
reprobate vt.1.拒絕,排斥。2.譴責。3.【宗教】(上帝)摒棄...


He encouraged him to regard hindley as a reprobate ; and , night after night , he regularly grumbled out a long string of tales against heathcliff and catherine : always minding to flatter earnshaw ' s weakness by heaping the heaviest blame on the latter 他鼓勵主人將欣德利當成是被上帝摒棄的人,而且,一天一天的,他嘀咕了不少詆毀希斯克利夫和凱瑟琳的事,考慮到恩肖的脾氣,他總是把最重的責備加在后者的頭上。

Now i pray to god that ye do no evil ; not that we should appear approved , but that ye should do that which is honest , though we be as reprobates 林后13 : 7我們求神、叫你們一件惡事都不作這不是要顯明我們是蒙悅納的、是要你們行事端正、任憑人看我們是被棄絕的罷。

Examine yourselves , whether ye be in the faith ; prove your own selves . know ye not your own selves , how that jesus christ is in you , except ye be reprobates 5你們總要自己省察有信心沒有。也要自己試驗。豈不知你們若不是可棄絕的,就有耶穌基督在你們心里嗎。

Now i pray to god that ye do no evil ; not that we should appear approved , but that ye should do that which is honest , though we be as reprobates 7我們求神,叫你們一件惡事都不作。這不是要顯明我們是蒙悅納的,是要你們行事端正,任憑人看我們是被棄絕的吧。

They profess that they know god ; but in works they deny him , being abominable , and disobedient , and unto every good work reprobate 他們聲稱認識神,卻在行為上否認他。他們是可憎的、悖逆的,在各樣的善事上,是毫無用處的。

They profess that they know god ; but in works they deny him , being abominable , and disobedient , and unto every good work reprobate 16他們說是認識神行事卻和他相背。本是可憎惡的,是悖逆的,在各樣善事上是可廢棄的。

Reprobate silver shall men call them , because the lord hath rejected them 30人必稱他們為被棄的銀渣,因為耶和華已經棄掉他們。

But i trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates 6我卻盼望你們曉得我們不是可棄絕的人。

Of every reprobate fool in this senate house 每個無恥之徒償還他們的債務?

Doctor portman and captain glanders had to support the charges of the whole clavering society against the young reprobate . 波特曼博士和格蘭德上尉不得不支持查特理斯社會對墮落青年的指責。

Frankness and kindness like amelia's were likely to touch ever such a hardened little reprobate as becky . 愛米麗亞待人既誠懇、又好,所以連蓓基這樣無情無義、自甘墮落的人也覺得感動。

Don't reprobate a weak and foolish girl's ignorance . 還是不要譴責一個軟弱而又愚蠢的姑娘的無知吧!

He ventured to reprobate that common system . 他很大膽地擯棄了一般常用的那種方式。