
repression n.1.鎮壓;制止。2.抑制。短語和例子the repr...


This repression happens through the body by tightening the masculature , controlling the breathing and feelings , and gradually deadening the whole system 這種抑壓通常是透過身體而發生的,首先肌肉上的繃緊,呼吸及情緒上的控制,再逐漸地把整個系統封閉。

Its content may be different from the ideologies of the last century , but its means are similar : intolerance , murder , terror , enslavement , and repression 其內容或許有別于上世紀那些意識形態,但其方式是類似的:不容異說、謀殺、恐怖活動、奴役與壓迫。

This repression happens through the body by tightening the musculature and controlling the breathing and feelings , which gradually deadens the whole bioenergetic system 這種抑壓通過身體肌肉上的繃緊,呼吸及情緒上的控制,再慢慢地封閉整個生命系統。

Classic tale of teen rebellion and repression features a delightful combination of dance choreography and realistic and touching performances 凱文培根主演的一部具有年輕人熱力和沖動的歌唱舞蹈片,情節發展輕快流暢,攝于霹靂舞流行的1984年。

The sufi do not support the usual islamic repression of women . but that does not mean the girls are as free as their western contemporaries 蘇菲教派并不支持一般回教對女性的壓抑,但是這并不表示她們就可以像一般西方女孩一樣不受拘束。

Our study contributes to the literature to show how corporate rent - seeking behaviors under financial repression can lead to financing - motivated takeovers 我們這篇文獻的貢獻在于闡明了在融資管制下公司尋租行為將如何引發融資動機收購。

During the period covered by this report , unapproved religious and spiritual groups remained under scrutiny and , in some cases , repression 在本報告階段內,未經批準的宗教和信仰團體仍受到嚴密監視,在某些情況下還遭到壓制。

Very rarely , in my experience , can a movie break through this secularization of thought , this barrier of repression in our culture 就我個人的經歷而言,很少能有哪部片子能夠超越這種思想的世俗性及我們文化中的這層壓制的障礙。

For a small child it is not meditation , it is torture . for a young man who is alive , vibrant , it is repression , it is not meditation 對一個小孩來說那不是靜心,那是受罪。對一個活潑愛動的年輕人來說,那是壓抑,不是靜心。

We think of that photograph on november 9 , 1989 , the night the berlin wall fell , the dancing atop a symbol of repression 是因為我們忽視提出正確的問題,使我們的三軍付出了可怕的代價,包括在越南時以及回國之后。

That is , his feelings and his voice were coloured with that seeming repression and pathos which is the essence of eloquence 他的感情和聲音似乎帶上壓抑苦悶和憂傷纏綿的色彩,這一點正是語言具有感人力量的實質。

Financial repression blocks the development of the rural economy . but the growth of rural economy needs financial support 致使農村經濟發展滯后的關鍵因素之一在于農村金融改革滯后、創新不足和支農力度不夠。

N - corl involving a corepressor complex ( including ncor , smrt , and hdac ) can mediate the transcriptional repression of thyroid horm 其人類的同源物可以與卜干擾素的啟動子, 1型免疫缺陷病毒重復長末端

Consequently he threw carrie into repression , which was irritating . she felt his indifference keenly and longed to see hurstwood 嘉莉的心里話得不到傾吐,感到受了壓抑,心里很不痛快。

He had naturally repressed much , and some revulsion might have been expected in him when the occasion for repression was gone 他自然曾狠狠地壓抑過自己,壓抑一放松免不了會產生反彈。

Section ii provides a conceptual framework of financing - motivated mergers and acquisitions under financial repression 第二章闡述了在融資管制下融資動機合并和收購的框架性概念。

She was young , with a fair , calm face , whose lines 10 ) bespoke repression and even a certain strength 她還很年青,白皙而安詳的臉上的線條,顯示著一種壓抑甚或說是一種力量。

Sam : you didn ' t knock . you were screaming at me . this is repression . you ' re ruining my youth , okay 你們沒有敲。你在朝我叫。這是在施加壓力,你們在毀我的青春年華,啊?

It requires feeling , repression , thus : the usual crowd of children accosted them for alms 這需要注入感情,一種壓抑的傷心。要這么說,馬路上常見的乞兒向他們乞討。 ”