
republic n.1.共和國;共和政體。2.…圈,…界,…壇。3.〔古...


Chinese embassy in the republic of croatia 中華人民共和國駐克羅地亞共和國大使館

The republic of krakozhia is under new leadership 卡科日亞共和國有了新的領導層

The democratic republic of the congo, a former belgian colony, became independent on 30 june 1960. in the days that followed, disorder broke out . 一九六年六月三十日,曾經是比利時殖民地的剛果民主共和國宣告獨立。在獨立以后便發生了動亂。

Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president 's palace in a new african republic .. 去年,一位記者受命于一家有名的雜志,寫一篇關于非洲某個新共和國的總統的文章。

The confirmation of the republic has been my object; and i know that the republic can be established on the eternal basis of morality . 確保共和國的存在一直是我的目標;我知道共和國只能在永存的道德基礎上才能建立起來。

It is the theory of the republic that in deciding such controversies, the judges of the state should have a large amount of discretion . 《共和國》中的理論是,在裁決這樣的爭議時,國家的法官應當擁有很大的自由裁量權。

Their action came none too soon, for events in europe and asia demanded concerted cooperation for peace by the american republics . 他們采取行動的時間恰到好處,因為歐亞兩洲的事變要求美洲各共和國一致合作以爭取和平。

The establishment of the third french republic in 1870 showed that america was right in believing in that country's democratic ideals . 一八七年,法國第三共和國成立,這證明美國對于該國的民主理想有信心,有道理。

The vices, concealments, and crimes which are the diseases of republics are the very health and existence of monarchies . 邪惡,詭譎、犯罪等等對共和國來說是癰疽,對君主政治來說卻是健全和賴以生存的要素。

Last year a journalist had been instructed by a magazine to write an article on the president 's palace in a new african republic . 去年,一位記者受命于一家雜志,寫一篇關于非洲某個新共和國的總統的文章。

Pisa was a republic in the middle ages, with a government of her own, armies and navies of her own, and a great commerce . 在中古時代,比薩是個共和國,有自己的政府,有自己的陸海軍,還有很發達的商業。

If anyone had doubted this proposition, it received full verification in the tribulations of the dominican republic . 如果有誰懷疑這個說法,那么它都在多米尼加共和國的災難中已得到了充分的證明。

The problem facing the new republic was to find a suitable substitute for a king whose rule is handed down by his family . 國王的主權是世襲的,新共和國遇到的問題是找一個適當的代替國王的人。

Chou sent back an acerbic note accusing us of seeking to enmesh the people's republic in the vietnam problem . 周恩來回復了一封尖刻的信,指責我們想把中華人民共和國糾纏到越南問題中去。

On october 1 , 1949 , chairman mao zedong proclaimed to the world the birth of the people 's republic of china . 一九四九年十月一日,毛澤東主席向全世界宣告中華人民共和國誕生了。

The founding of the people 's republic of china marked the beginning of the historical period of socialism in our country . 中華人民共和國的成立標志著我國社會主義歷史階段的開始。

That caribbean republic defaulted on its foreign debt of $32,000,000 after prolonged civil war. 那個加勒比地區共和國在長期內戰之后,未能償還它的三千二百萬美元外債。

Her position as a small and weak state hedged in by a large and powerful republic became untenable . 它作為一個被強大的共和國所包圍住的弱小的州的地位已難以維持。

The people's republic of china is a country with a consistent policy of peace and friendship to her neighbours . 中華人民共和國對鄰國的一貫政策是和平與友誼。