
republication n.再版(的書);再發表,再發行。


With the development of electronics and microcomputer , microprocessor - based protection has advanced . but some of them are just the republication of the electromechanical and electronic proteciton . they can not fully utilize the computing capability and logic judgement that the computer has and most of the microprocessor - based protection is running isolated 異步電動機保護的研究由來已久,隨著電子和微機技術的發展,異步電動機微機保護也得到了快速的發展,但很多僅是機電式和電子式保護的翻版,沒有充分利用微機所具有的強大的計算能力和邏輯判斷能力,而且目前的異步電動機保護裝置大都是單臺運行,與外界進行數據交換很少。

The reproduction or use of this work in any form or by any electronic , mechanical , or other means , now known or hereafter invented , including photocopying and recording , and including republication as or in connection with instructional or training seminars , and in any storage and retrieval system , is forbidden to anyone except an authorized wal - mart associate doing so for the sole purpose of training wal - mart associates on the material contained within 除非出于培訓目的而獲特別授權,否則任何人,不論出于任何目的,都不能將此文件的任何部分以任何形式通過任何方式,如電子或機械印刷等,進行復制或傳播,包括影印、抄錄,或使用其他信息儲存與回收系統。

With the development of electronics and microcomputer , microprocessor - based protection has advanced . but much of than are just the republication of the electromechanical and electronic protection . many advantages of the computer , such as nunerical evaluation data storage and logical decision , is n ' t used 異步電動機保護的研究由來已久,隨著電子和微機技術的發展,異步電動機微機保護也得到了大力的發展,但很多僅是機電式和電子式保護的翻版,沒有真正利用微機所具有強大的數值計算能力、數據存儲能力和邏輯判斷能力,使保護更加的精確、可靠和智能化。

No republication restrictions . ) the promise of china trade by colin l . powell ( the author is the u . s . secretary of state . ) today president bush will submit to congress a determination extending normal trade relations status to china for another year 中國貿易的希望科林? l ?鮑威爾(美國國務卿)今天,布什總統將向國會提交把與中國的正常貿易關系地位延長一年的決定。

Users are free to download , save , reproduce , distribute or transmit the information for personal use , not for commercial republication , provided it is copied in its entirety , but full acknowledgement of source must be given 使用者可免費下載,復制,分發或傳送資料作個人用途,而并非作商業再版,但該參考資料必須完整地復印,并須標明資料來源。

The article is in the public domain ; there are no republication restrictions 的輿論社論版上,以下是文章的譯文,由

Several firms offered to obtain republication of his novel . 好幾家公司提出希望重版他的小說。