
reproof n.責備,譴責。 in reproof of 對…加以責...


She couldn ' t imagine dinah ' s face turning away from her in dark reproof or scorn , dinah ' s voice willingly speaking ill of her , or rejoicing in her misery as a punishment 她不敢想象黛娜在的譴責和輕蔑中把臉轉過去的樣子,黛娜似乎想要說她的壞話,還要把自己的快樂建立在她的痛苦懲罰之上。

For roughness : it is a needless cause of discontent : severity breedeth fear , but roughness breedeth hate . even reproofs from authority , ought to be grave , and not taunting 粗暴引起不滿,其實完全可免。嚴厲僅產生畏懼,粗暴則造成仇恨。即使上官申斥,亦宜出之以嚴肅,而不應惡語傷人。

For roughness ; it is a needless cause of discontent : severity hreedeth fear , but roughness hreedeth hate . even reproofs from authority ought to be grave , and not taunting 至于粗暴,那是一種不必要的招怨之道。嚴厲生畏,但是粗暴生恨,即在公事上的譴責也應當莊重而不應當侮辱嘲弄。

Catherine supped with her brother and sister - in - law : joseph and i joined in an unsociable meal , seasoned with reproofs on one side and sauciness on the other 凱瑟琳和她的哥哥嫂嫂一塊吃晚飯。約瑟夫和我合吃了一頓不和氣的飯,一方在申斥,另一方也不客氣。

“ your humility , mr . bingley , “ said elizabeth , “ must disarm reproof . “ nothing is more deceitful , “ said darcy , “ than the appearance of humility “彬格萊先生, ”伊麗莎白說, “你這樣謙虛,真叫人家本來要責備你也不好意思責備了。 ”

2 pet . 2 : 16 but had reproof for his own transgression : a dumb beast of burden , uttering with a man ' s voice , restrained the madness of the prophet 彼后二16為自己的過犯且受了責備;那不能說話的驢,竟以人聲發言,攔阻了申言者的狂妄。

The clergyman stayed to exchange a few sentences , either of admonition or reproof , with his haughty parishioner ; this duty done , he too departed 牧師呆著同他高傲的教區居民交換了幾句勸導或是責備的話,盡了這番責任,也離去了。

But had reproof for his own transgression : a dumb beast of burden , uttering with a man ' s voice , restrained the madness of the prophet 16為自己的過犯且受了責備;那不能說話的驢,竟以人聲發言,攔阻了申言者的狂妄。

There was really something exceedingly human - if not pathetic - in his being thus relieved by a clearly worded reproof 明擺著是一封譴責他的信,他竟能從中得到寬慰,倘若不是可悲,也是人性弱點的過份體現。

Turn you at my reproof : behold , i will pour out my spirit unto you , i will make known my words unto you 你們要因我的責備回轉,我就把我的心意( “心意”或譯: “靈” )向你們傾吐,把我的話指示你們。

Your reproof , so well applied , i shall never forget : “ had you behaved in a more gentleman - like manner . 你罵我的話,確實罵得好,叫我一輩子也忘不了。你說:假如你表現得有禮貌一些就好了。

The perplexity and dissatisfaction of the house expressed itself in murmurs and provoked a reproof from the bench 全場一片低語聲,表達了人們的困惑和不滿的情緒,結果引起了法官的一陣申斥。

Yet let no one find fault , and let none offer reproof ; for your people are like those who contend with the priest 何4 : 4然而人都不必爭辯、也不必指責、因為這民與抗拒祭司的人一樣。

He who neglects discipline despises himself , but he who listens to reproof acquires understanding 箴15 : 32棄絕管教的、輕看自己的生命聽從責備的、卻得智慧。

He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul : but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding 32棄絕管教的,輕看自己的生命。聽從責備的,卻得智慧。

“ albert , albert , “ said madame de morcerf , in a tone of mild reproof , “ what are you saying 阿爾貝! ”馬爾塞夫夫人用一種溫和的責備口氣說, “你在說什么呀?

Poverty and shame will come to him who refuses correction , but he who regards reproof will be honored 18棄絕管教的,必致貧受辱;看重責備的,必得尊榮。

[ kjv ] he is in the way of life that keepeth instruction : but he that refuseth reproof erreth 遵守教訓的,走在生命的路上;離棄責備的,卻是走上錯路。

He is on the path of life who heeds instruction , but he who ignores reproof goes astray 箴10 : 17謹守訓誨的、乃在生命的道上違棄責備的、便失迷了路。