
reproval n.=reproof1.


Article 40 any staff member of administrative authorities at various levels who has neglected his duties , committed illegalities for personal gai , resulting harms to the complaint reporting works shall be subject to a reproval or a disciplinary sanction according to the circumstances ; or shall be adjudicated for by the judicial orga for his criminal liability according to law if the offe e co titutes a crime 第四十條各級行政機關的工作人員,在信訪工作中玩忽職守、徇私舞弊,給工作造成損失的,視情節輕重,給予批評教育或者依法給予行政處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 40 any staff member of administrative authorities at various levels who has neglected his duties , committed illegalities for personal gains , resulting harms to the complaint reporting works shall be subject to a reproval or a disciplinary sanction according to the circumstances ; or shall be adjudicated for by the judicial organs for his criminal liability according to law if the offense constitutes a crime 第四十條各級行政機關的工作人員,在* *工作中玩忽職守、徇私舞弊,給工作造成損失的,視情節輕重,給予批評教育或者依法給予行政處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 40 any staff member of administrative authorities at various levels who has neglected his duties , committed illegalities for personal gains , resulting harms to the complaint reporting works shall be subject to a reproval or a disciplinary sanction according to the circumstances ; or shall be adjudicated for by the judicial organs for his criminal liability according to law if the offense constitutes a crime 第四十條各級行政機關的工作人員,在信訪工作中玩忽職守、徇私舞弊,給工作造成損失的,視情節輕重,給予批評教育或者依法給予行政處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。