
reprimand n.(特指當權者進行的)嚴責,譴責,懲戒;申斥。vt.申...


Some even went to the school to reprimand the students and express support for the professor , the paper said 報紙上說,一部分人甚至還想到那所學校去教訓一下那幫學生,表達他們對老教師的聲援。

The newspaper was suspended for a month , ma was forced to retire and fan was reprimanded , ma said 《河南商報》被停刊一個月,馬被迫提前退休,范也被申訴,礦難的死亡人數就再也無人敢報道了。

In the court of the palace kwashin koji was examined at once by the chief officer , and sternly reprimanded 在宮殿內的法庭,果正居士立刻被首席法官審問,而且受到嚴厲的斥責。

One of the mlt had his name removed from the register for one month while the other was reprimanded 其中一宗個案的醫務化驗師被除名一個月,另一宗個案的醫務化驗師則被譴責。

The ultras group released a statement bitterly reprimanding the club for their treatment of the former midfielder 這些球迷向俱樂部宣讀了一份關于這名前中場球員的申明。

Recognizing who the customer was , the manager was most apologetic and reprimanded the assistant severely 在認出這位顧客以后,經理百般賠罪,同時狠狠教訓了一頓店員。

Recognizing who the customer was , the manager was most apologetic and reprimanded the assistant severely 經理認出了這位顧客,表示了深深的歉意,還嚴厲地訓斥了店員。

The secretary was severely reprimanded by his boss for leaking out some secret without his permission 由于沒有他老板的許可就?露一些秘密,該名秘書受到申斥。

The least that can happen is that you ' ll be hauled up before the company commander and given a severe reprimand 至少你將被公司領導傳訊并受到嚴厲申斥。

So why have you not reprimanded jeremiah from anathoth , who poses as a prophet among you 27現在亞拿突人耶利米向你們自稱為先知,你們為何沒有責備他呢?

I got a stern reprimanding from my boss , because i lost a major account . it was not on purpose 被老板自罵了一頓,因為我丟了個大客戶。我又不是故意的。

Dreams may encourage or reprimand , instruct or deceive , inspire or seduce , guide or confuse 夢會鼓勵或譴責,指示或欺騙、啟發或引誘、指導或迷惑。

The reprimand from my supervisor sure took the wind out of my sails 上司的申斥確實使我無言以對。 (注:含有認為上司是先發制人或居高臨下之意。 )

In the wild , unruly or aggressive behavior would be reprimanded by a senior herd member 在野外,不服從或侵略的行為會遭到馬群上級成員的譴責。

So the lord who had earlier praised peter now finds he must severely reprimand him 所以,之前贊美了彼得的主知道現在必須嚴厲地斥責他。

Lily of the valley 1962 are portrayed with more understanding than reprimand 說這話的正是經常在天羅地網中布下迷魂陣的陸太太。

The nurse involved has been suspended and the head of the hospital reprimanded 涉案的護士已遭停職處分,醫院的院長也受到懲處。

I don ' t want to reprimand a student because it might hurt his / her feelings 我不想訓斥學生,因可能會傷到他們的感受。

Are you looking for a reprimand 你想找罵啊