
representational adj.1.表現的,再現的,表象的。2.扮演的,反映客觀...


The thesis is composed of three parts : firstly , we sum up the course of service management and choose the pop field of service quality as the important of thesis . we choose three representational banks as the object and build the counter service quality model then we take an investigation to collect the data of bank counter service quality 由此出發,全文共分三部分來討論這個問題:首先,在總結了國內外服務管理發展歷程和研究現狀的基礎上,選擇服務管理研究領域較熱門的話題? ?服務質量,作為研究重點,并且選擇服務業中較有代表性的銀行業作為研究對象,構建了銀行臨柜服務質量評價模型,用層次分析法確定了各指標的權重,并根據模型設計調查問卷,進行實地調研收集相關數據。

Focusing on a 64 - bit high - performance general purpose microprocessor with fully independent intellectual property , the thesis investigates a 128 - word 65 - bit general register file with 12 - read and 8 - write ports which is a representational one for its large - scale and multi - port characteristics in that microprocessor , and realizes its full custom design with high speed in read and write access . from the layout simulation result , under the 0 . 18um process , the upper limit working frequency for the register file is 900mhz 本文面向一款具有完全自主知識產權的64位高性能通用處理器,對其中具有代表性的128字65位12讀端口和8寫端口的通用寄存器文件進行研究,實現了它的高速讀寫全定制設計,版圖模擬結果表明,在0 . 18um工藝下,設計可以工作的時鐘頻率上限為900mhz 。

Firstly , the paper analyze six series of new textbooks facing the twenty - one century and several representational american teaching material , then compare chinese teaching material with america teaching material on electromagnetics and neoteric physics , exercises and examples , the instance in introducing modern educational technology 文章分析了六套我國面向二十一世紀新工科物理教材,同時分析了幾套較有代表性的美國教材,將中美教材中電磁學、近代物理、習題和例題進行了比較,并比較了中美引入現代教育技術情況。

After that , it introduces representational patterns in several experimental units , and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages ; finally , the writers proposes his own designed plan in cooperate with the actual and recent situation in rural area . and besides , he expounds the dovetailed measure in finance , relationship between industry and agriculture , and administrative system that makes the systematic project - - - - - - the reform of rural taxes and fees system become more perfect 重點分析了農民負擔產生的深層次原因;然后論文介紹了最近幾年來有代表意義的幾種試點模式,評價了其優缺點;最后,結合目前農村實際,在試點方案基礎上,提出了自己的設計方案,并從財稅、工農關系及行政體制等各方面論述了配套改革的措施,使稅費制度改革這一系統工程更完善。

With high - grade highway of city hengshui as study object , this paper run after , observed and studied to the pavement performance of the representational highway for a long time . by assessment and forecast , we ascertain the section in need of maintenance and constitute the corresponding maintenance measure , choose the west scheme of expense - effect , and then distribute the limited capital to the project with reason , supply credible foundation to improve the construction technique and management level of high - grade highway 本課題以衡水市92年以來投入運營的高等級公路為研究對象,選定有代表性的典型路段,對這些路段的路面使用性能進行長期跟蹤及觀測,通過對路面使用性能的評價和預測,確定需養護路段和制定相應的養護維修對策,選用費用-效果最佳的方案,并對項目合理分配有限的養護資金,為改善和提高高等級公路路面的施工技術及養護管理水平提供可靠的依據。

