
repugnant adj.1.令人厭惡的,令人討厭的 (to), 不得人心...


By taking it into no consideration the repugnant forces for safety support conditions and regarding elastic - plastic stress radius as being variable , the interaction between the elastic - plastic stress of no . 1 qinling tunnel and the stress radius is deduced through an analytical method , providing some reference for tunnel construction and safety support 在不考慮支護反力的條件下,將彈塑性應力半徑作為變量,分析秦嶺號隧道彈塑性區應力隨半徑的變化規律,為隧道的施工及支護提供參考。

B ) paragraph ( a ) of this bill of lading shall be applicable and the carrier shall be entitled - to avail itself of all rights or immunities provided for in the carriage of goods by sea act of the united states , approved april 16 , 1936 , although the contract of carriage evidenced by this bill of lading is not for the carriage of goods by sea to or from ports of the united states ; however , if this bill of lading is issued in canada , and contains or is evidence of a contract for the carriage of goods by water in a ship or ships carrying goods from any port in canada to any other port , whether in or outside canada , then this bill of lading shall have effect subject to the provisions of the rules as applied by the water carriage of goods act , 1936 , of the dominion of canada , and said act and rules shall be deemed incorporated herein and nothing herein contained shall be deemed a surrender by the carrier of any of its rights or immunities , or an increase of any of its responsibilities or liabilities under said act and rules , and if any term of this bill of lading be repugnant to said act and rules to any extent , such term shall be void to that extent , but no further 在適用本提單第1條規定時,承運人有權享有1936年4月16日的美國《海上貨物運輸法》所規定的各項權利或豁免權,即使本提單所證明的運輸合同不是有關來往美國港口的海上貨物運輸;然而,如果本提單是由加拿大所簽發,且該提單是運輸合同或是一個從加拿大的任何港口將貨物用船舶水運到其他港口(不論此港口是否在加拿大)的合同證明,本提單的效力依據1936年《貨物水運法》的規則規定,且適用于加拿大領域,上述水運法和規則規定應視為是本提單的一部分,本提單的任何規定不得視為承運人放棄任何權利或豁免權,或增加水運法和規則所規定的責任或義務,凡與上述水運法和規則抵觸的本提單的條款,在抵觸范圍內無效

( b ) paragraph ( a ) of this bill of lading shall be applicable and the carrier shall be entitled - to avail itself of all rights or immunities provided for in the carriage of goods by sea act of the united states , approved april 16 , 1936 , although the contract of carriage evidenced by this bill of lading is not for the carriage of goods by sea to or from ports of the united states ; however , if this bill of lading is issued in canada , and contains or is evidence of a contract for the carriage of goods by water in a ship or ships carrying goods from any port in canada to any other port , whether in or outside canada , then this bill of lading shall have effect subject to the provisions of the rules as applied by the water carriage of goods act , 1936 , of the dominion of canada , and said act and rules shall be deemed incorporated herein and nothing herein contained shall be deemed a surrender by the carrier of any of its rights or immunities , or an increase of any of its responsibilities or liabilities under said act and rules , and if any term of this bill of lading be repugnant to said act and rules to any extent , such term shall be void to that extent , but no further 在適用本提單第1條規定時,承運人有權享有1936年4月16日的美國《海上貨物運輸法》所規定的各項權利或豁免權,即使本提單所證明的運輸合同不是有關來往美國港口的海上貨物運輸;然而,如果本提單是由加拿大所簽發,且該提單是運輸合同或是一個從加拿大的任何港口將貨物用船舶水運到其他港口(不論此港口是否在加拿大)的合同證明,本提單的效力依據1936年《貨物水運法》的規則規定,且適用于加拿大領域,上述水運法和規則規定應視為是本提單的一部分,本提單的任何規定不得視為承運人放棄任何權利或豁免權,或增加水運法和規則所規定的責任或義務,凡與上述水運法和規則抵觸的本提單的條款,在抵觸范圍內無效。

