
reprobation n.1.拒絕,排斥。2.反對,異議;斥責。3.【宗教】擯...


But there are much incredulity and reprobation , whose focus is suspicious of villagers “ ability to democratize . but douglas north ' s path dependence theory gives those thoughts an expositive pattern . based on that theory , as an original system choice , the villager autonomy determines 對此,諾斯的制度變遷路徑依賴理論提供了一個解釋的框架:村民自治這一初始制度形式的選擇決定了制度變遷以后可能選擇的路徑,而制度的報酬遞增機制則是該制度進行自我強化的基礎。

Throughout there was a strange bitterness ; an absence of consolatory gentleness ; stern allusions to calvinistic doctrines - election , predestination , reprobation - were frequent ; and each reference to these points sounded like a sentence pronounced for doom 他的講演自始至終有著一種奇怪的痛苦,缺乏一種撫慰人的溫柔。他不斷嚴厲地提到加爾文主義上帝的選拔命定和天罰,每次的提醒聽起來仿佛是在宣布末日的來臨。

On a dark , misty , raw morning in january , i had left a hostile roof with a desperate and embittered heart - a sense of outlawry and almost of reprobation - to seek the chilly harbourage of lowood : that bourne so far away and unexplored 一月的某個灰暗陰冷霧氣彌漫的早晨,我帶著絕望和痛苦的心情一種被放逐和幾乎是被拋棄的感覺,離開了這個仇視我的家,去尋找羅沃德陰冷的避風港,那個遙遠而陌生的地方。

I am glad thy father ' s dead : thy match was mortal to him , and pure grief shore his old thread in twain : did he live now , this sight would make him do a desperate turn , yea , curse his better angel from his side , and fall to reprobation 要是他現在還活著,看見這種慘狀,一定會干出一些瘋狂的事情來的;他會咒天罵地,趕走了身邊的守護神,毀滅了自己的靈魂。

In order to participate in the market competition better , the state enterprises conduct capital reorganization , company reprobation and the modernized enterprise system construction 國有企業全面地進行資本重組、公司改造、現代企業制度建設,為的是更好地參與市場競爭。

It became more widespread in post - gupta times , especially in south india , and aroused the reprobation of 19th - century europeans 它在岌多時期之前變得更為廣泛地傳播,尤其是在南印度,引起了十九世紀歐洲人的斥責。

Nearly everyone had something to say in reprobation of the views suggested by owen . 幾乎每個人都說幾句話來表示反對歐文的見解。