
reproducible adj.能再生產的;能復制的;能繁殖的。


In this paper , the concentration of si in the aluminium - silicon is determined by xiws ( x - ray fluoresent spectrum ) . the method is simple rapid , accurate and reproducible 摘要本文介紹采用x射線熒光法測定矽鋁合金中矽含量的方法及相關條件,并對測量結果精度進行分析。本方法具有樣品前期處理簡便、干擾因素小,且快速、準確等特點。

We began our usual footprint - reduction procedure : set up the test environment , specify a reproducible test , fire up the profiler , run the test , analyze the data , and look for tuning opportunities 我們開始了通常的內存占用縮減過程:建立測試環境、規定可再現的測試、啟動剖析程序、運行測試、分析數據、查找調優的機會。

The second role is an administrator who is concerned more with the administration of the source control server and the use of the files that it contains for creating a reproducible software build 第二種角色是管理員。管理員更多地涉及對源代碼管理服務器的管理以及使用服務器所包含的用于創建可重現的軟件生成的文件。

The unified identifiers of various batteries , for example , the hazardous waste and the reproducible battery should be declared by the batteries collecting according to their species 宣傳用以識別危險廢物(廢含汞電池、廢鎳鎘電池和廢鉛酸電池) 、可再生電池等各類電池的標識,保證各類廢電池的分類收集能夠順利開展。

Six impact indexes , such as energy usage , consumption of non - reproducible resource , health toxicity , potential aerosol , potential acid , and potential global warming , are proposed for fuels ' impact assessment 采用了能量的使用、不可再生資源消耗、人體毒性、氣溶膠、酸化和全球變暖六個重要的燃料評價影響類型。

Offers reproducible training programs in coaching , conflict , customer service , facilitation skills , interviewing , listening , mentoring , practical leadership , presentation skills , and team dynamics -提供英語培訓,會計培訓,電腦培訓, it培訓,外語培訓,職業培訓,模具培訓等各種培訓開班及培訓機構信息。

Amplification with 8 issr primers obtained 47 reproducible amplified fragments . the polymorphic fragment was 41 bands ( 8723 % ) . that reflected genetic variations in each sample and among samples 在issr實驗中, 8個引物對39個個體擴增,共檢測到47條擴增片段,多態片段41條,多態率為87 . 23 。

It should be noted that the mosaic membranes have not yet become commercially important in separation processes because of the difficulty in upscaling a reproducible process for making mosaics 然而,就目前而言,荷電鑲嵌膜的制備工藝比較復雜,制備條件也比較苛刻,因此,尚未進入工業化階段。

The solar energy which covers more than 99 % of the total energy in globe is used as a kind of reproducible resource , and it has many advantages that all other energies ca n ' t comparing to 占地球總能量的99以上的太陽能作為一種可再生資源,具有所有其它能源所不可比擬的優點。

Through a series of chemical reactions , the simple molecules in the air , water and minerals , could be combined to form a group of self - reproducible carbon - bearing ( carbonaceous ) molecules 一系列的化學變化,將空氣、水、礦物中的簡單成分,組裝成一群具有復制能力的含碳分子。

Are the result reproducible , can they be verified ? do the anti - virus vendors get the miss samples after the test in order to be able to verified the results 測試結構具有可再生性嗎?可以被驗證嗎?反病毒廠家有在測試之后得到缺失樣本來進行結果驗證嗎?

If certain medical community fails to offer reproducible evidence openly , then they should be called old medicine in order to protect the reputation of chinese medicine 如果某一醫學界不公開提供可再生證據,則應該稱他們老醫學為了保護中醫的名譽。

The automated data analysis sizes and quantitates the dna fragments , thus yielding a more thorough , reproducible , sensitive , and rapid analysis 并且能自動對dna片段進行定性、定量分析。它是一種高效、靈敏、迅速、重復性好的檢測新技術。

There are many resource - based cities in china , of which the dominant economic is resources industry that is based on the non - reproducible resources 我國許多城市屬于資源型城市,以不可再生資源為基礎的資源型產業在城市經濟中占主導地位。

Learning object : any reproducible and addressable digital or non - digital resource used to perform learning activities or support activities 學習對象:用來完成學習活動或者支持活動的,任何可再生的,和可設定地址的數字或者非數字資源。

The modes of development of sports tourism resources in guangdong include the modes of reproducible development and modes of initiative development 摘要從再生性開發模式和初始性開發模式兩方面對廣東體育旅游資源的開發進行探討。

The administrator might also be responsible for producing a reproducible build from the files placed in the software configuration management system 此外,管理員還有可能負責從位于軟件配置管理系統中的文件創建可重現的生成。

Conclusion : the established method is simple , feasible , and reproducible , for the quality control of qianglizhenxianyizhining powder 結論:建立的質量控制方法簡便可行,重現性好,可以作為強力癲癇益智寧沖劑的質量控制標準。

The aim of the present study was to establish an accurate , reproducible , but simple , method to assess dynamic limb function 當前研究的目的就是要建立一種精確的,簡單的,可重復操作的動態分析方法來檢測肢體功能的恢復情況。