Firstly , the paper have , from the theoretical research of the significance , standard and model of the strategic alliance stability , and through further analysis of the strategic alliance ' s instability representational type , secondly7 raised the critical elements involved in the interference of the strategic alliance ' s stability : the alliance partner ' s match ; the balance between profit and risk ; the co - operation of the alliance management ; the consistency of the alliance ' s objectives ; harmonization of the alliance ' s culture , thirdly , the critical measures that strengthens the strategic alliance ' s stability , consisting of : construction of the enterprise ' s core capabilities ; strengthening of mutual trust ; promotion of information management ; coordinating of alliance ' s organizational study ; promotion of the alliance ' s culture amalgamation 本文試圖尋找干擾企業戰略聯盟穩定性的關鍵因素,并提出加強戰略聯盟穩定性的關鍵措施。首先本文從戰略聯盟穩定性涵義、標準和模型進行理論研究,然后分析戰略聯盟不穩定性的表現類型,其次提出了干擾企業戰略聯盟穩定性的關鍵因素,即聯盟伙伴的匹配性、收益和風險的對稱性、聯盟管理的合作性、戰略目標的一致性、聯盟文化協同性。再其次提出了加強戰略聯盟穩定性的關鍵措施,即建設企業核心能力、增進聯盟相互信任、推進管理信息化、協調聯盟組織學習、促進聯盟文化融合。

In this paper , we analyze the doping experiments of several representational semiconductors and conclude the theoretical formula from different aspects . optimum doping contents in various materials of semiconductor materials are calculated . the quantitative calculation values are in accordance with the experimental results 本論文工作是在對電子薄膜材料摻雜的研究基礎之上,主要是對幾種有代表性的半導體發光材料的摻雜進行分析,從不同角度對最佳摻雜含量的理論進行探索,并應用理論公式對發光材料最佳摻雜含量進行理論計算,使理論計算出的最佳摻雜含量與實驗數據相符合。

In order to analyze the structure conditions of the company ' s products more intensively , this dissertation aimed at the representational 5 kind products of the hs medicine company respectively adopt three analyze tools , the boston matrix theory , ge matrix theory and products combination analysis to analyze the existing products from three points of view and comes to the three main conditions existing in the structure aspect of enterprise ’ s products , that is ( 1 ) if the competition ability of the rhinitis - easy 為了更加透徹的分析該公司的產品結構情況,本論文針對hs藥業公司有代表性的5類產品為對象,分別采用波士頓矩陣、通用電器( ge )矩陣法和產品組合分析法三個分析工具從三個不同角度對現有產品結構進行分析,得出企業在產品在結構方面主要存在三方面的現狀,即,若未來鼻炎舒產品出現競爭力下降情況,企業將沒有現金流產品來支撐公司發展。

This paper start with comparing trade secret and traditional intellectual property right , on the base of specific law orientation of trade secret , we introduce , compare and appraise some representational kinds of law theories and some judicature practices about trade secret protection present in developed countries . connecting to the new characteristics of internet society we also survey the legal system course and actuality of trade secret protection in our country . this article is composed of five sections 本文從商業秘密與傳統知識產權的比較入手,在對商業秘密進行比較明確的法律定位的基礎上,介紹、比較和評價了目前世界上關于商業秘密保護有代表性的幾種法學理論和一些發達國家關于商業秘密保護的司法實踐,并結合計算機網絡社會的新特點,對我國商業秘密保護的法制進程和現狀進行審視,重點探討了我國商業秘密法律保護制度的完善辦法。

There are two areas innovation in my temporal data modeling . first is developing an arithmetic which implements information modeling by combining erwin tool and timeer model . second , an application - oriented and event - based temporal representational scheme is developed , which has advantages on following aspects : retaining simplicity of relational model , easy of implementation and query evaluation efficiency 一是將timeer模型與erwin建模工具相結合,開發了一個用erwin建模時態信息模型的方法,并對時態約束進行了具體討論;二是在研究時態數據語義和時態數據關系模式的基礎上,結合具體的應用實際開發了人力資源管理信息系統的時態關系模式及其相關的操作算法。

They were typical and representational , the 1 , the temperatures of road surface and the sample of soil were collection and menstruated . after experimentation , the data of 1 under kinds of situation were got . through the data treating with , this thesis is got the season coefficient about asphalt concrete road surface under the dry - or waterish state 本文主要是科學、合理地選定具有代表性、典型性路段,對該路段的路面彎沉值、地表溫度、土樣等進行外業采集、測定,再通過試驗和內業數據整理計算,得出瀝青路面不同干濕狀態下彎沉值的季節影響系數。

