
reproductive adj.1.生殖的。2.再生產的,再現的。3.多產的。短...


Superovulation strategies for assisted reproductive technologies 輔助生育技術中的超排卵方案

The reproductive life table of polyphagotarsonemus latus 側多食跗線螨實驗種群繁殖特征生命表

Human reproductive cloning already is banned in south korea 韓國已經明令禁止人類再生克隆。

Reproductive characteristics of alien plant wedelia trilobata 外來植物南美蟛蜞菊的繁殖特性

Human reproductive technology fees regulation 人類生殖科技費用規例

Study on the impair of female reproductive system by heroin 海洛因對女性生殖系統損害的特征

Serosurvey of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome 豬繁殖與呼吸綜合癥的血清學調查

Carpel the female reproductive organ of a flowering plant 心皮:有花植物的雌性生殖器官。

Investigaton on reproductive performances of jintang black goat 金堂黑山羊繁殖性能的研究

On reproductive health education for youngsters 青少年生殖健康教育探討

Progress on reproductive system of forest seed orchards 種仁營養成分和無機元素含量的變異

Study on the reproductive cycle of acantlwchiton rubrolineat 紅條毛膚石鱉生殖周期的研究

They may be reproductive until about age 20 它們生殖期可以一直到20歲。

Effects of smoking on male reproductive system 吸煙對男性生殖系統的影響

Effects of alcohol on reproductive system of male rats 乙醇的雄性生殖毒性

Human reproductive technology licensing regulation 人類生殖科技牌照規例

Evidence - based medicine in the field of reproductive health 生殖健康領域中的循證醫學

Reproductive manipulation of wolbachia to its hosts 對宿主的生殖調控作用及其研究進展

Fertility and general reproductive performance studies segment1 study 生殖力影響試驗