
reprogram vt.改編[重編](程序),程序重調。


Software defined radio ( sdr ) has been the trend of the research and development of radio , and its core idea is to provide a software system which can enable reuse and reprogram of common blocks on an universal hardware platform , so as to deal with the traditional inconsistent communication systems and solve the cooperating communication problems 軟件定義無線電臺( sdr )已成為當今及未來無線電系統研究及發展的方向,其核心思想是在通用的硬件平臺上,提供一種具有組件可重用,可重編程等功能的軟件系統,解決傳統通信系統體制不統一,協同通信能力差的問題。

Then the world will become heaven . you have to reprogram your thought , reform your action . otherwise , even if you have wisdom , master s blessings and the strength to make it be successful , you will still be timid and worry , and think that you cannot do it because of your old habits 你們必須重新編輯你們的思想,重新組織你們的行為,否則即使你們有了智慧、有師父的加持力、有成功所需要的執行力量,但你們卻因你們的習慣而畏縮、擔憂,以為你們做不到。

Then the world will become heaven . you have to reprogram your thought , reform your action . otherwise , even if you have wisdom , master s blessings and the strength to make it be successful , you will still be timid and worry , and think that you cannot do it because of your old habits 你們必須重新編輯你們的思想,重新組織你們的行為,否則即使你們有了智慧有師父的加持力有成功所需要的執行力量,但你們卻因你們的習慣而畏縮擔憂,以為你們做不到。

You have to reprogram your thought , reform your action . otherwise , even if you have wisdom , master s blessings and the strength to make it be successful , you will still be timid and worry , and think that you cannot do it because of your old habits 你們必須重新編輯你們的思想,重新組織你們的行為,否則即使你們有了智慧、有師父的加持力、有成功所需要的執行力量,但你們卻因你們的習慣而畏縮、擔憂,以為你們做不到。

Imagine a cell phone , for example , that can reconfigure its transceiver to use any network in the world and that at the push of a button can reprogram its processor to translate speech from one language to another 舉例來說,想像這種行動電話吧,它能重新配置它的無線電收發器,來使用世界上各種網絡,而且只要按一個鈕,就能重新設定它的微處理器,把一種語言翻譯成另外一種。

As we begin to understand biology in terms of its information processes , however , we are developing realistic models and simulations of how disease and aging progress and ways to reprogram them 不過,隨著我們更了解生物資訊的處理方式,也就更能夠建立逼真的模型,來模擬疾病及老化的過程,并找出改寫程式的方法。

No one is sure how the hawaii group got the mouse dna to reprogram itself more quickly , but some have the suspicion that getting rid of the outer part of the adult cell speeds the process 沒有人知道夏威夷的研究人員是如何使老鼠的dna更快地重編自己的程序的,但有些人懷疑是剔除成年細胞的外層加快了進程。

Biology is now in the early stages of a historic transition to an information science , while also gaining the tools to reprogram the ancient information systems of life 目前,生物學正處于某個歷史轉捩點的早期:它不斷取得新的工具,將歷史悠久的生命資訊系統重新設定程式,而轉變成資訊科學。

In medicine , scientists dream of using cloning to reprogram cells so we can make our own body parts for transplantation 在醫學上,科學家夢想著運用克隆技術改編細胞的編碼指令程序,這樣我們就可以制造出我們自己身體的某些部分進行移植。

Scientists had thought the implanted dna would not have enough time to “ reprogram “ itself back to the embryonic , unspecialized state 科學家們曾認為,移植的dna沒有足夠的時間“重編程序” ,使自己回到無特定功能狀態的胚胎階段。

Roboticists can do their best to make robots safe ? but they cannot reprogram the behaviour of their human masters 機器人學家們無疑將盡全力保證機器人的安全性? ?但是他們可沒辦法為它們的人類主人的行為重新編程。

The aim this year was to reprogram cells to work cooperatively to form patterns , such as polka dots , in a petri dish 今年度的目標是改造細胞的基因,使它們彼此合作,在培養皿上形成一些小圓點之類的特殊圖案。

Our ability to understand and even reprogram the brain is also accelerating 我們對腦部的了解,甚至重設其程式的能力,也突飛猛進。

Reprogram this one , gerti 重新編程,葛蒂

How to reprogram our lives 如何重整我們的生活

Coke vending machines now take very little effort to reprogram 如今,改編可樂售貨機的程序幾乎不用費什么力氣。

You can ' t reprogram them , no matter what cocktaii of drugs - - 你不能給他們重新編程你給他們的雞尾酒藥物

You can ' t reprogram them , no matter what cocktaii of drugs - 你不能給他們重新編程你給他們的雞尾酒藥物

Guess that ' s what the reprogram card ' s for 大概那卡就這作用吧. .