
requiem n.1.〔R-〕【宗教】安魂彌撒(曲)。2.安魂曲,挽歌...

requiescat in pace

The circumstances surrounding the genesis of mozart ' s requiem ( the mysterious commission from an unnamed ind emn vidual , mozart ' s alleged terror that he was really writing it for his own funeral , his death with the score still unfinished ) zave conspired to create a legend that risks overlaying the work itself 圍繞莫扎特創作(安魂曲)的傳聞一個匿名人物的神秘委托;莫扎特寫這首曲子時充滿恐怖,因為這其實是為他自己的葬?所寫;他去世時作品仍?沒有完成等等串成的故事甚至蓋過了作品本身的魅力。

In this special festival presentation , the requiem is placed in remarkable context in which gregorian chant , spoken word and the uplifting spiritual music of french composer olivier messiaen surround mozart ' s most sublime outpouring 我們這次香港藝術節的演出,送上特別的節目安排:在格列哥利圣詠、詩詞朗誦、以及法國作曲家梅湘人神合一的靈巧音符映襯下,讓莫扎特最超然的感情剖白完全流露于觀眾之前。

In fact , he should be wholly objective in assessing the needs of the bushiness and the requiem mending skills for balancing board talents , and avoid any material relation with the corporate or senior managers which may affect his conclusion 按理想模式,獨立董事應具有一定的管理經驗和法律、財務方面的專長,且要求其不得與公司及高級管理人員有任何會影響其獨立判斷的實質性聯系。

The singing angels have selected to sing from a wide range of repertoires , including the requiem by faure , daniel pinkham s three motets , and sacred works by other favorite composers as well as chinese traditional arts songs 在窩打老道大學會堂作美國德州巡回演唱預演,表演的曲目包括傳統及二十世紀合唱曲,如林聲翕教授的山旅之歌及佛瑞的安魂曲。

Later , which the development of the civil ligation theory and the changing of our social life , the requiems of the honest and trustworthy principle have not been limited in adjusting the party ' s civil ligation action - “ true obligation “ 生隨著社會生活的變遷和訴訟理論的發展,各國對誠實信用原則的要求已不再局限于調整當事人的訴訟行為一“真實義務” 。

Under kersh ' s line we see scenes from last week , scully looking at herself in the mirror , skinner looking up at the ufo that took mulder in requiem , skinner and scully in kersh ' s office (以克什為線,我們上周看到的戲,使高麗在鏡子中看自己,在安靈彌撒那集中,斯金納看著帶走莫特的飛碟,斯金納和史高麗在克什的辦公室中。 )

Was eaten up half the way , and have only the soldiers left , which means that most of the workers has been killed , and the entire nest will be eliminated very soon about 1 month 2005年1月10日requiem白色已吃了一大半,并只剩馀兵蟻-表示巢穴內最大群的工蟻己相繼死亡整個白蟻巢將于短期內約一個月全軍覆滅。

But to mozart - - - at that time sick , depressed , haunted by the thought of death - - - the stranger seemed a messenger from the other world , bidding him write his own requiem 但是,對莫扎特來說? ?此時他身體不好,情緒低落,整天想著死? ?這個陌生人無異是從另一個世界派來的使者,來命令他寫下他自己的安魂曲。

Requiem : in paradisium is also unnecessarily experimental , with overlapping fuzz and tape effects diluting the sound ; the looped drum track is also unimaginatively integrated 《安魂曲:在天國》也未必是實驗派作風,重疊的電子失真音像效果沖淡了鋼琴的演奏;不間斷的鼓聲更是毫無想象力的組合。

Iraq entered “ requiem of snow , “ a kurdish language film from director jamil rostami about kurds praying for rain in a drought - parched area of the country 伊拉克選送了一部由賈米勒羅斯塔米執導的庫爾德語影片雪的挽歌,該片講述了伊拉克庫爾德人在干燥炎熱的地區祈求上天降雨的故事。

Iraq entered “ requiem of snow , “ a kurdish language film from director jamil rostami about kurds praying for rain in a drought - parched area of the country 伊拉克選送了一部由賈米勒?羅斯塔米執導的庫爾德語影片《雪的挽歌》 ,該片講述了伊拉克庫爾德人在干燥炎熱的地區祈求上天降雨的故事。

Page , tim , and faas , horst . requiem : by the photographers who died in vietnam and indochina . new york : vintage / ebury ( random house ) , 1997 《安魂曲》是那些參與越戰的攝影家們的精彩作品集。書中收錄了許多攝影師的作品,包括了許多于印度支那戰火中失去生命的北越攝影家。

Dances include lin wei - hua ’ s “ requiem ” , lin wei - ling ’ s “ soul liberation ” , chen yi - min ’ s “ fetal soul ” and wei kuang - ching ’ s “ dancing original soul ” 舞蹈分別為林惟華的《安魂曲》 、林威玲的《靈魂解放》 、陳逸民的《致命靈魂》 、魏光慶的《舞動的原始靈魂》 。

Using examples from requiem , consider whether a photojournalist , covering genuine news - as opposed to celebrity stalking - can go too far 看一看《安魂曲》中的事例,思考當一名攝影記者在報導真實的新聞時(而不是偷窺名人隱私類的事情)可以毫無底線的報導嗎?

Using examples from requiem , consider whether a photojournalist , covering genuine news - as opposed to celebrity stalking - can go too far 看一看《安魂曲》中的事例,思考當一名攝影記者在報道真實的新聞時(而不是名人隱私類的事情)可以隨心所欲地前進嗎?

Whether regarded as a requiem or a nativity celebration , there is no doubt about the quality of the musicians who gathered to perform at woodstock 無論被認為是安靈彌撒還是基督降生的慶典,那些在伍德斯托克音樂節演出的音樂家們的水平是無庸置疑的。

Mrvica ' s masterful rendition of giuseppe verdi ' s requiem is representative of the album ' s ethos : grand , unrelenting , and tragically climactic 馬克西姆對居塞比?威爾第《安魂曲》的精湛重演奠定了整張專輯的格調:華麗、狂囂,以悲情為高潮。

The royal melbourne philharmonic revisited verdi ' s grandiose and taxing messa da requiem after five years and again enjoyed another clear success … … . 皇家墨爾本愛樂樂團五年之后重新演繹的威爾第的《安魂曲》很明顯的又是一個巨大成功。

A profound search for meaning and solace in the face of mortality , mozart ' s requiem stands as one of the landmarks in all music 此曲展示了莫扎特在面向死亡之際,對心靈安慰和生存意義深邃的尋求,也是音樂史上一個重要的里程碑。