
reprise n.1.【法律】〔常 pl.〕從貴族所有地每年收入中扣除...


Having settled those issues and worked out the kinks with reprise appearances at legends field in tampa , fla . , clemens is spending the night in new york , and - - barring some unforeseen setbacks - - he will finally gear up on saturday , beginning the mission he set out to accomplish last month when he insisted that anything short of a championship would be unacceptable 這中間他多次發布新聞稿并持續地在坦帕進行松緩肌肉過程,現在終于(雖然有些延后)準備好披掛上陣,而他早已說過“拿下世界冠軍是本季復出的唯一目標,除此之外沒有什麼能算是成功的 “ 。

Is a very straightforward action adventure combined with some elements of detective thriller . tony leung , reprising his role as the shrewd yet careless detective lam kwai - yan , is involved in an international criminal case this time . he is tricked by former us embassy staff owen lee richie ren and is accused of stealing two counterfeiting plates 和上集一樣影片的故事以查案和動作為主林貴仁梁朝偉因為兩塊偽鈔電板而和美籍華人李敖文任賢結怨后更追蹤李到韓國發現了更大的陰謀于是展開了一場牽涉多方人馬的追逐戰。

Donnie yen iron monkey , once upon a time in china ii reprises the role of chen jun played by his real hero bruce lee in their action packed hit martial arts tv - movie , inspired by lees classic film fists of fury known as the chinese connection in the u . s . 武打巨星甄子丹一套拳拳到肉的功夫杰作精武門。劇中云集武術精英,組合天衣無縫。此劇投資千萬,遠赴國內取景,并且重新搭建舊上海街景,巧制華麗的中西服飾,務求帶來更逼真的視覺效果。

No wonder that 16 years later , lucas again enlisted mcdiarmid to play a young senator palpatine in star wars : episode i the phantom menace , making him one of the few performers from the classic trilogy to reprise his character in the prequels 16年后,盧卡斯再次招募邁克迪米德到《星戰i :幽靈的威脅》中扮演年輕時代的參議員帕爾帕汀也就不足為奇了,這讓他成為了在前傳中再次扮演經典三部曲中的同一角色的少數幾個演員之一。

The cast of the movie comes from china , hong kong and taiwan . hk representative gigi leung reprising kim ha - neul s role in the original is qualified . one good thing is that she was able to get rid of her overacting problem as seen in 影片的主要演員來自兩岸三地,香港代表梁詠琪沒有重大突破,但演出明顯比她在《向左走向右走》的浮夸討好;偶像派的朱孝天也不突出,不及原版劉智泰的神態自若。

The cast of the movie comes from china , hong kong and taiwan . hk representative gigi leung reprising kim ha - neul s role in the original is qualified . one good thing is that she was able to get rid of her overacting problem as seen in 影片的主要演員來自兩岸三地香港代表梁詠琪沒有重大突破但演出明顯比她在向左走向右走的浮夸討好偶像派的朱孝天也不突出不及原版劉智泰的神態自若。

Aniston , who has filmed a string of movies since the final friends episode , was the last to agree to the new deal . an nbc insider says , “ she ' s the one who had been holding out . but she ' s now agreed to reprise rachel green 有傳聞說,當時安妮斯頓正在為前夫布拉德皮特的情變而傷心也有人指出,自最后一季六人行謝幕以來,開始拍攝電影的安妮斯頓也想徹底擺脫‘瑞秋’的影子。

Even though the story of this movie is a failure , the cast has nevertheless done a satisfactory job , which saves the movie from being a total flop . jun ji - hyun , reprising her role as another sassy girlfriend , is as gorgeous and appealing as usual 正如上述影片的結構秉承自我的野蠻女友但看來郭在容也不是甘于照板煮碗完全重復該片一次而是在風格上作出一點提升。

Rocky is planning another comeback . fifteen years after starring in “ rocky v , “ sylvester stallone is reprising his role as the boxing champ in the sixth “ rocky “ movie , publicist michelle bega said monday 現年59歲的美國老牌動作影星西爾威斯特史泰龍將拍攝其經典成名影片洛奇的第6集,他本人還將擔任編劇和導演。

Mangold is one the rare examples who got success in challenging of remaking a western . he reprised the classic western greatness with the vivid characterization and the well - paced storytelling 挑戰重拍西部片,曼古德是近年少數成功的例子,以鮮明的人物塑造和節奏分明的說故事方式,重現經典西部片風采。

Donnie yen iron monkey , once upon a time in china ii reprises the role of chen jun played by his real hero bruce lee in their action packed hit mart . . 在死神界無聊至極的死神流克,視人類為一樣有趣的玩物,于是它在人類世界丟下一本死亡筆記,只要在筆記里被寫上名字的人類便會死亡!

Once again , erland josephson and liv ullman reprise their roles with inimitable virtuosity , while bergman s instincts in capturing savage truths about relationships remain vitally unequalled 巴哈沉重有致的薩拉邦舞曲激蕩銀幕每寸空間,父女的角力與褒曼的省思同在上演。

Sir alex ferguson was relieved to find that ole gunnar solskjaer ' s latest injury is not a reprise of his serious knee problem 老爵爺可以松一口氣了,診斷結果出來了,比賽中受傷的索爾斯克亞并無大礙,而他的膝傷也沒有復發的危險。

Postcard series no . 16 reprises this theme , but uses the large letters “ hk “ instead and the chinese name of the wto in a rainbow pattern 第16號明信片前頁則印上彩虹色調的大型英文字“ hk ”及中文字世界貿易組織。

Vin diesel reprises his rold as hunted fugitive riddick , his anti - hero character from cult movie pitch black . riddick is on the fun 可惜該處剛遭大師為首的死煞兵團侵略,厲敵被收監于地下室,每日要忍受火山之

The first day cover design reprises the graphic elements of the four stamps with the focus on man , the prime mover for creativity 首日封重現四款郵票的設計元素,以人為本,作為創意的動力之源。

Donnie yen iron monkey , once upon a time in china ii reprises the role of chen jun playe . . 東漢未年,群雄并起,諸葛亮鄭少秋飾生逢亂世,才華橫溢,人稱“臥先生“

But she ' s now agreed to reprise rachel “ bringing them back is a dream come true 他們能重新團聚在電視上就是一個夢想變成了現實。 ”

“ more than anything ( reprise ) “ i love you more than anything , than anything , i do 我愛你我愛你(泰語)愛意兩存(泰語)