
repugnance n.厭惡,反感 (to, against; toward...


She stood apart from moral interests , yet close beside them , like a ghost that revisits the familiar fireside , and can no longer make itself seen or felt ; no more smile with the household joy , nor mourn with the kindred sorrow ; or , should it succeed in manifesting its forbidden sympathy , awakening only terror and horrible repugnance 對于人們感興趣的道德問題,她避之猶恐不及,卻又不能不關心,恰似一個幽靈重返故宅,但又無法讓家入看見或感到,不能和家中的親人們共笑同悲即使得以表現出為人禁止的同情,也只能喚起別人的恐懼與厭惡。

An uneasy feeling of mingled fear and vague repugnance took possession of him . he looked up into the heights above him , where more battens , the gas jets on which were burning low , gleamed like galaxies of little bluish stars amid a chaos of iron rods , connecting lines of all sizes , hanging stages and canvases spread out in space , like huge cloths hung out to dry 他抬頭仰望舞臺上空,上面還有一些布景照明燈,燈頭都捻小了,宛如一群淡藍色的小星星在閃爍,上面的一切都顯得雜亂無章,布景格架粗細不一的電線吊梁升在上空的幕布亂糟糟地掛在舞臺上面,幕布像晾曬著的大床單。

“ the general appeared to be affected by a nervous tremor , which prevented his answering for some moments ; then , overcoming his manifest repugnance , he pronounced the required oath , but in so low a tone as to be scarcely audible to the majority of the members , who insisted on his repeating it clearly and distinctly , which he did 將軍神經質地打了一個寒顫,好象大為感動,一時說不出話然后他克制住那種很明顯表露出來的厭惡感,道出那個他所要立的誓言,但他的聲音如此之低,簡直難以聽清。大多數會員都堅持要他清清楚楚地重復一遍,他也照辦了。

Now i cannot be sure of the approbation or disapprobation of a client who cannot speak , and as the object of his desire or his repugnance cannot be clearly proved to me , on account of his want of speech , my services here would be quite useless , and cannot be legally exercised . 現在,對一位不能講話的委托人,我無法確定他準確意思,由于他失去語言能力,不能清楚地向我表明他的好惡,所以我在這兒所做了一切都不能算是合法的,即使做了也是無效的。 ”

He stood at miss temple s side ; he was speaking low in her ear : i did not doubt he was making disclosures of my villainy ; and i watched her eye with painful anxiety , expecting every moment to see its dark orb turn on me a glance of repugnance and contempt 他站在坦普爾小姐身旁,跟她在小聲耳語。毫無疑問他在說我壞話,我急切而痛苦地注視著她的目光,無時無刻不期待著她烏黑的眸子轉向我,投來厭惡與蔑視的一瞥。

But there were other causes of repugnance ; - causes which , though still existing , and existing to an equal degree in both instances , i had myself endeavoured to forget , because they were not immediately before me . - these causes must be stated , though briefly 我所以反對這門婚姻,還有別的一些叫人嫌忌的原因這些原因雖然到現在還存在,而且在兩樁事里面同樣存在著,可是我早就盡力把它忘了,因為好在眼不見為凈。

Any one but a man of exhaustless thirst for knowledge would have had pity on seeing the steward s extraordinary repugnance for the count s projected drive without the walls ; but the count was too curious to let bertuccio off from this little journey 管家這種古怪的舉動,顯然是他忌諱伯爵這次出門,除了喜歡刨根問底的人,誰見了都會可憐他的,但伯爵的好奇心似乎太重了,非要貝爾圖喬跟著他跑這一趟不可。

“ because , “ said the old man , “ the natural repugnance to the commission of such a crime prevented you from thinking of it ; and so it ever is because in simple and allowable things our natural instincts keep us from deviating from the strict line of duty “那是因為, ”老人說, “上帝不允許人犯這樣的罪,所以阻止了這個想法鉆入你的腦子里。凡是一切簡單易行的事,我們天生的本能自會阻止我們偏離正道。

“ we were having a confidential conversation , “ returned valentine ; “ she was owning to me her repugnance to the marriage with m . de morcerf ; and i , on the other hand , was confessing to her how wretched it made me to think of marrying m . d epinay . “我們剛才談了一番心事, ”瓦朗蒂娜答道。 “她對我說她不愿意和馬爾塞夫先生結婚,而我也向她承認:我一想到要嫁給伊皮奈先生,就感到那么的痛苦。 ”

I must , however , do him the justice to add that he assured me if ever he had regretted the repugnance he felt to such a step it was on this occasion , because he thought the projected union would be a happy and suitable one 但是,我必須為他說句公道話,他說道,假如他生平對自己的這種態度曾表示過遺憾的話,那么就是這一次了,因為他認為這樁婚姻將來一定會很美滿的。

The two ladies , pressing closely to one another , and drawing the bedclothes tightly around them , remained silent to this supplicating voice , repugnance and fear taking possession of their minds 那兩位小姐緊緊地挨一起,用床單緊緊地裹住她們的身體,不理會這種懇求種種嫌惡的念頭在她們的腦子里纏繞。

Hath been - wherever , so miserably burdened , she may have hoped to find repose - it hath cast a lurid gleam of awe and horrible repugnance round about her 無論她走到哪里,無論她肩負多么悲慘的重荷,無論她可能多么巴望能得到安靜的休息,這紅字總向她周圍發散出使人畏懼令人深惡痛絕的幽光。

Overcoming a strong repugnance , i tore open his shirt at the neck , and there , sure enough , hanging to a bit of tarry string , which i cut with his own gully , we found the key 我強忍著厭惡扯開了他頸部的襯衫,那里果真掛著一條油膩膩的小繩,我用他的招刀切斷了它,我們找到了鑰匙。

During all this time , the general , on whom they thought to have relied as on a brother , manifested evidently signs of discontent and repugnance 在這期間,這位他們把他當作一個可以信賴的如兄弟一樣帶來的將軍,始終隱約現出厭惡不滿的態度。

There were eight thousand dollars to gain , without changing his route ; for which it was well worth conquering the repugnance he had for all kinds of passengers 順路帶客,凈賺八千美元。這很值得放棄他剛才說的那種厭惡一切旅客的成見。

Few of us take the pains to study our cherished convictions ; indeed , we almost have a natural repugnance to doing so 我們很少有人費心去深究一下我們所懷抱的信念。的確,我們對這樣做幾乎有一種自然而然的反感。

At that distance they accordingly stood , fixed there by the centrifugal force of the repugnance which the mystic symbol inspired 他們就這樣站在那個距離處,被那神秘的符號所激起的反感離心力釘住了。

In spite of his repugnance to address the guards , dant s turned to the nearest gendarme , and taking his hand , - 唐太斯雖然極不愿意再提出疑問,但他還是禁不住轉向靠近他的那個憲兵,抓住了他的一只手。

“ oh , “ said morcerf , “ this repugnance , if repugnance it may be called , is not all on my side . “噢! ”馬爾塞夫說道, “這種嫌惡感如果能稱做嫌惡感的話并不完全是我個人造成的。 ”