This research is based on the theoretic study of export rebate , first , through the establishment of conception model of the export rebate behavior on the state level and the enterprise level , the influencing factors of the export refund behavior of the state and enterprise are found , which established a good basis for the construction of the target export rebate system ; second , the developing course and status quo of the export rebate in china is analyzed comprehensively , the main problems in the practice of the export rebate and cause of formation are found ; third , seven representational counties are chosen , their tax system and the export rebate system are analyzed , additionally , the case of the international trade dispute about the export rebate is discussed , then the international experience of the export rebate is summarized ; forth , the active mechanism of the export rebate to the economical system is analyzed , the theoretic structure of the function cost of the export rebate is established and the econ omic effect of the export rebate policy is simulated ; fifth , the problem that how to build the target export rebate system of china built on the preceding analysis is discussed and the matching measures and strategies are put forward 本研究基于以上思考,針對性強,只有一定的理論意義和實踐價值。本研究以出口退稅的理論研究為基點,首先,通過建立國家層次和企業層次出口退稅行為的概念模型,找到影響國家制定出口退稅政策和企業退稅行為選擇的各項因素,為構建我國的目標出口退稅機制奠定了基礎;其次,對我國出口退稅的發展歷程及運行現狀進行較為全面的分析,找到出口退稅實際運行過程中存在的主要問題及成因;第三,選取了七個有代表性的國家,對其稅收制度及出口退稅制度進行了詳盡的剖析,并分析了有關出口退稅方面國際貿易爭端的案例,總結了出口退稅方面的國際經驗,以期為我所用;第四,分析了出口退稅對經濟系統的作用機制,并構建了出口退稅運行成本的理論框架,模擬了出口退稅政策的經濟效應;第五,基于前述分析,從五個方面闡述如何構建我國的目標出口退稅機制,提出了配套改革的方法和策略。

Firstly , it compares the new features of the scientific policy of the representational countries and makes out some revelations . it is believed < wp = 4 > that it will be helpful to our policy selecting ; secondly , the data chose in this paper is relatively late to present time . it has been modificated and supplemented continuously during the writing of this paper 本文最突出的特點是其時效性強,這種時效性表現在:一是在科技全球化大趨勢下將有突出代表性的國家的科技政策新走向做出對比得出啟示,以期對我國的科技發展政策選擇會有所幫助;二是文章中所選用的材料時效性強,隨著文章寫作過程的不斷推進,文章中所引用的數據以及該領域中新的觀點和論斷得到了及時的修改和增補。

In this paper , systematic numerical test have been carried out to study the stability of surrounding rock mass with different distribution of weak interbed , different distance between weak interbed and limit of excavation , different thickness of weak interbed , in the different confining coefficient and representational surrounding rock mass graded ii , iii , iv . all of the numerical modeling is plain - strain type with elastic - plastic constitutive law and mohor - coulomb failure criterion , through the integrated numerical analysis program final . plentiful numerical test results have been drawn via analyse the deformation , tensile stress region , plastic region of surrounding rock and the stress status of shot - crete 大量的工程實踐表明,軟弱夾層對地下洞室圍巖穩定性的影響有著決定性的作用,本文以大型數值仿真分析系統final為平臺,采用彈塑性應力應變關系和m - c屈服準則建立平面應變問題有限元模型,對軟弱夾層的分布部位、分布距離、軟弱夾層的厚度對圍巖穩定性的影響以及在具有不同側壓力系數的地應力場中和、 、類代表性圍巖中軟弱夾層對圍巖穩定性的影響進行了系統的數值試驗,研究得出了軟弱夾層對圍巖位移、拉應力區、塑性區以及噴射混凝土層內力等影響豐富的量化成果,以便直接為工程設計人員提供參考。

