島或西班牙海岸。可是,如果我把武器交到他們手中,他們反而恩將仇報,用武力把我劫持到西班牙人那里去,我豈不是好心不得好報,處境反而比以前更糟了嗎?

None so ready as she to give of her little substance to every demand of poverty ; even though the bitter - hearted pauper threw back a gibe in requital of the food brought regularly to his door , or the garments wrought for him by the fingers that could have embroidered a monarch s robe 對于窮苦人的每一種需要,她比誰都快地就提供了她菲薄的支援盡管那些心腸狠毒的窮人對她定期送到門口的食物或她用本可刺繡王袍的手指做成的衣物,竟會反唇相譏。

“ i know not lethe nor nepenthe , “ remarked he ; “ but i have learned many new secrets in the wilderness , and here is one of them - a recipe that an indian taught me , in requital of some lessons of my own , that were as old as paracelsus “我不懂得什么迷魂湯或忘憂草之類的東西, ”他說道, “但我在那些野蠻人中間學到了許多新訣竅,這里的就是其中一種這是一個印第安人教給我的一種偏方,以報答我傳授給他的象巴拉塞爾蘇斯那樣一些老掉牙的知識。

She never battled with the public , but submitted , uncomplainingly , to its worst usage ; she made no claim upon it , in requital for what she suffered ; she did not weigh upon its sympathies 她從來與世無爭,只是毫無怨尤地屈從于社會的最不公平的待遇;她也沒有因自己的不幸而希冀什么報償;她同樣不依重于人們的同情。

She never battled with the public , but submitted , uncomplainingly , to its worst usage ; she made no claim upon it , in requital for what she suffered ; she did not weigh upon its sympathies 她從來與世無爭,只是毫無怨尤地屈從于社會的最不公平的待遇她也沒有因自己的不幸而希冀什么報償她同樣不依重于人們的同情。

“ he gave her in requital of all things else , which ye had taken from me “他把她給了我是為了補償你們從我手中奪走的一切。

What requital can we make for all his kindness to us 我們對他給我們的仁慈,能作些什麼報答呢?

A full requital of his striving pain 這是對他艱苦努力的圓滿回報。