
reproach n.1.責備,責罵,譴責;恥辱,污辱 (to)。2.〔p...


Had i talked only of the weather and the roads, and i spoke only once in ten minute this reproach would have been spared . 假如我僅談及天氣、道路,且十分鐘內就說一次話,我就不必受這種指責了。

This reproach induced mr. saddletree, on all occasions, to assume rather a haughty and stately tone towards his good woman . 這種譏諷使薩德爾特里先生經常用裝模作樣的腔調對老婆講話。

Gabriel knew that when he entered she would not ask him where he had been; she would not reproach him . 加布里埃爾明白,他進屋時她是不會問他到什么地方去的,也不會斥責他。

But people are often reproached for unpunctuality when their only fault is cutting things fine . 但有些人經常因為不按時而受到批評,而他們的唯一過錯是設法對工作精雕細刻。

Reproached by sharpless and crushed by remorse, he bids a tearful farewell to the past and departs in tears . 他挨了夏普勒斯的責備,悔恨交加,告別過去的一切,揮淚而去。

It was crucial that our negotiating record be above reproach to withstand the domestic fury ahead . 關鍵的是,我們的談判記錄必須是無可指責的,能頂得住今后國內的憤怒。

It was crucial that our negotiating record be above reproach to withstand the domestic fury ahead . 關鍵的是,我們的談判記錄是無可指責的,能頂得住今后國內的憤怒。

Royalty had lost its grace and sweetness; its pomps became a reproach . 國王身份已經失去了光彩,失去了甜蜜的滋味;那些威風凜凜的排場已經成了一種羞辱。

I shall reproach myself for not having been more guarded in my professions of that esteem . 我將因為自己沒有更檢點地表達我的尊重的感情而責備我自己。

But irrational reproaches were easier to bear than the sense of being instructed . 但是不合理的指責還算不得什么,更難受的是意識到自己給人抓了岔子。

He found difficulty in thinking of himself as rashhe had incurred this reproach so rarely . 他很難想象自己是個魯莽的人他受到這種指責太少了。

He was desperately afraid of saying anything which she might take for a reproach or a sneer . 他生怕自己說出什么話來會被她誤認為是責備或是譏笑。

They hung upon him for a time, and left him with merited reproaches and contempt . 這班人跟隨他幾時,后來散了,卻無一個不罵他,看得起他的。

He raised his hand to stop my words, looked at me with unforgettable reproach . 他舉起手來不讓我再講下去,懷著令人難忘的怨氣看了我一眼。

In less than four hours my enthusiasm had waned and i rather reproached myself for coming . 不到兩個時辰,我早已意興索然,頗悔此行了。

“i don't reproach you, grace,“ said her father, with an estranged manner . “我不打算責備你,格雷絲,”她父親說道,態度冷淡疏遠。

I loaded myself with reproaches on his account and i bewailed his misfortunes . 為了他的緣故,我只有責備自己,我悲嘆他的不幸。

Jorkins giggled nervously. my father fixed him with a look of reproach . 喬金斯神經質地喀喀笑起來。父親帶著責備的神色盯住他。

In these last words the old man's voice fell into a tone of reproach . 老人說到最后的幾句話時,又降低到一種責備的口氣。