
repulsive adj.1.(令人)厭惡的,討厭的 (to)。2.情緒上...


Due to the repulsive coulomb field , the effective impact parameter increases , and therefore the calculated reaction cross section decreases 庫侖場的排斥效應使得核?核反應有效的碰撞參數增大,使計算的反應截面減小,同時這種修正的效應隨能量增大而減小。

Thus , gpcrs can mediate both repulsive and attractive axon guidance in vitro , and chemokines may serve as guidance cues for axon pathfinding 因此, g蛋白耦聯受體可以介導生長錐的吸引或排斥反應,并且chemokine也能作為導向因子指導生長錐轉向。

Her hands strayed over him , still a little afraid . afraid of that strange , hostile , slightly repulsive thing that he had been to her , a man 她的手還有點害怕地在他身上輕撫著,害怕他那曾經使她覺得有點厭惡的格格不入的奇民蝗東西一個男子。

Do not imagine that mathematics is hard and crabbed and repulsive to common sense , it is merely the etherealization of common sense (別把數學想象為硬梆梆的、死絞蠻纏的、令人討厭的、有悖于常識的東西,它只不過是賦予常識以靈性的東西。 )

While offering a voyeuristic keyhole to peer into the most repulsive and morbid details of death , it contemplates the philosphical significance of life and destiny 三個傷感人物極力從死亡的層巒疊?中窺探影影綽綽的生命之光。

The thought of going home to cook breakfast in his stuffy little room was repulsive to him . for the first time he refused to consider his debts 一想起回到那憋氣的小屋去做飯吃他就氣悶,于是第一次拒絕了考慮欠債的問題。

The gaps will grow until the satellite ' s repulsive forces are counterbalanced by the tendency of rings to spread during collisions 環隙會一直拉大,直到衛星的斥力與行星環在碰撞時所產生向外擴散的力量達到平衡為止。

Yeah , it might be flooded with onlookers and some curious customers but probably not enough to replace those who find it repulsive 是啊,也許會有很多路人圍觀或好奇上門的客人,但那些人恐怕補不足被鬼屋嚇跑的客源。

Due to the repulsive faecal and or urinary smell , these children are very often socially rejected . many cannot attend normal schools 這類患兒既要忍受身上所發出又濕又臭的氣味,更要面對別人的疑惑目光和歧視。

Whenever you remember “ tung chee - hwa is my leader “ , you will want to throw up . this is one of the most repulsive statements 當你記起,我是由董建華領導的,你就自然會感到作嘔反胃。這句話簡直不忍卒讀。

It s well people don t really rise from their grave , or , last night , she might have witnessed a repulsive scene 幸虧死人不會真的從墳里站起來,不然,昨天夜里,她會親眼看見一種惹她討厭的情景呢!

My neighbour struck me as bordering on repulsive ; i knew , through experience , that i was tolerably attractive 我旁邊的人在我看來近乎令人生厭。根據經驗,我知道我多少還有點吸引力。

The effect of attractive potential on the current distribution is different from that of repulsive one 發現雜質勢為吸引勢和排斥勢時對電流密度分布的影響是不同的。

Those with any artistic sense might even think it repulsive . i am the one to blame for this sorry state 稍為有點藝術細胞的,甚至會覺得這根本算不上是設計。

Dark energy is a mysterious repulsive force that opposes gravity , causing the universe to expand 暗能量是一種神秘的與萬有引力相反的排斥力,它使宇宙膨脹。

Accordingly , unit of choose and employ persons cannot work overtime with refusing for repulsive laborer 因此,用人單位不能以拒絕加班為由辭退勞動者。

The cold grip of its repulsive gravity is strangling the formation of large cosmic structures 現在,天文學家藉由觀測發現,暗能量游走于銀河系的周圍。

“ do you mean that repulsive pink - and - blue double - breasted thing ? “ the manager asked “不是那件粉紅帶藍條的雙排扣套裝吧!那套衣服實在太可怕了! ”

The idea of marrying a rich heiress , which his female relatives suggested , was repulsive to him 親戚們勸他娶一位有錢的姑娘,他頗為反感。