
repudiate vt.1.(古代)休(妻),與(妻)離婚,遺棄(妻子);...


In the event that the purchaser unjustifiably repudiates the contract , or does not meet his acceptance obligation , or is in arrears of over 30 days in respect of payments due , mentor is entitled to demand damage compensation for non - performance 如果客戶不正當的違反合同或不承擔接受產品的相應職責,或拖欠應付賬款30天以上,門拓有權索要損失賠償。

We hereby nominate our faithful charger copula felix hereditary grand vizier and announce that we have this day repudiated our former spouse and have bestowed our royal hand upon the princess selene , the splendour of night 我特此任命忠實的戰馬“幸運的紐帶”為世襲首相218 ,并且宣布,今天就與前妻離婚,迎娶夜之光輝塞勒涅219公主為妻。

Also , a malicious enterprise a could repudiate the second order and claim that the second order is the result of a replay attack by a malicious enterprise c , even though enterprise a actually sent the order 同樣,惡意的甲企業也可以抵賴第二份訂單,并聲稱這第二份訂單是惡意的丙企業再現攻擊的結果,盡管事實上它是甲企業發送的訂單。

The fiction is a presumption or assumption which cannot be refuted from the law , a presumption which cannot be repudiated , a well - intentioned mistake , a legal assumption and a surreal untruth 擬制是指一種法律上的不容反駁的推定或假定,是一個“不可推翻的推定” , “一個善意的錯誤” 、 “一個法律的假定” 、 “一個超現實的虛構” 。

B has taken steps to repudiate or nullify existing contracts or agreements with any united states citizen or any corporation , partnership , or association not less than 50 per centum beneficially owned by united states citizens , or 政府專家委員會由每個成員國指定一名或多名代表組成,一些對此感興趣的非成員國也可被邀請作為觀察員。

To achieve this goal , we must firmly repudiate the traitors ' theories of compromise and capitulation , and combat national defeatism according to which it is impossible to defeat the japanese aggressors 為了達到這一目的,應該堅決反對那種投降妥協的漢奸理論,同時也應該堅決反對那種以為無法戰勝日寇的民族失敗主義。

In the paper the monetary policy ineffectiveness proposition ca n ' t repudiate the effectiveness of the china ' s monetary policy under deflation because of the imperfect markets and the information asymmetry 本文認為,由于市場的非完全性、信息的不對稱性,貨幣政策無效命題否定不了通貨緊縮下我國貨幣政策的效力。

For all practical purposes , these various issues were repudiated by the middle of 1783 , the effect being at ax8 on those who held the depreciating currency while it declined in value9 出于一切實際的考慮,到了1783年中期,所發行的各種貨幣被拒絕接受,這樣一來紙幣價值下降對持有貶值鈔票的人是個麻煩。

And i sang with so much character that my mother did not dare contradict me when i told her i wanted to learn the piano instead of the accordion that had been repudiated by my grandmother 我唱得相當有特色,所以我跟媽媽說要學鋼琴時她都不敢表示反對?本來是要學手風琴的,被外祖母駁回后只好另謀途徑。

For all practical purposes , these various issues were repudiated by the middle of 1783 , the effect being a tax on those who held the depreciating currency while it declined in value 處于一切實際的考慮,到了1783年中期,所發行的各種貨幣被拒絕接受,這樣一來紙幣價值下降對持有貶值鈔票的人是個麻煩。

If , based on the reservation of title , mentor takes back the delivery object , the contract will only be deemed to have been repudiated if mentor makes an explicit declaration in this regard 如果在保留產品所有權的基礎上,門拓將所運物品取回,合同只有在門拓清楚申明的情況下才會被認為是否決。

I could tell you the moon is made of green cheese and you would subscribe to the notion , at least you would not repudiate it , because i ve got dollars , mountains of them 說不定我告訴你月亮是生奶酪做的,你也會贊成,至少不會反對,因為我有錢,錢堆成了山。可我的作品很久以前就完成了。

Roman general under julius caesar in the gallic wars ; repudiated his wife for the egyptian queen cleopatra ; they were defeated by octavian at actium ( 83 - 30 bc ) 高盧的戰爭中,朱利葉斯凱撒將軍領導下的羅馬將軍;為了埃及王后克利奧帕特拉而拒絕了他的妻子;他們被海巖群落屋大維打敗。

The presumption permits to be refuted and repudiated on the basis of the fact , however , the fiction is ultimate though it does not accord with the logic or the fact possibly 推定是允許基于事實加以反駁和推翻的,而擬制是終局性的,盡管它可能既不合邏輯也不符合事實。

The fiction is the makeup which cannot be repudiated . there full of the fictions of the law and political phenomena which are regarded as the main research objects of the law 擬制就是不可推翻的虛構,在作為法學主要研究對象的法律和政治現象中,到處充斥著這種虛構。

If a principal is aware that a civil act is being executed in his name but fails to repudiate it , his consent shall be deemed to have been given 未經追認的行為,由行為人承擔民事責任。本人知道他人以本人名義實施民事行為而不作否認表示的,視為同意。

Dalton , the chemist , repudiated the notion of his being “ a genius “ , attributing everything which he had accomplished to simple industry and accumulation 化學家道爾頓拒絕接受他本人是“天才”的看法,他認為他完成的一切工作都完全是由于勤奮和積累。

Until danny learns enough to repudiate the past , and with it , bart and all he stands for . the transformation is made easier for danny because he believes bart dead 主人巴叔因失去丹尼而打開殺戎,寧他死無全尸卻不欲他茍且偷生成為普通人。

I think procuratorial interpretation exists as one social being for long time in our country , it is improper to totally repudiate rashly 筆者認為,檢察解釋在我國作為一個社會存在已經有了較長一段時間,貿然全盤否定是不妥的。