
representative adj.1.表示的;表現的,描寫的;象征的。2.能代表…...


Royal sun alliance beijing representative office 皇家太陽聯合保險集團北京代表處

One critic has christened the two types of authors “palefaces“ and “redskins,“ taking henry james and walt whitman as representative figures . 一位批評家把這兩種作家分別叫做“白面孔”和“紅皮膚,”拿亨利詹姆斯和華爾特惠特曼當做兩派的代表人物。

And i share a certain wonder that a representative of a country that had invaded all neighboring countries could win a peace price for making a cease-fire . 我也不無同感:一個侵略遍及鄰國的國家,僅僅因為停了火,其代表居然得到和平獎。

Another problem in the determination of a good representative value of the conductivity for a given rock type arises from the heterogeneity of the material . 測取給定巖類具有良好代表性熱導率數據的另一個問題是材料的不均勻性。

There is no need to send a representative to call on us until i narrow the field from a comparison study of features and costs . 沒有必要派代表來訪我公司,待我從一些產品的特色和價格的比較研究中得出較相近的結果再說。

The price of labor is sometimes determined through collective bargaining between a union and an employer or his representative . 勞動力的價格有時是通過工會和它的雇主或雇主代表進行集體談判決定的。

The house approved a bill sponsored by representative albert johnson of washington to suspend immigration for one year . 眾議院通過來自華盛頓州眾議員艾伯特約翰遜提出的暫停移民一年的法案。

These words may be taken as representative of james himself, with his constant injunction to live to the utmost . 我們也可以說這些話代表的是詹姆斯本人的意見,因為他的教條是盡情生活。

The credentials committee, appointed by the president at each session, verifies the credentials of representatives . 全權證書委員會,在每屆會議上由主席任命,負責審查各國代表的證書。

He has lived in a vacuum for eighteen years, cloyed by the representative and unique longings of any youth . 他在真空中生活了十八年,膩味了年輕人那一套典型的、獨特的向往和追求。

British representatives abroad naturally do their best to prevent too pessimistic a picture of their economy . 英國駐外使節自然盡力防止他們國家的經濟情況被描繪得過于灰溜溜。

The question arose whether the foreign representatives should call on the newly arrived vice president . 接著發生了一個問題,那就是外國使節該不該拜會這位新來的副總統。

He has lived in a vacuum for eighteen years, cloyed by the representative and unique longings of any youth . 他離群獨處生活了18年,膩味了年輕人那一套典型而獨特的追求。

In most cases, a representative sample of data is required for defining the statistics of the wind field . 在大部分情況下,為了確定風場的統計,需要代表性的數據樣品。

Merely to make a judgement of that kind is, to representatives of either position, a satisfaction . 對這兩種立場的捍衛者們來說,作出判斷本身便能使他們滿意。

No representative of labor had ever sat on the board of a major american corporation . 在這以前,沒有任何一個勞工代表參加過一家美國的大公司的董事會。

British representatives abroad are continually drawing attention to and promoting our success . 英國駐外使節就不斷宣揚我們的成就,以引起外國的注意。

Representative oily soil compositions are more easily made up from pure chemical ingredients . 有代表性的油質污垢,則比較容易用純化學品成分配制。

The seminar was expanded to include representatives from a dozen giant corporations . 這項研究課程已經大加擴充,有十幾家大公司的代表參加學習。