
requisite adj.必要的,必需的,需要的 (to; for)。n....


We believe in quality as the pre - requisite for success in the printing industry 我們深信品質是印刷業成功的必要條件。

In new period , facing so many problems , the reform is pre - requisite 面對自身存在的問題,教師口語課程改革勢在必行。

A discussion on requisites to constitute representation and its legal consequence 試論表見代理構成要件及其法律后果

There are no pre - requisites for applying as a general volunteer 申請成為一般義工計劃,并沒有特定的條件需要符合。

She expect to achieve the requisite two - thirds majority for nomination 她期望得到獲得提名所必需的三分之二多數。

To complete the lab the following pre - requisite hardware is also required 要完成該實驗室,還需要下列必備硬件:

Requisites to constitute environment crime and the determination of it 環境犯罪的構成要件及其認定中的幾個問題

The requisitest is loyal , sincere 最需要的是忠、誠。

Of good physique : attending a physical fitness test is a pre - requisite 體格體格良好:須通過體能測試

Part two : the requisites to constitute a short - swing trading 第二部分:內部人短線交易的構成要件。

I must buy some toilet requisites 我必須買些衛生間必需品。

Have the requisite qualification , be qualified 具備必要的資格

Food and air are requisite for life 食物和空氣是生命的必需品。

Having found the file , i load it and produce the requisite 找到這個文件后,就裝載它并生成必要的

Social stability is a pre - requisite for economic development 社會穩定是經濟發展的先決條件。

Submit all requisite documents with your application 在簽證申請時,遞交所有要求遞交的文件。

Are there any pre - requisite for using this application 我需要符合什么要求,才能使用此服務?

A probe into the requisites to intrusion 非法侵入住宅罪構成要件探析

Toys , games and sports requisites ; parts and accessories thereof 玩具、游戲品及其零件與附件