
reproduce vt.1.再生產;再現。2.復制,復寫;仿造。3.再演;...


Human beings cannot reproduce lost limbs 人類的肢體斷掉以后不能再生。

Reproducing discrete four - signal disc records 播放分離式四聲道錄音唱盤

Some animals can reproduce lost parts of their bodies 有些動物能再生身體上失去的部分。

This copier can reproduce colour photographs 這臺復印機可復制彩色照片

Solution : cannot reproduce problem on ground 解決:問題在地面無法復制。

This is a reproduced version of yesterday once more 這是歌曲《昔日重來》的翻唱版本。

Analogue audio disk records and reproducing equipment 圓盤唱片和重放設備

Some tropical fish reproduce themselves by laying eggs 某些熱帶魚類靠產卵進行繁殖。

We shall reproduce this handbook in full 我們將把這本手冊完整地復制一份。

This copier can reproduce colour photographs 這臺復印機可以復制彩色照片。

Your article is reproduced in another magazine 你的文章被另一家雜志轉載。

Content reproduced from news . gov . hk with permission 內容經政府新聞網同意轉載

Do you know that crocodiles reproduce by laying eggs 你知道鱷魚是產卵繁殖后代嗎

Photos can be reproduced without negatives now 現在相片沒有底片也可以復制

Keep and reproduce strain as approved sops 按照批準的程序保存菌種,執行菌種傳代。

Now you can reproduce the build outside of the ide 現在您可以在ide外重現該生成。

Request for authorization to reproduce or re - disseminate 申請授權復制或再發放

Your article is reproduced in another magazine 例句:你的文章由另一家雜志轉載。

It would be highly desirable of these tests could be carried out under conditions that reproduce the actual operating conditions and catalyst environment . 假如這些測試能夠在仿照真實操作條件和催化劑環境下進行,那就是非常理想的。