
reprovision vt.再給…食品,補充糧食給…。


“ the existing mei foo sun chuen post office has faithfully served customers in the district for over 31 years , “ said mr . allan chiang , the postmaster general . “ in an effort to modernize and upgrade our facilities for the benefit of our customers , we therefore decided to reprovision the office to new accommodation 香港郵政署長蔣任宏表示:現時的美孚新?郵政局已為區內?民忠誠服務超過三十一年,為了提供更現代化的設施和更優質的服務,我們決定把郵政局遷往新址。

The remaining pumphousescells are reserved for future developments on the vacant sites across austin road and proponents are required to include in their proposal provision to preserve , modify or reprovision these pumphousescells within waterfront site ( s ) in the development area . currently there is no definite programme for the future development of these vacant sites 馀下的泵房泵室,則會預留給柯士甸道以北各塊空地日后進行發展之用。建議者須在其發展建議書內,為保存、改建或重置發展區海旁土地內的這些泵房泵室預作籌劃。

Criii is needed to provide land for essential transport infrastructure including the central - wanchai bypass and road p2 network and to reprovision existing waterfront facilities e . g . pumping stations providing cooling water for buildings in central , star ferry piers and queen s pier 中區填海第三期工程是為了提供土地,以建造中環灣仔繞道和p2道路網等必要的運輸基建項目,及重置現有的海傍設施例如為中區樓宇供應冷卻用水的抽水站天星碼頭和皇后碼頭。

“ the existing king s road post office has been faithfully serving customers in the district for over 40 years , “ said mr . allan chiang , the postmaster general . “ in an effort to modernize and upgrade our facilities for the benefit of our customers , we will reprovision the office to new accommodation 香港郵政署長蔣任宏表示:現時的英皇道郵政局已忠誠為區內市民服務了超過四十年,為提供更現代化的設施和更優質的服務,我們便把郵政局遷往新址。

With the upturn in our economy , an early reactivation of the plan to reprovision the central government offices and the legislative council building , shelved some time ago , will help meet a practical need and create thousands of jobs badly needed by the construction industry 在香港整體經濟好轉下,較早時擱置的遷建政府總部和立法會大樓的計劃,如果能盡快恢復展開,既可解決實際需要,也為建筑行業帶來數以千計的急需職位。

Advance reclamation areas are needed to reprovision affected facilities , such as the star ferry pier and queen s pier , before the existing facilities can be taken out of service to facilitate the dredging and construction of the cwb tunnel and the rest of the reclamation 為方便挖掘和建造中環灣仔繞道隧道和進行馀下的填海工程,天星碼頭及皇后碼頭等受影響的現有設施必須在預先填辟的土地上重置,現有設施才可終止運作。

Choice of site the new slaughter house is designed to reprovision the 3 existing abattoirs in kennedy town , cheung sha wan and yuen long . these buildings were located in the built - up areas and had caused much environmental nuisance to their neighbourhoods 興建全新屠房之目的在于取代堅尼地城,長沙灣及元朗的三個屠房,因為它們位處市區,在運作時經常產生環境衛生問題,對附近居民造成滋擾。

There is also a need to reprovision existing waterfront facilities pumping stations providing cooling water for buildings in central , the star ferry piers , queen s pier , which will be affected by the criii reclamation 中區填海第三期工程亦是為了重置為提供上述必要運輸基建項目而填海,而受影響的現有海傍設施例如為中區樓宇供應冷卻用水的抽水站天星碼頭及皇后碼頭。

To create a commitment of $ 128 . 7 million in mod prices for the construction of a prevocational school at northcote close , pokfulam , hong kong to reprovision the caritas st . francis secondary school at caine road , central 建議批準開立為數1億2 , 870萬元的新承擔額(按付款當日價格計算) ,以便在薄扶林羅富國徑興建1所職業先修學校,重置中區堅道的明愛圣方濟各中學。

To create a commitment of 128 . 7 million in mod prices for the construction of a prevocational school at northcote close , pokfulam , hong kong to reprovision the caritas st . francis secondary school at caine road , central 建議批準開立為數1億2 , 870萬元的新承擔額按付款當日價格計算,以便在薄扶林羅富國徑興建1所職業先修學校,重置中區堅道的明愛圣方濟各中學。

On completion , it will reprovision the dilapidated yau ma tei fruit market and the temporary poultry market at cheung sha wan , and at the same time to reprovision the cheung sha wan wholesale food market phase i to optimise land utilisation 該處正進行長沙灣副食品批發市場第二期發展計劃,以盡量善用土地和重置破舊的油麻地鮮果市場及長沙灣臨時家禽市場。

With the added capacity of this new plant , wsd will have the opportunity to reprovision the 40 - year - old sha tin treatment works to further improve the reliability of water supply . endthursday , november 27 , 2003 增添了這座高產量的濾水廠,水務署可以重建已有四十年歷史的沙田濾水廠,進一步提高供水系統的可靠程度。

To launch a population based cervical screening programme in collaboration with other health services providers in 2003 - 04 . to continue to open or reprovision service centres and clinics with improved accessibility to clients 繼續開設新的服務中心和診所,與及搬遷部份現有服務中心和診所,以方便顧客使用有關服務。

The requirements to retain , modify or reprovision the existing twin cell box culvert are provided in section 4 . 4 . 2 ( f ) ( ii ) of volume one of ifp and annex 4 . 13 of volume two of ifp 有關保留、修改或重置現有雙管箱型暗渠的規定,載于發展建議邀請書第一冊第4 . 4 . 2 ( f ) ( ii )節及發展建議邀請書第二冊附件4

The capacity of china ferry terminal is not sufficient . it is suggested to expand it or to reprovision to other areas , like tsuen wan , and accompanied with well - planned road network 中港碼頭的載客量不足以應付需要,建議加以擴充,或于其他地區(如荃灣)興建同類碼頭,配建規劃完善的公路網絡。

In section 4 . 5 . 2 ( b ) of the ifp , there is a statement of the reprovision of the tsim sha tsui fire station complex before construction of the tower blocks at the eastern end of the development area 5 . 2 ( b )節有這么一句:尖沙咀消防局綜合大樓必須于興建發展區東端的摩天大樓之前重置。

There is an overriding public need to reprovision the essential facilities of water - cooling pumping stations , ferry piers and public landing steps affected by the criii works 可見確有凌駕性的公眾需要,重置受到中區填海第三期工程影響的冷卻用水抽水站天星碼頭及公眾登岸梯級。

So at this point , it probably makes sense to reprovision these resources to the risk management application or other grid applications that might run around the clock 因此現在來說,我們可以將這些資源重新提供給風險管理應用程序,或者當時可能運行的其他網格應用程序。

“ in an effort to modernize and upgrade our facilities for the benefit of our customers , we took the initiative to reprovision the office to new accommodation 我們努力改善新郵局設施質素并使之更為現代化,以便繼續為市民提供優良的郵政服務。