
repudiation n.1.休妻;逐子。2.拒絕;(國家、政府的)賴債,拒付...


Aspect 4 : non - repudiation means that there can be no denial on the part of the sender of having sent a message 四大保安需求之四:不可否定性在電子交易中,不可否定性是確保發件人不能否認曾發出訊息。

In addition to the above two security requirements , non - repudiation is an important requirement in b2b applications as well 除了以上兩項安全性要求以外,不可抵賴性也是b2b應用中相當重要的一個要求。

In particular , in business transactions among enterprises , the security requirement of non - repudiation needs to be satisfied 特別是在企業間的商業交易中,不可抵賴性的安全性要求需要得到滿足。

Repudiation threats involve users who can deny performing an action without other parties having any way to prove otherwise 否認威脅是指用戶未經其他各方以任何方式同意即拒絕執行某項操作。

Non - repudiation guarantees that no malicious sender can later disavow having created and sent a specific message 不可抵賴性保證了惡意發送方無法在事后抵賴其創建并發送特定消息的事實。

Information technology - open systems interconnection - security frameworks for open systems - part 4 : non - repudiation framework 信息技術開放系統互連開放系統安全框架第4部分:抗抵賴框架

This implies that non - repudiation guarantees that the sender of a message is the same as the creator of the message 這就意味著不可抵賴性保證了消息的發送方與消息的創建者為同一人。

Furthermore , digital certificate can be used for digital signing to ensure data integrity and non - repudiation 此外,電子核證證書可以作數碼簽署之用,確保資料完整,交易不可推翻。

Specifically , i ll consider message authentication , sender recipient authentication , and non - repudiation 確切地說,我將談到消息身份驗證、發送方接收方身份驗證以及不可抵賴性。

Information technology - open systems interconnection - security frameworks for open systems - non - repudiation framework 信息技術.開放系統互連.開放系統用安全幀.非廢棄幀

Information technology - security techniques - non - repudiation - part 3 : mechanisms using asymmetric techniques 信息技術.安全技術.不可抵賴.第3部分:利用不對稱技術的方法

Non - repudiation : proof of agreement to the terms of the transaction and prevention of denial of commitment 不得毀約:證明協議符合交易條款及防止任何一方不履行承諾。

Information technology - security techniques - non - repudiation - part 2 : mechanisms using symmetric techniques 信息技術.安全技術.不可抵賴.第2部分:利用對稱技術的方法

Now i ll examine the relationship between soap - dsig and ssl from the perspective of non - repudiation 現在,我將從不可抵賴性的角度分析一下soap - dsig與ssl之間的關系。

Information technology - security techniques - non - repudiation - part 3 : mechanisms using asymmetric techniques 信息技術安全技術抗抵賴第3部分:使用非對稱技術的機制

Information technology - security techniques - non - repudiation - part 2 : mechanisms using symmetric techniques 信息技術安全技術抗抵賴第2部分:使用對稱技術的機制

A more difficult aspect for us to grasp is emerson ' s deliberate repudiation of the “ power of blackness “ 更難令人理解的是愛默生何以故意不承認“邪惡勢力” 。

A more difficult aspect for us to grasp is emerson ' s deliberate repudiation of the “ power of blackness “ 更難令人理解的是愛默生何以故意不承認“邪惡勢力。 ”

You might want to persist an encrypted or signed message for non - repudiation purposes 為了使消息具有不可抵賴性,您可能想使經過加密或簽署的消息持久存在。