All the results can be utilized by engineers , during the designing and construction . the main conclusions are listed as follows : ( 1 ) based on the shortest line between weak interbed and limit of excavation and the location of point of intersection between limit of excavation , classification of weak interbed distribution is set up , and the distance of distribution is defined ; ( 2 ) according to the strength and deformation equivalent principle , influence zone of weak interbed is introduced , and a new method to simulating the weak interbed with thickness is built ; ( 3 ) some quantificational results on influence of weak interbed respectively at crown , right shoulder and right wall are summarized ; ( 4 ) some quantificational results on influence of weak interbed with the distance between weak interbed and limit of excavation 0 . 2d , 0 . 5d , l . od are gained ; ( 5 ) some quantificational results on influence of weak interbed in the rock mass with confining coefficient 0 . 38 , 1 . 0 , 1 . 5 , 2 . 0 , 3 . 0 are summed up ; ( 6 ) some quantificational results are summarized on influence of the underground surrounding rock mass stability with weak interbed , in the representational surrounding rock mass graded ii , iii , iv ; ( 7 ) according to the studying results some advices are suggested on designing of underground engineering 主要結論如下: ( 1 )以軟弱夾層到開挖輪廓線最短距離和最短距離線與開挖輪廓線的交點位置為指標對軟弱夾層的分布部進行了分類,并確定了軟弱夾層分布距離; ( 2 )根據強度等效和變形等效的原則,引入了軟弱夾層影響帶的概念,建立了模擬軟弱夾層厚度的一種新方法; ( 3 )總結出了軟弱夾層分布在拱頂、右拱肩、右邊墻時對地下洞室穩定性影響的量化指標; ( 4 )分析出了軟弱夾層距開挖輪廓線0 . 2d 、 0 . 5d 、 1 . 0d三種情況對地下洞室穩定性影響的量化指標; ( 5 )總結出了在不同的側壓力系數( 0 . 38 、 1 . 0 、 1 . 5 、 2 . 0 、 3 . 0 )地應力場中軟弱夾層對穩定性影響的量化指標; ( 6 )得出了在、 、代表性圍巖中軟弱夾層對穩定性影響量化結果; ( 7 )根據數值試驗成果提出了在有軟弱夾層圍巖中地下洞室設計原則的幾點新內容。

In addition , these two factors have correlated negative effect . subjects of different representational types do not show significant difference in general mathematics self - efficacy , curriculum self - efficacy , and task self - efficacy . in the three latitudes of mathematics self - efficacy , the only significant difference lies in problem self - efficacy 不同的表征類型的被試,其總體數學自我效能、課程自我效能、任務自我效能方面不存在顯著差異,在數學自我效能的三個分緯度方面,僅在問題自我效能方面存在顯著差異。

It urged me to the ontology ' s opposite polarity , namely the representational angle on “ tectonics “ , and again i examined the works of three architects in the second chapter . where forms ca n ' t be explained with logical reasoning of construction it can still be allowed because of the reasonableness of its expression 它推動我走到建構本體論的反面,從建構表現論的角度對前述的建筑作品進行再次的分析,在此那些超出了“建造邏輯”可以推理范疇的形式可以因為“表現的合理性”而存在。

We use the stressed fraction that is the most representational and sensitive to corroding to making experiment in combined type equivalent environment spectrum . we can calculate the velocity of corroding , protection period and basal body corroding expansion lifespan , first repair time and the interval of repair period 本文以模擬試驗結果和使用中腐蝕損傷數據統計處理為主要依據,并同時滿足安全性和經濟性兩方面的要求,在確定機體使用壽命時,以疲勞定壽結果為主、日歷定壽為輔,綜合給出飛機機體使用壽命。

2 . 5 space - time panorama not only do we give a math show of schrdinger equation in this chapter but we also set it up on substantial and more representational principles , therefore we have reasons to scan all physical theories with deflection of space - time 本章并不是簡單地為薛定諤方程找到了數學上的證明方法,而是使其建立在更為牢固更具代表性的時空原理之上,這同時也使我們有理由從時空偏轉的概念出發去審視目前全部物理理論所處的時空位置: