
reproachful adj.譴責的;責備的;應受斥責的;〔古語〕可恥的。ad...


From alexander the grammarian , to refrain from fault - finding , and not in a reproachful way to chide those who uttered any barbarous or solecistic or strange - sounding expression ; but dexterously to introduce the very expression which ought to have been used , and in the way of answer or giving confirmation , or joining in an inquiry about the thing itself , not about the word , or by some other fit suggestion 從文法學家亞歷山大那里,我學到了不吹毛求疵,不用責備的語調責罵那些說出任何野蠻的、失禮的或聞所未聞話語的人;而是巧妙地導向不管是回答問題還是給予證實的恰當表達,或是一起弄清問題而不糾纏于詞句,或者提出其他合適的建議。

Even to her mother s gaze the girl s young features looked sadly out of place amid the alcoholic vapours which floated here as no unsuitable medium for wrinkled middle - age ; and hardly was a reproachful f lash f rom tess s dark eyes needed to make her father and mother rise from their seats , hastily finish their ale , and descend the stairs behind her , mrs rolliver s caution following their footsteps 室內彌漫著酒氣,有了皺紋的中年人逗留在這兒并沒有什么不合適,但是姑娘年輕的面孔出現在這個地方,就叫人感到難受了,即使姑娘的母親也能夠看出這一點。苔絲的黑色眼睛里還沒有顯露出來責備的神氣,她的父母親就從座位上站起來,急忙把酒喝干,跟在女兒的身后走下了樓梯,隨著他們的腳步聲傳來羅利弗太太的叮囑聲。

The cold sunlight of this spring evening peered invidiously upon the crocks and kettles , upon the bunches of dried herbs shivering in the breeze , upon the brass handles of the dresser , upon the wicker - cradle they had all been rocked in , and upon the well - rubbed clock - case all of which gave out the reproachful gleam of indoor articles abandoned to the vicissitudes of a roofless exposure for which they were never made 春天傍晚清冷的太陽,好像含有惡意似地照射著那些壇壇罐罐,照射著一叢叢在微風中索索發抖的枯草,照射著碗柜的銅把手,照射到他們所有的孩子都睡過的那個搖籃上,照射在那座被擦得發亮的鐘面上,太陽照射著所有這一切,這一切閃現著責備的亮光,好像在說,這些室內的物品,怎么會被扔到露天里來了。

But , do not believe , said darnay , upon whose ear the mournful voice struck with a reproachful sound , that if my fortune were so cast as that , being one day so happy as to make her my wife , i must at any time put any separation between her and you , i could or would breathe a word of what i now say “可是, ”達爾內說,醫生那傷心的口氣在他耳里帶著責備的調子, “如果我有這樣的幸運能娶了她,可別以為我會在某一天違背我現在的話,把你倆分開。

But , if my life were not to be still consecrated to you , or if my marriage were so arranged as that it would part us , even by the length of a few of these streets , i should be more unhappy and self - reproachful now than i can tell you 可是如果我不能依舊把我的生命奉獻給你,或是我婚姻的安排竟要我跟你分開,即使不過幾條街的距離,我也不會像我剛才告訴你的那么快樂的。我會責備自己。即使就像現在這樣一”

Silently , in a dream she had come to him after her death , her wasted body within its loose brown grave - clothes giving off an odour of wax and rosewood , her breath , that had bent upon him , mute , reproachful , a faint odour of wetted ashes 她去世之后,曾在夢中悄悄地來找過他,她那枯槁的身軀裹在寬松的褐色衣衾里,散發出蠟和黃檀的氣味;當她帶著微嗔一聲不響地朝他俯下身來時,依稀聞到一股淡淡的濕灰氣味。

Austerlitz , with that lofty sky , and the dead , reproachful face of his wife , and pierre on the ferry , and the girl , thrilled by the beauty of the night , and that night and moonit all rushed at once into his mind 奧斯特利茨戰場和那高懸的天空已故妻子含有責備神情的面孔,渡船上的皮埃爾,因為夜色美麗而深有感觸的少女,還有這個夜晚和月色她突然把這一切回想起來。

Not to insult over him will the vision come as over one that lies under her wrath , not for vengeance to cut off from the living but shrouded in the piteous vesture of the past , silent , remote , reproachful 這個幻象并非為了侮辱他而至,像對待那些屈服于她的憤怒的人們那樣,也并非為了使他與生者離別,對他進行報復,而是裹以過去那可憐的尸衣,沉默,冷漠,嗔怪著。

“ excuse my little subterfuge , “ said the countess , in reply to her companion s half - reproachful observation on the subject ; “ but that horrid man had made me feel quite uncomfortable , and i longed to be alone , that i might compose my startled mind . “說老實話吧, ”她說, “我感到不舒服,我需要一個人休息一會兒,一看到那個人,我就渾身不安起來了。 ”

These techno - remedial solutions - often promoted by architects as challenges to public conscience - tend to discourage potential sympathizers by their reproachful tone and the sententious way the message is delivered 這類科技治療的解決方法通常被建筑師捧為對公眾道義的挑戰,以責備的語氣和簡潔的法傳遞其訊息,同時也挫敗了潛在同情者。

When he learned my resolution , i shall never forget the reproachful look which he cast on me , and the tears of utter despair which chased each other down his lifeless cheeks 當他聽說我的決定的時候,我永遠忘不了他那種責備的眼光,和兩行珠子般流到他那僵硬的臉頰上的無比絕望的淚水。

She gave a faithful account of her excursion and its consequences ; and my master , though he cast more than one reproachful look at me , said nothing till she had concluded 她把她的出游和結果如實地說了我的主人,雖然不止一次地向我投來譴責的眼光,卻一語不發,直等她說完。

Now what does this mean , gentlemen ? said the staff - officer , in the reproachful tone of a man who has repeated the same thing several times . you mustnt absent yourselves like this 校官用責備的口吻說道,就像某人接連數次地重說一句同樣的話, “要知道,隨便離開是不行的。

The prisoner sprang up with a reproachful look , but carton s hand was close and firm at his nostrils , and carton s left arm caught him round the waist 囚徒跳了起來,臉上露出責備的意思。但是卡爾頓的右手已使勁捂住了他的鼻孔,左手摟住了他的腰。

Now , i told you so , said the spy , casting a reproachful look at his sister ; if any trouble comes of this , it s your doing “你看,我早告訴過你不是, ”密探抱怨地望了他姐姐一眼, “我要是出了事就是你害的。 ”

Every one went up to it , gazed at what had been done , and pressed back horror - stricken , surprised , and reproachful 剛才得以接近并且目睹這一情景的每一個人,此刻帶著恐怖責備驚慌的神情紛紛朝后邊擠去。

It was sweetly reproachful , wondering what had kept him away for so dreadful a length of time 那信委婉地批評了他,不知道出了什么事,他竟然那么久沒有來看她久得可怕呢。

It snapped . jingle into dorset street . miss douce withdrew her satiny arm , reproachful , pleased 杜絲小姐抽回她那裹在緞袖里的胳膊,半嗔半喜。

Ah , said prince vassily , in reproachful wonder . he got up . it is ridiculous 瓦西里公爵露出責備和驚訝的神態說,他站起身來。