
repute n.名譽,名聲,名望,信用。 know sb. by r...


Some reputed saints that have been canonized ought to have been cannonaded 一些被列為“圣徒”的馳名的圣人,早就應該被炮轟掉的。

Your company is very reputed in this city ; i heard much praise to your company 貴公司在本市很有名,我聽到很多對貴公司的好評。

At that time , even dashijie dared not open because of its reputed decadence 那時,連“大世界”游樂場也算腐朽,不敢開門。

Reputed to be one of the world s top 5 diving spots ,可前往被譽為世界5大潛水勝地的普爾奈茨群島poor knights islands 。

He is held in high repute 他名聲很好。

Like monsieur manette , your father , the gentleman was of repute in paris 這人跟令尊曼內特先生一樣在巴黎也頗有名氣。

He doesn ' t care about repute 他不在乎名聲。

It is also reputed to be the the land where the 1001 nights took place 這個國家也以一千零一夜故事的所在地聞名。

The usa is reputed to be [ font = times new roman ] a [ / font ] classless society 人們普遍認為,美國是個沒有階級的社會

Aye , its fine ! replied sidorov , reputed a regular scholar at talking french 被認為善于講法國話的西多羅夫答道。

Reputed as “ diving queen 有“跳水女皇”的美譽

Question and answer : on professional repute in context of teacher professionalism 教師專業化背景下的職業聲望

Wherefore are we counted as beasts , and reputed vile in your sight 3我們為何算為畜生,在你眼中看作污穢呢。

She is reputed to be very wealthy 大家說她很富有

In the field of it , 2001 was reputed as year of media streaming 在it領域, 2001年被譽為“寬帶流媒體年” 。

Linda works in a house of ill repute 琳達在妓院工作。

“ of course . every hotel depends upon the repute of its patrons “當然啦,每家旅館都要依靠其主顧的名聲。

Lingyuan ' s flowers reputed in china 凌源花卉享譽大江南北

This is a district of ill repute on account of many robberies 這一地區因為發生了許多搶劫案而名聲很壞