
reproducer n.1.再現設備。2.揚聲器。


Since the self - sacrificing cells have the same genes as the specialised reproducers they are , in effect , reproducing collaterally 因為那些自我犧牲的細胞與生殖細胞有相同的基因,所以它們實際上是間接繁殖了后代。

The simplest method is through the use of a synchronous drive motor connecting both picture viewer and sound reproducer 最簡單的方法是用同步電機將圖象觀察器和聲音重放器連接起來。

Cinematography - spectral response of photographic audio reproducers for analog dye sound tracks on 35 mm film 電影攝影學. 35 mm膠片上模擬染色聲帶用攝影還音器的光譜響應

Modular units for machine tools . multispindle heads . tapping reproducers 組合機床動力頭.多軸頭.攻螺紋復制機

Sound recorders and reproducers , and parts and 核反應堆、鍋爐機械設備及其部件373 , 623