
republish vt.1.再出版;再發表;再發行。2.【法律】重新訂立(...


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The paper combine a series of top grade technique such as virtual reality technique , database technique and network technique and so on , particularly discuss the running way of active alternating website based on intraweb , design a standard model library underlying web including inquiring , browsing and republishing and so on , apply new - style way of design and management , bring forward a new - style way of republishing and sharing information on web 本文融合虛擬現實技術、數據庫技術、網絡技術等一系列高新技術,對基于intraweb的動態交互式web運作方式進行了詳細的論述,設計了基于武漢理工大學碩士學位論文w七b的國家通用標準件庫網上查詢、瀏覽、發布等功能模塊,并應用新型的設計與管理理念,討論了面向企業的標準件庫的建立以及一種新型的網上信息發布和共享途徑。

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Except as expressly agreed in writing between you and cleverlearn , no material from the site may be copied , duplicated , modified , reproduced , republished , uploaded , posted , transmitted , or distributed in any way , except that you may use our site for your personal , noncommercial use only , provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices 除非你與慧學英語達成明確得協議,你不得以任何形式從本網站上復制、改變、重新發表、上傳、粘貼、傳播、散布任何信息材料,除非這是為了個人而商業用途,并且不更改所有版權和其他獨家聲明。

The result was a full page in a sunday supplement , filled with photographs and idealized drawings of marian , with many intimate details of martin eden and his family , and with the full text of “ the palmist “ in large type , and republished by special permission of mackintosh s magazine 結果是在星期日增刊上占了一大版,滿是照片和茉莉安理想化的畫像。還加上許多馬丁伊登和他的家庭的親切的瑣事。手相家正文經過麥金托什雜志特許,以大號字體全文刊載。

If the report included query - based or expression - based parameters , updating a single parameter property usually meant you had to republish the report . failure to republish the report resulted in reports that were missing query - based default values after a parameter property was changed 如果報表包括基于查詢或基于表達式的參數,則更新單個參數屬性通常意味著必須重新發布該報表,否則,將導致報表在參數屬性更改之后丟失基于查詢的默認值。

Concentrated on his working for several decades , mr zhang rewrote the draft of “ general survey of forged ancient books “ twice , which has been republished for four times ever since . the book has been well received by the intellectuals due to its “ abundance “ and “ profundity “ 他數十年筆耕不輟,精益求精兩易其稿,使《偽書通考》以“博”與“精”經受住了時間的考驗,至今它已再版四次,為士林所重。

The section on rm faults is largely unchanged , although it was updated to use a documentation style consistent with that used in the recently republished ws - addressing specification to define how the fault properties are bound to both soap1 . 1 and soap1 . 2 Rm faults這一節大部分沒有改變,盡管它被更新為采用與最近發布的ws - addressing規范一致的文檔類型來定義如何綁定fault屬性到soap1 . 1和soap1 . 1 。

2 the contents of the site may not be copied , reproduced , distributed , republished , downloaded , displayed , posted or transmitted in any form or by any means without itf ' s prior written consent , except as stated below at 2 . 3 2這個地點的內容不能在任何形式或由沒有itf的優先的書面允許的任何工具被拷貝,復制,散布,再行,下載,顯示,張貼或播送,除了是在2 . 3點下面說了。

Merge replication can accommodate this requirement through republishing , an approach in which a central publisher publishes data to one or more subscribers , which then publish the data out to other subscribers 合并復制可通過重新發布來滿足此要求,在這種方法中,一個中心發布服務器向一個或多個訂閱服務器發布數據,后者然后再將數據發布到其他訂閱服務器。

They shall not be used , copied or republished by any persons except expressly authorized by cathay pacific . cathay pacific has carefully reviewed the contents and taken all steps we consider reasonable to ascertain their accuracy 上述由國泰航空公司提供之資料僅供參考用途,除非獲國泰航空明確授權,否則任何人士均不可應用、轉載或復印該等內容。

Standard transactional replication also supports a republishing hierarchy : updates are delivered from a publisher to a set of republishing subscribers , who in turn deliver updates to a final set of 標準事務性復制還支持重新發布層次結構:將更新從發布服務器傳遞到一組重新發布訂閱服務器,這些訂閱服務器依次將更新傳遞到最終的一組“葉節點”

Alternatively , you can publish the site as an updateable site , which does not compile the . aspx files into stubs , and therefore allows you to change markup and layout without recompiling and republishing 也可以將站點發布為可更新站點,這不會將. aspx文件編譯為存根,因此允許您在不進行重新編譯和重新發布的情況下更改標記和布局。

That protection gives you the right ( subject to a narrow range of fair use exceptions ) to control how others copy the work , whether they copy it to republish it or to share an excerpt 此種保護給予你權利去控制別人如何拷貝你的作品(此權利受制于窄范圍的合理使用的例外規定) ,而無論他們拷貝是為了重新出版還是分享一個摘要。

There were also protests by muslims in turkey , france and britain on saturday and sunday against the cartoons , which were most recently republished friday by an anti - immigration group in finland 周六和周日,在土耳其、法國和英國也發生了一些漫畫抗議事件,爭對芬蘭的一個反移民組織在周五重新刊行那些漫畫。

The above contents provided by cathay pacific is for information purposes only . they shall not be used , copied or republished by any persons except expressly authorized by cathay pacific 上述由國泰航空公司提供之資料僅供參考用途,除非獲國泰航空明確授權,否則任何人士均不可應用轉載或復印此等內容。