The respect created by the conviction of his valuable qualities , though at first unwillingly admitted , had for some time ceased to be repugnant to her feelings ; and it was now heightened into somewhat of a friendlier nature by the testimony so highly in his favour , and bringing forward his disposition in so amiable a light , which yesterday had produced . but above all , above respect and esteem , there was a motive within her of good will which could not be overlooked 她現在又聽到大家都說他的好話,昨天她又親眼看到了種種情形,看出他原來是個性格很柔順的人,于是尊敬之外又添了幾分親切,但是問題的關鍵還不在于她對他尊敬和器重,而在于她還存著一片好心好意,這一點可不能忽略。

The “ boobs on bikes “ parade went ahead despite auckland mayor dick hubbard labelling the promotion for an erotica show as “ morally repugnant “ . the porn stars in studded knee - high boots , black leather pants and little else travelled in a convoy down the city ' s main thoroughfare queen street 盡管奧克蘭市市長迪克哈巴德將這個為某“色情藝術展”所做的宣傳活動評價為“道德敗壞” ,但“坦胸摩托行”仍然進行的如火如荼。

Hunger made viands once repugnant , now acceptable ; he held the plate in his hand for an hour at a time , and gazed thoughtfully at the morsel of bad meat , of tainted fish , of black and mouldy bread 過去,人一看到這此食物就惡心,現在由于饑餓難忍,看到這些食物覺得非常可口的,有幾次,他整小時的把盤子端在手里,凝視著那不滿一口的腐肉,臭魚和發霉的黑面包。

Two methods of self - destruction were at his disposal . he could hang himself with his handkerchief to the window bars , or refuse food and die of starvation . but the first was repugnant to him 他有兩種方法可以死:一是用他的手帕掛在窗口的柵欄上吊死,一是絕食而死,但前面這個計劃使他感到厭惡。

Government may neither compel affirmation of a repugnant belief , nor penalize or discriminate against individuals or groups because they hold views abhorrent to the authorities 政府既不能強迫不一致的信條歸于統一,亦不能因為個人或群體持有某些與權威相悖的觀點就對他們加以懲罰或歧視。

The “ boobs on bikes “ parade went ahead despite auckland mayor dick hubbard labelling the promotion for an erotica show as “ morally repugnant “ 盡管奧克蘭市市長迪克?哈巴德將這個為某“色情藝術展”所做的宣傳活動評價為“道德敗壞” ,但“坦胸摩托行”仍然進行的如火如荼。

While the bloody snows of the arena floor are repugnant to some , the never - ending flow of bettors and spectators guarantees that the coffers of the town are always full 雖然競技場上染血的雪地令一些人反感,川流不息的賭徒和觀眾們卻確保了城鎮的金庫始終充裕。

Anti - abortion lobbyists , who find stem - cell research and cloning repugnant , keep the ethics of genetic technology high on the political agenda 反對墮胎的說客,他們發現了干細胞研究和克隆的不一致,保持遺傳學技術的道德規范在公眾議程里的熱衷。

A repugnant form of false modesty somehow the winners always end up pulling out some chicken scratch speech written on a lottery ticket or coaster 有些獲獎者總是錯誤地表現自己的謙虛,當眾拿出一張獎券或者杯子墊,上面寫著蛛蛛爬般的感言。

“ you placed me next to a black man . i do not agree to sit next to someone from such a repugnant group . give me an alternative seat . 你把我安排在一個黑人旁邊了。我不愿意坐在一個這樣令人反感的人種旁邊,我要求換位子。

If any term of this bill of lading be repugnant to said act to any extent , such term shall be void to that extent , but no further 本提單的條款如與上述法規相抵觸,在抵觸范圍內的應視為無效。

The fact that ethnic cleansing is repugnant does not obviate the need to devise the most appropriate response 種族清洗固然令人痛恨,但這一事實并不能排除去構想更為恰當的應對方法的必要性。

Many people will find the very idea of individuals selling their organs repugnant 很多人將會發現,個人售賣自身器官的想法令人難以接受。

Don ` t you realize how morally repugnant and politically incorrect it is . . 你就沒有意識到把沃特天生的連體兄弟掩蓋起來. .

Don t you realize how morally repugnant and politically incorrect it is 你就沒有意識到把沃特天生的連體兄弟掩蓋起來

Over here . ! - repugnant book 在這里! -令人厭惡的書