
republican adj.1.共和政體的,共和國的;共和主義的;〔R-〕〔...


He climaxed his blunders by declaring at winona, minnesota, that the measure was the best tariff act that the republican party had ever passed . 在明尼蘇達州的威諾納,他宣稱此法是共和黨通過的最好關稅法,致使自己的錯誤達到頂點。

The republican convention was a gloomy conclave, and it seemed that the delegates knew they were going through necessary motions . 共和黨人的代表大會是一次陰沉的秘密會議。代表們似乎認識到,他們不過是在做出一些必要的姿態。

Any good republican candidate would have had a chance of unseating voorhis in 1946 despite his popularity and his incumbency . 盡管沃勒斯深孚眾望并且在職,可是任何一個出色的共和黨候選人都能有機會在1946年奪去他的席位。

By refusing to heed the popular call in 1908 he denied himself the opportunity to render his greatest service to the republican party . 1908年他拒絕考慮人民的呼聲,從而也就摒棄了為共和黨盡忠效力的機會了。

Much coverage surrounded his abortive bids for the 1960, 1964, and 1968 republican presidential nominations . 許多消息報道都圍繞著1960年、1964年和1968年他為爭取提名為共和黨總統候選人所做努力的失敗。

The republican party, however, organized in 1854, made a special point of seeking immigrant support, particularly in the midwest . 不過1854年組織的共和黨特別努力要獲得移民的擁護,尤其在中西部。

He would not be able to run the risk of driving them into alliance with the republicans by further antagonism on domestic issues . 他不能冒險在國內問題上再與他們為敵,把他們趕到共和黨那一邊去。

The stock market, president hoover's popularity, and public confidence in the republican party fell off sharply in 1929 . 在一九二九年,證券市場,胡佛總統的聲望,公眾對共和黨的信心,一落千丈。

The climax came when democrats and insurgent republicans in congress forced an investigation of the interior department . 當國會中的民主黨人和共和黨造反派強行對內政部進行調查時,斗爭達到高潮。

At their insistence, a plank declaring “unequivocally for the revision of the tariff“ was written in the republican platform . 在他們的堅持下,把“堅決爭取修改關稅”條款與進了共和黨的政綱。

Republican leaders must have surveyed the political scene during the early months of 1936 with considerable dismay . 1936年頭幾個月,共和黨的領袖們一定懷著相當的沮喪情緒考察過政治舞臺。

And unwittingly they turned the next administration over to their business that once again were in control of the republican party . 他們無意中將下屆政府轉給再次控制共和黨的企業界。

Republicans would have spared themselves much future trouble if they had left well enough alone in tariff legislation . 如果共和黨人在關稅立法方面很少過問,他們以后會省去許多麻煩。

The bill was easily passed by the house, with 153 democrats and 136 republicans voting aye . 法案輕易在眾院通過,有一百五十三名民主黨議員和一百三十六名共和黨議員投了贊成票。

For the infant nation, victory in the war and for the republican principle came as a heartening overture . 對于剛剛出生的國家而言,戰爭與共和原則的勝利,是使人鼓舞的開端。

Realizing his own limitations, he was skeptical about running for the republican presidential nomination . 由于認識到自己的局限性,他沒有信心爭取共和黨總統候選人提名。

The republican platform gave notice of the gop's intention to destroy wilsooianism and all its works . 共和黨政綱反映出共和黨摧毀威爾遜主義及某一切措施的意圖。

On slavery, republicans and their presidential candidate, lincoln, were speaking hesitantly in 1860 . 1860年,共和黨及其總統候選人林肯對農奴制的口吻是猶豫的。

Democratic strength increased only slightly because of the strong republican foothold in all cities . 民主力量只有微弱上升,因為共和黨在各個城市的勢力很強。