
reputation n.名氣,名聲,名譽;名望,信譽,聲望。 a man o...


Holmes and parkman all survived into the 1890s, their reputations terrifyingly grand . 霍姆斯和帕克曼都活到九十年代,聲名十分顯赫。

Even in party circles he had a reputation for ruthless, icy consistency . 甚至在黨內,他也是人所共知的冷酷無情、一不做二不休的人。

The reputation of rome has flourished through the prosperity of her heirs . 羅馬的聲譽是通過它后裔的繁榮昌盛而得到顯揚的。

He spoke of the honor of the family: the unsullied reputation of the crawleys . 他談到家門的體面和克勞萊家潔白無瑕的名聲。

Could it be effected without impairing his reputation as well as his fortune ? 他能否不損害他的聲譽和財富而辦到這一點呢?

He is a bluntspoken internist with a reputation for unyielding integrity . 他是一個言談直率的內科專家,以守正不阿著名。

It is your privilege to think so, and i surrender my reputation to you ! 你滿有權力這樣想,我可以把我的名譽丟到你腳下。

He acquired an enviable reputation in literary and art circles for his artistic ability . 他的藝術才能使他蜚聲文藝界。

Hurry had a respectable reputation for prowess among his associates . 赫利在和他相識的人中,素有勇敢豪俠的名聲。

Citibank seems to enjoy its reputation as a hard-nosed outfit . 紐約花旗銀行以精明而講究實際的金融機構而著稱。

He had a reputation for being politically officious and self-serving . 他因在政治上愛管閑事和個人奮斗而出名。

Balboa had a reputation as a fierce and quarrelsome young man . 巴爾博亞是一位以勇猛和喜歡爭吵聞名的年輕人。

Halsey's war record and his public reputation were curiously at odds . 海爾賽的戰績是與他的聲望很不相稱的。

From comparative neglect, his reputation has soared to the heights . 從前人們對他不大注意,現在聲望陡升。

Byron was born of an aristocratic family of doubtful reputation . 拜倫出生于一個名聲有些問題的貴族家庭。

After his death aristotle's reputation grew greater and greater . 亞理士多德逝世后,他的威望與日俱增。

The agency enjoys an international reputation for impartiality . 這機構由于公正在國際上是享有聲譽的。

He works very hard, he aspires to a name and a reputation . 他干得很勤奮,指望出名,指望有好的聲譽。

I have wealth and a reputation and prestige-all that is true . 我有錢,有名聲,有聲望--這都是事實。