
requisition n.1.要求,請求,命令,必要條件;【國際法】引渡犯人的...


An official requisition or purchase order for goods 購買委托書,訂單購貨的官方通知單或訂貨單

General requisition for particulars of tenement 一般物業詳情申報表

Requisition for allowance ticket for spoiled or unwanted stamps 錯壞或不需用印花退換券申請書

Focal problems on the reformation of china land requisition system 土地征用中的公共利益界定

The army made a requisition on the villagers for provisions 軍方向村民下了徵購糧食的命令。

Land requisition and social security of the farmless farmers 論土地征用與失地農民的社會保障

Is there an official requisition for purchases 有否正式采購申請書?

All compensation for requisition of land should be farmer ' s 征地補償費應全部歸農民個人所有

Requisition for accelerating urbanization has become imminence in china 中國城市化亟需提速

Which one of the many fine vehicles would you care to requisition 你準備“征用”哪輛車?

How can the land requisition fund be embezzled 征地補償款豈能截留挪用

Try the land requisition compensation and resettlement seriously 切實做好征地補償安置工作

Departmental combined requisition and issue voucher gf 277a 部門物料申領及發放綜合單大

Cepa - requisition for copies of tax documents 申請索取稅務文件副本表格

The trend and its requisition of china ' s advanced culture 中國先進文化的發展趨勢和要求

Departmental combined requisition and issue voucher gf 277 部門物料申領及發放綜合單小

Colonel , you know that the requisitioning 上校,你應該和我一樣清楚的知道

Unwarranted pooling of funds , arbitrary requisition of donations 亂集資亂攤派亂收費

Micro - economic analysis of compulsory requisition of land 我國農地征用制度的博弈分析