
require vt.1.需要。2.要求;請求,命令。短語和例子Will...


The broadcasts themselves require pacing and style . 廣播節目本身需要節奏和風格。

Alignment requires low temperature . 取向排列需要低溫。

Modern agriculture requires more tradable inputs . 現代農業需要更多的貿易投入物。

Cruciate incisions heal poorly and are not required . 不需要愈合差的十字形切口。

It can not require a pressure loss . 它不會造成壓力損失。

The required partial derivatives are easily worked out . 欲求的偏導數不難得出。

Is that all that you require , sir ? 先生,您還要別的嗎?

Fitzpiers did not require to be told twice . 菲茨比爾斯用不著別人對他講第二遍。

The statement requires qualification . 這項聲明須加斟酌。

It requires buffering for most applications . 在大多數使用場合,它都需要緩沖。

Certain failures will require immediate attention . 有些故障需要立即引起注意。

People say it requires no courage to commit suicide . 人們說尋短見不需要勇氣。

The adi method requires two advanced time levels . ADI法需要兩個超前的時間段。

Excision of an obnoxious passage was required . 有一段引起反感的文字必須刪掉。

Groups require stroking and nurture and attention . 小組需要安撫、培育和關心。

Will you require breakfast earlier than usual ? 你需要比平常早一點開早飯嗎?

The creation of material particles requires energy . 物質粒子的產生需要能量。

You require a special briefing . 你需要一份特別情況的簡報。

All that is required is a valve . 全部所需的就只是一個活門。