
reputable adj.名氣好的,有名聲的;可尊敬的,高尚的;規范的。 ...


“ . hk “ internet domain names give a unique and reputable identity that people can trust . hk互聯網域名可提供一個獨特而又值得信賴的品牌形象。

The best thing to do is to purchase one s high - quality coral jewellery from a reputable merchant 。頂級珊瑚珠寶應象聲譽良好的珠寶店購買。

In less than a decade , we have emerged as a highly reputable service organisation 短短十年間,我們為香港郵政成功確立服務卓著的機構品牌。

Therefore , reputable and qualified scientists in this field are boycotted a priori 因此,正是該領域中有信譽的稱職的科學家在阻止一種經驗。

The sponsor is a reputable company , capable of providing the proposed training ; and 保證人是一所著名的公司,并有能力提供擬議的培訓;以及

To be an accounting student at a reputable school is to have a good job waiting 名牌大學的會計系學生,尚未畢業已經有很好的工作虛位以待。

Always check a reputable antivirus web site or your it department before sending out an alarm 多利用信譽度好的殺毒網站或是你公司的it部。

It has since mutated into an annual ordeal for reputable universities 當時,為挑出全國最好的大學,雜志向662所高校的校長發出了調查問卷。

Fit the door with at least one good quality thief - resistant lock bought from a reputable company 門戶:大門最少須裝上一把優質防盜門鎖。

The established , reputable auctions have thorough vetting and warranty procedures 歷史悠久名氣大的拍賣會都有完整的獸醫檢查和認證程序。

Purchase food from hygienic , reliable and reputable sources to ensure quality 要向合乎?生和信譽良好的店鋪購買,以確保食物的質素。

Steward experience with reputable serviced residence or hotel is an added advantage 有餐廳用具清潔服務經驗或從事管事服務經驗為佳。

Ensure that all materials for food preparation are obtained from reliable and reputable sources 只向可靠及商譽良好的商店購買食物。

Minimum 8 years technical or quality experience at reputable foreign manufacturing companies 至少8年知名制造業外企技術和質量經驗。

Of course , we must be sure that you are engaging a reputable appraisal company 當然,我必須確認你是一個享有良好聲譽的評估公司。

Written guarantee executed by a filipino citizen or reputable philippine company 一菲律賓公民或著名菲律賓公司經過公證的保證書;

I want a reputable tour operator , not one of these fly - by - night outfit (我想找一家信譽好的旅行社,而不是那些靠不住的公司。 )

A responsible , reputable breeder knows the genetics behind a pedigree 負責任的、有信譽的繁育者會了解一個血統背后的遺傳問題。

Note the origin of products and buy only from reliable and reputable retailers 了解產品的來源,只向可靠和有信譽的零售商購買