
repro n.(pl. -pros) reproduction p...


As one of the contracted agricultural technology extension project in shanxi province , the jinnan cattle feeding and management technical package exte nsion project , assigned by science and technology committee of shanxi province i n 1999 , directed on the problems , such as extensive cattle feeding and managemen t , low sale percentage of commercial beef cattle , low meat production , low repro ductive survive rate of cows and poor economic returns , to increase the scientif ic contents and economic returns of cattle industry by adopting technical packag e including beef cattle crossbreeding , beef cattle feeding and management , cow ' s feeding and nutrition , calf raising , stover processing , and supplementation for grazing cattle in winter and spring etc “晉南牛飼養管理配套技術推廣”是山西省科委1999年度下達“山西省農村技術承包”項目,其目的是針對我區廣大農戶養牛飼養管理粗放、商品牛出欄率低、產肉率低、母牛繁殖成活率低、經濟效益差等缺點,通過采用肉牛雜交改良、改良肉牛飼養管理、加強母牛飼料營養、犢牛培育、秸稈氨化、放牧牛冬春補飼等配套技術,達到提高養牛業科技含量,增加養牛業經濟效益的目的。

The economic success of m - d is coined / shaped by products and service services such as electronic , device , service in addition to vehicles , coupling and mechanical . one can even receive offers on car , mobile , repro and radios as well as on sets with m - d in outstanding quality 是一家知名的、誠信的生產商和服務商,該公司提供新型的、專門的產品,例如車身結構,裝置、設備,電器設備,車輛,手機,耦合、連接,轎車、載客交通工具,復制、影印,無線電廣播設備。

Garmhausen gmbh - over the sales management you can receive offers and prices by telephone on standard software , product , repro in addition to projecting , project , software products and / or on standard software products Garmhausen gmbh是一家令客戶滿意的企業,該企業制造杰出的產物、產品、 (乘)積,項目、方案、規劃,設計、投影,復制、影印,軟件產品,標準軟件,標準軟件產品。

Bonum - repro , s . r . o . does not only offer authority within the ranges to technology , sale and mechanical engineering as well as for cash , equipment and for office 是一家現代化的、可靠的產品供應商,這家供應商從事現金,發展,調節器、記錄器,小,軟件,工業機械裝置的制造、銷售。

The public laws are the authoritative source and should be consulted if a need arises to verify the authenticity of the language repro ? duced below 公布的法律是權威的資料,如果對以下語言的真實性有修改的必要,則應該進行商議。

The patent laws repro ? duced below supersede those reproduced in the last revision of the manual of patent examining procedure ( mpep ) dated august 2006 下面再版的專利法,用以代替2006年8月修訂再版的專利審查程序手冊( mpep ) 。

Overall electro - acoustic frequency response for repro - duction of 35mm optical sound track ? reproduction cha - racteristics 35mm影片光學聲跡的還音電聲頻率響應特性

Rmaa test repro Rmaa測試報告