
reprocess vt.重新處理;再加工;使再生;回收(廢料)。


They are scheduled to visit a five - megawatt reactor , a nuclear fuel fabrication plant and a reprocessing plant in the yongbyon nuclear complex 他們計劃在平壤參觀一個五百萬瓦特的反應堆,核燃料制作工廠和后處理工廠。

They are scheduled to visit a five - megawatt reactor , a nuclear fuel fabrication plant and a reprocessing plant in the yongbyon nuclear complex 他們計劃參觀位于平壤核基地的五兆瓦特的反應堆,核燃料設備工廠和加工廠。

A display bug generated in the reprocessing window where stacked ammo would cause the desription and quantity columns to overlap has been resolved 一個在處理頁面中導致彈藥卡殼和數量顯示重疊的顯示問題得到了解決。

To limit reprocessing to just those times when it is necessary , you can use the make the page s cache policy dependent on a single file 要將重新處理限制為僅在需要的時候進行,可以使頁的緩存策略依賴于單個文件。

Poor : reprocessing / barreling areas are not adequately separated from other areas that could impart an adverse effect upon product quality 差:再加工/裝桶操作區域未與其他對產品質量有不利影響的區域有效地隔離。

The progress in the biochemistry , fermentation technology , product reprocess and application of xanthan gum is reviewed with 35 references 綜述了黃原膠的生物化學、發酵工藝、產品后處理及其應用等方面的進展。

Ups delivers these shipments directly to your customers , bypassing any additional reprocessing and optimising your supply chain 通過繞過額外的重復處理以及優化您的供應鏈, ups直接將這些貨件交付給您的客戶。

It also includes united nations security council action if iran refuses to halt uranium enrichment and reprocessing 該方案還包括如果伊朗拒絕停止濃縮鈾和再加工活動就要通過聯合國安理會采取行動的內容。

Finally , the reprocessing that occurs in a closed fuel cycle produces plutonium that can be diverted for use in nuclear weapons 最后,封閉式燃料循環中的再制作過程會產生鈽,而鈽可能會被用于核子武器。

If something went wrong and the transaction rolled back , the message was placed back on the destination for reprocessing 如果有什么事情出錯,事務將回滾,那么消息將被重新放在目標上,再次進行處理。

If the user requests the same page again , the server repeats the entire sequence , reprocessing the page from scratch 如果用戶再次請求同一頁,服務器則會重復整個過程:從頭開始對該頁進行重新處理。

Or , you might save the failed row along with additional error information for later verification and reprocessing 或者,您可能要將失敗的行與其他錯誤信息保存在一起,以便以后進行驗證和重新處理。

The guidance in q7a basically encourages companies to correct a situation by reprocessing or reworking , not by blending Q7a指南基本上是鼓勵公司用重加工或是返工來更正這樣的情況,而不是混粉。

Nitric acid feed solutions from reprocessing plants . spectrophotometric determination of plutonium after oxidation to plutonium 源自再加工工廠的硝酸萃取進料.氧化后钚含量的分光光度的測定

Hanford has the most complex hot refuse : it consists of a mix of wastes from many nuclear fuel reprocessing projects 漢福處理的核子廢料最復雜,有許多核子燃料再生計畫的廢料混合在一起。

Statistic and analyze all reprocessed ( only repackaged ) products ( including reasons , amounts and handling results ) 返工產品(僅指重新包裝)的統計及分析(包括原因、數量及處理結果) 。

Eai standard practice for reprocessing of reusable , heat - stable endoscopic accessory instruments used with flexible endoscopes 與軟性內窺鏡一起使用的可重復使用的耐熱內窺鏡輔助儀器

Standard specification for coextruded poly vinyl chloride non - pressure plastic pipe having reprocessed - recycled content 含有再加工-再生材料的共擠壓聚氯乙烯無壓塑料管的標準規范

Nuclear fuel technology - determination of uranium in reprocessing - plant dissolver solution - liquid chromatography method 核燃料技術.預處理廠溶解器溶液中鈾的測定.液相色譜法