
representation n.1.表示,表現,描畫,描寫;畫像,肖像;雕像,想像,...


Structure that contains the string representation of the 結構的字符串表示形式。

Object - oriented knowledge representation based on vc and vip 的面向對象知識表示

Draft plans currently inviting further representations 現正邀請進一步申述的草圖

Specifies the data representation syntax type of a 對象的數據表示(語法)類型。

A string whose value is the string representation of the 一個字符串,它的值是此

Representation skill in child toy packaging design 論兒童玩具包裝設計的表現技巧

The operator a can have other representation as well 算符a還能轉有其它的表象。

A string representation of the application identity 應用程序標識的字符串表示。

A commentary on bilingual lexical representation model 雙語詞匯表征模型研究進展

The effects produced when a beam of light falls on a crystal for varying angles of incidence can be readily visualized by a geometrical representation . 投射到晶體上的光束,由于入射角的變化所產生的不同效應,可以很方便地用一種幾何圖形體直觀地顯示。

When vacancies happen in the representation from any state the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies . 任何一州的眾議員有缺額時,該州的行政長官應頒布選舉令,選出眾議員,以補充缺額。

take advantage of the binary representation of numbers in computers to write a program implementing this method for evaluating . 利用計算機中數的二進制表示的優點,寫出實現計算的這個方法的程序。

I am not without any hope of persuading them to confine the representation within a much smaller circle than they are now in the high road for . 我有希望說服他們把演出的范圍大大地縮小,要比他們現在謀求的范圍小得多。

The justification of(13. 2-2)as a representation of spontaneous emission noise is provided by the discussion preceding(13. 1-7) . 根據上面對式(131-7)的討論,就可以將公式(132-2)看作是自發輻射噪聲的表達式。

His sisters, to whom he had an opportunity of speaking the next morning, were quite as unyielding to his representation as tom . 第二天早晨,他找了個機會勸說他的妹妹們,她們象湯姆一樣,一點也不接受他的意見。

It fact, lobbies may be both-vehicles for the representation of interests, and people with suitcases full of money . 事實上,游說集團可能兩者都是,既是代表利益集團的工具,又是手里提著裝滿了金錢的手提箱的人。

Mulcaster looked crapulous and began a confused complaint that he had been denied legal representation and civil rights . 馬爾卡斯特看來已經酩酊大醉了,語無倫次地控訴說他被剝奪了合法的陳述權和公民權等等。

In group theory they are the so-called irreducible representations of the point group considered, a name that some authors prefer . 在群論中,它們是所謂的點群的不可約表象,這是一些文獻作者喜歡使用的名詞。

Their efforts helped to establish the principles of representation before the law on the basis of numbers and equality . 他們的努力對于建立在法律面前以人數多少和平等為基礎而有代表權的原則,頗有幫助。