
repulsion n.1.反擊,反駁。2.排斥,拒絕。3.嫌惡,嫌忌。4....


The direction of the effect values indicated that these qtls distributed in zhenshang 97b and minghui 63 in repulsion phase 從效應值的方向可以看出,這些qtl ,在珍汕97b和明恢63中是呈相斥相分布的。

As in 1996 , we have also used another set of questions to measure people s repulsion of the potential candidates 與1996年一樣,我們用了另外一組題目去測試?民對各有意參選人的抗拒程度。

That first repulsion had been really a fear of her undiscovered self , and the fear had gone to sleep 第一次的反感事實上是對她尚未覺察的自我的一種畏懼,而現在那種畏懼已經休眠。

Its gravitational repulsion would offset galaxies ' gravitational attraction , thereby deadening their motion 暗能量的斥力會抵消星系間的引力,從而減弱了星系的運動。

In and near the milky way , attraction wins , but beyond a certain distance , repulsion does 在銀河系內部以及鄰近區域,引力強過斥力;但超過了某個距離,斥力便?優勢。

We must conclude that when the distance between the molecules is very small , there are forces of repulsion 我們必須斷定當分子間距離很小時,就存在互相排斥的力量。

We must conclude that when the distance between the molecule are very small , there are force of repulsion 我們必須斷定當分子間距離很小時,就存在互相排斥的力量。

A generalized bariev model for correlated hopping with a finite range hard - core repulsion is studied in this paper 本文要討論的是一種具有硬芯勢的bariev模型。

We must conclude that when the distance between the molecules is very small , there is force of repulsion 我們必須斷定當分子間距離很小時,就存在互相排斥的力量

The researchers ' experiments also identified specific molecules on myelin that triggered such repulsion 實驗還發現了髓鞘上的觸發這種抑制(作用)的特殊分子。

The phrase of a vault are composed of tak - of , pre - flight , repulsion , post - flight and landing 跳馬的步驟由踏起、第一騰空、推手、第二騰空和著地組成。

If the poles are alike the force is a repulsion ; if unlike , the force is an attraction 如果兩極是同種極,這力是斥力;如果是異種極,則是引力。

Boundary repulsion term 邊界排斥項

Deri repulsion motor 德里推斥電動機

But she was more shocked by the repulsion itself than by the cause of it 但令她震驚的倒不是導致反感的原因而是那反感本身。

She said in repulsion 她憎惡地叫道。

Issues on social repulsion 論社會排斥

Double - fed repulsion motor 雙饋推斥電動機

Compensated repulsion motor 補償推斥電動機