
reptilian adj.1.(像)爬行動物的;(像)爬蟲類的。2.卑劣的...


, as48 was identified to be the mouse sox4 homologue . ts47 may be a sox21 orthologue of trionyx sinensis , and , as47 may be a sox4 orthologue of alligator sinensis based on blast search . blast analyses showed that the percentage of identity at the amino acid level in the hmg - box region between ts - 41 , - 42 , as - 41 , - 42 and the non - reptilian sox - 1 , - 2 , - 3 was lower than that among the non - reptilian sox - l , - 2 , - 3 同源序列比較表明: as43 46和ts43 46與鼠sox12的hmg盒區有95的氨基酸同源性,表明是鼠sox12的同源基因( homologues ) : as47 as48與鼠sox4的hmg盒區分別有100和97的氨基酸同源性,可以認為as47 48是鼠sox4的同源基因;與鼠、鳥sox21的hmg盒區相比, ts47分別有98和100的氨基酸同源性。

China is geographically large and has variegated ecosystems , and this has made it one of the countries with the richest biodiversity in the world . more than 30000 species of seed plants , 581 species of mammals , 1244 species of birds , 376 species of reptilians , and 284 species amphibians have been identified 中國地域遼闊,生態系統類型多樣,決定了中國是世界上生物多樣性最豐富的國家之一,我國目前已知種子植物30000余種,獸類581種,鳥類1244種,爬行類376種,兩棲類284種。

However , because of the huge population and environmental pollution , and uncontrolled deforestation and hunting , the biodiversity in china has been decreasing quickly . about 4500 species of higher plants , 134 species of mammals , 187 species of birds , 17 species of reptilians and 7 species of amphibians are highly endangered or endangered , which is over the wor ld average level 但由于中國人口眾多,加之環境污染、歷史上的濫伐森林、毀草開荒,濫捕濫獵等人為因素,造成中國生物多樣性數量不斷減少,全國瀕危和受威脅的高等植物種數約4500種,獸類134種,鳥類182種,爬行類17種,兩棲類7種,高于世界平均水平。

Grey correlation analyses show that at the time axis , the factors influencing the diversity of plants strongly are primary productivity , annual precipitation , relative humidity , mean temperature in january , and potential evaporation etc . the spatial distribution pattern of terrestrial vertebrates including mammals , birds , reptilians and amphibians were studied with methods similar to those for plants . 7 d 通過d以排序表明, d以第一軸與多個環境因子均呈顯著相關,其中與經度、年均溫、年均降水量、年均相對濕度、潛在蒸發量、初級生產力呈正相關,與緯度、海拔、年均風速、寒冷指數、年均日照率呈負相關。

Ancient astronauts have been described as bi - pedal entities often with beaks or wings , or reptilian looking , gray aliens , ethereal , or humanoid coming and going in space craft of some kind or moving in and out of our dimension 古代太空人被描繪成一種兩足動物的實體,經常帶有喙(鳥嘴)或者翼,或者像爬蟲類的樣子,灰色的外星人,天上的人,或者有人的特點的生物在某些宇宙飛船來回走動,在我們的維度上進出。

As ascending initiates embody the language of light , gray and reptilian programming and machinery dissolves as it is not powerful enough as thought - form to remain in the presence of the unity based tones of creation 當提升者融入光之語時,灰人及爬蟲軍的程序及機械裝置被解散,因為在造物的統一音調在場的情況下,它們不再足夠強大而能作為思想形態存在。

Whether or not our neurological wiring is mimicking our reptilian past here , the meaning of the shrug among humans is the same as that among turtles : “ this is too much for me to handle 無論我們的神經傳導是否在模仿我們的爬行動物始祖,聳肩的意義對人類和對烏龜是一樣的: “這讓我無能為力” 。

What they really mean is that they conceded to their primative emotions ( the reptilian brain based ) as opposed to the calculations of the rational part of the brain 真正的含義就是他們讓步他們的主要情感(以象爬蟲腦為基礎)反抗腦的推理部位的算計。

Physical desciption : kapak are larger and more draconic than baaz , with elongated reptilian snouts , sharp - toothed maws , and horned heads 物理描述:卡帕克龍人比巴茲龍人更大而且更像龍,他們有細長的爬蟲類鼻口部,鋒利的獠牙和生角的頭部。

As a result of the experimentation of the grays and reptilians upon mankind , many dissonant souls remaining upon earth come from such experiences 你也可從中看到地球自身是如何掉入一個類似模式的,因此也可明了為何她的提升會如此之難。

Presently , your greatest state of unrest or discomfort comes from beings of a reptilian type of existence because they seem the most foreign to you 目前,你不安或不舒適的最大情形來源于爬蟲類存在生命,因為它們完全對你來說外來。

Perhaps it appears lost for a time , as in the experience of your reptilian and gray brothers and sisters (地球)看上去也許丟失了一段時間,就像你們在灰人與爬蟲兄弟姐妹們身上經歷的一樣。

So they must have had a reptilian physiology ? that is , a typically “ cold - blooded , ” slow metabolism 所以, ?們必然也有著爬行類的生理學,也就是典型的冷血動物,代謝速率很慢。

When we are out of control with rage , it is our reptilian brain overriding our rational brain components 我們處于憤怒時候是不受控制的,就是高于我們推理腦部位的象爬蟲腦。

As the grays and reptilians experimented upon humanity , such souls took over the human forms experimented upon 地球的提升要求每個物種都單一磁場化并和大中樞太陽再次共振。

Just as all humans are not bad , it is the same with the reptilians 就像所有的人類都不壞,它是與爬蟲類動物類似。

Reptilian fauna and zoogeographic division of jiangxi province 江西南磯山自然保護區兩棲爬行動物資源調查與評價

For this reason , it is often called the ' reptilian brain ' 因為這個原因,經常稱它為‘象爬蟲的腦’ 。

Reptilian fauna and zoogeographic division of gansu province 甘肅省爬行動物區系與地理區劃