
reprisal n.1.(特指國家間的)暴力性報復,報復行為;【歷史】(...


1 . no state shall enter into any treaty , alliance , or confederation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal ; coin money ; emit bills of credit ; make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attainder , ex post facto law , or law impairing the obligation of contracts , or grant any title of nobility . 2 第十款任何一州都不得:締結任何條約,參加任何同盟或邦聯頒發捕獲敵船許可狀鑄造貨幣發行紙幣使用金銀幣以外的任何物品作為償還債務的貨幣通過任何公民權利剝奪法案追溯既往的法律或損害契約義務的法律或授予任何貴族爵位。

“ they were saying , “ he ' s an american journalist , “ said a woman who claimed she was the soldier ' s mother - in - law and asked that she be identified only by her nickname , um omar , because of fear of reprisals . “ we were saying , “ no , he ' s an iraqi . 一位自稱是泰伊岳母的婦女說: “當時,那些武裝分子喊道, '他是個美國記者' ,家里人毫不知情,回應說, '你們搞錯了,他是個伊拉克人' 。

“ they were saying , he s an american journalist , “ said a woman who claimed she was the soldier s mother - in - law and asked that she be identified only by her nickname , um omar , because of fear of reprisals . “ we were saying , no , he s an iraqi . 一位自稱是泰伊岳母的婦女說: “當時,那些武裝分子喊道, ‘他是個美國記者‘ ,家里人毫不知情,回應說, ‘你們搞錯了,他是個伊拉克人‘ 。

The move followed overnight israeli missile strikes on palestinian targets in the gaza strip that were launched in reprisal for a bomb blast that killed two israeli adults and wounded several settler school children on monday 前一夜,昨晚以色列在前一天晚上對巴勒斯坦發動了大規模的火箭襲擊。加沙地帶,加沙走廊加沙地帶是被以色列占領的巴勒斯坦領土,雙方在這里沖突不斷。

With falling public support for the war , president bush says he understands that americans are skeptical about how things are going there , amid what he calls horrific images of reprisal killings , car bombings and kidnapping 面對公眾對戰爭支持程度的下降,布什總統說,他理解美國人對那里正在發生的一切表示懷疑,包括他所說的報復性刺殺、汽車炸彈和綁架等的恐怖畫面

With falling public support for the war , president bush says he understands that americans are skeptical about how things are going there , amid what he calls horrific images of reprisal killings , car bombings and kidnapping 隨著戰爭公眾支持率降低,布什總統說他明白透過被他叫做令人毛骨悚然的仇殺,汽車爆炸和誘拐的照片,美國人對事情的進展表示懷疑。

With falling public support for the war , president bush says he understands that americans are skeptical about how things are going there amid what he calls horrific images of reprisal killings , car bombing and kidnapping 隨著公眾對戰爭的支持率的下降,布什總統說,在一片仇殺、汽車炸彈和綁架的恐怖景象中,他理解美國人民對事態進展所持的懷疑態度。

Sahar has yet to find out whether he will feature but with maccabi haifa striker roberto colautti suspended for the game , he is hopeful , even if coaches in chelsea ' s academy have joked about reprisals should he find the net 現在他考慮的是在下一場國際比賽中能否獲得進球,下一場比賽將是3月24日英格蘭隊與以色列隊的比賽,這場比賽值得我們期待。

After the feb . 22 attack on the golden dome shrine in samarra , shadowy groups of shiite militiamen with possible ties to iraqi security forces launched a wave of reprisal attacks against sunni mosques and neighborhoods 二月22日薩馬拉金頂寺遇襲后,幽靈般的什葉派武裝分子有可能依靠伊拉克安全部隊發動針對遜尼派清真寺及其鄰近的報復性襲擊。

Another shock is mr gross ' s contention that poles who hid jewish compatriots during the war were often frightened to mention their actions after 1945 for fear of reprisals 另外一個令人震驚的事情則是格羅斯在書中講述到,二戰期間藏匿了猶太同胞的波蘭人由于懼怕報復,以至于他們在1945年后都不敢提及曾經的善舉。

Any healthy economy needs journalists and analysts who can point out problems without fear of reprisal . it needs independent courts which can ensure that contracts are upheld and laws fairly applied 健康的經濟需要記者和分析家能夠不畏報復指出問題所在;需要獨立法院保證合同的履行以及法律的公正運用。

What must be avoided are the kinds of misunderstandings ? intensified by growing anti - china sentiment in this country ? that lead to tit - for - tat tariff reprisals until things spin out of control 我們必須避免產生誤會,這種誤會已經被美國的反中國情緒強化,而且導致了針鋒相對的關稅報復,事態失控。

The present rule is that a belligerent may not declare beforehand , even for a specified period - except in case of reprisal for abuses of the flag of truce - that he will not receive parlementaires 現行的規則是,除了報復濫用休戰旗外,交戰一方得不事先宣布不接受軍事使者,即使在指定的期間亦同。

George boateng , the middlesbrough captain , has been disciplined by his club after warning cristiano ronaldo , the manchester united winger , that his infamous antics could earn him harsh reprisals from his fellow players 米德爾斯堡隊長喬治.博阿藤在威脅曼聯邊鋒羅納爾多之后受到球隊的處罰。

Attacks on sunnis and shiites have sparked reprisal killings , and after the february 22 bombing of a revered shiite shrine , violence seemed to escalate 2月22日,什葉派的一個清真寺受到炸彈襲擊,隨后,遜尼派和什葉派互相攻擊激發了更大規模的報復性的屠殺,暴力程度逐步升級。

China on tuesday warned the reprisals if the us congress adopts a bill on china ' s foreign exchange rate , which raises us tariffs on imports from china 本周二中國發出警告,如果美國國會通過了有關中國外匯匯率的法案,從而提高美對中國產品的進口關稅,中國將采取報復性措施。

Why don ' t the americans come to help us ? why doesn ' t america save us ? ' ' said an onlooker who didn ' t want to be identified for fear of reprisal from the junta “為什么美國人不來幫助我們?為什么美國不來救我們? ”一位目擊者說,他不愿說明身份,因為害怕遭到報復。

Iraqi police say they have recovered more than 70 bodies in and around baghdad over the past day , in an apparent surge of sectarian reprisal attacks 伊拉克警方說,過去一天在巴格達各處發現了70多具尸體,看來他們死于正在愈演愈烈的教派報復攻擊。

In principle can be solved through appeal means . nevertheless , may make reprisals , the following thing is bad to deal with . you with respect to self - surrender one 原則上可以通過申訴方式解決.不過,可能會遭報復,以后的事不好辦理.你就忍讓一下吧