
reprehensible adj.應受譴責的。adv.-bly


Elizabeth , however , had never been blind to the impropriety of her father s behaviour as a husband . she had always seen it with pain ; but respecting his abilities , and grateful for his affectionate treatment of herself , she endeavoured to forget what she could not overlook , and to banish from her thoughts that continual breach of conjugal obligation and decorum which , in exposing his wife to the contempt of her own children , was so highly reprehensible 她老是一看到就覺得痛苦可是她尊重他的才能,又感謝他對讀書的寵愛,因此,本來忽略不了的地方,她也盡量把它忽略過去,而且縱使父親大不該叫孩子們看不起媽媽,以致使他們老夫婦一天比一天不能夠互敬互愛地相處,她也盡量不去想它。

A habit reprehensible at puberty is second nature and an opprobium in middlelife . if he must dispense his balm of gilead in nostrums and apothegms of dubious taste to restore to health a generation of unfledged profligates let his practice consist better with the doctrines that now engross him 倘若彼一定要將基列香油202這一效驗可疑之秘方與“金科玉律” ,分發給一代乳臭未干之蕩子,以促使彼等康復,則應使彼之行為與正全力奉行之教義相一致。

Nfl quarterback michael vick faces 12 to 18 months in jail and the ruin of his brilliant career with the atlanta falcons - - for killing six or eight pit bulls and running a dogfighting operation in virginia . “ barbaric “ . “ reprehensible “ . “ odious “ 美國國家足球聯盟的四分衛邁克爾.維克由于在弗吉尼亞殺死了6至8頭比特犬以及經營斗狗,正在面臨12至18個月的監禁,他在“亞特蘭大獵鷹”的輝煌事業也會隨之葬送。

Is either a negative concept of avoidance of reprehensible actions or a certain source of emulation in obtaining the commendation and rewards in which it finds expression . his arguments were condensed , simple , and clear 他說,榮譽, lhonneur ,不可能受到對供職有害的優越地位的維護,榮譽, lhonneur ,或者是不做應受指責的行為的消極概念,或者是為贏得贊許和獎賞而熱心進取的一種源泉。

By contrast , in france , where she lives , people find it reprehensible that americans actually discuss the point when dating turns monogamous ; until then they casually juggle several suitors at once 形成對比的是,在她居住的法國,當幽會變成一夫一妻的婚姻時人們認為通奸行為應該受到指責(實際上美國人也在討論這一點) ;在那以前,他們可以隨便的同時和幾個求愛者交往。

My object has been to secure an amiable companion for myself , with due consideration for the advantage of all your family , and if my manner has bee at all [ color = red ] [ b ] reprehensible [ / b ] [ / color ] , i here beg leave to apologise 我的目的就是要找一個可愛的伴侶,并且適當地考慮到府上的利益;假使我的態度方面有什么地方應該受到責備的話,就讓我當面道個謙吧。

My object has been to secure an amiable companion for myself , with due consideration for the advantage of all your family , and if my manner has been at all reprehensible , i here beg leave to apologise . 我的目的就是要找一個可愛的伴侶,并且適當地考慮到府上的利益假使我的態度方面有什么地方應該受到責備的話,就讓我當面道個謙吧。 ”

My object has been to secure an amiable companion for myself , with due consideration for the advantage of all your family , and if my manner has bee at all reprehensible , i here beg leave to apologise 我的目的就是要找一個可愛的伴侶,并且適當地考慮到府上的利益;假使我的態度方面有什么地方應該受到責備的話,就讓我當面道個謙吧。

She could only imagine however , at last , that she drew his notice because there was a something about her more wrong and reprehensible , according to his ideas of right , than in any other person present 最后,她只得這樣想她所以引起了達西的注意,大概是因為達西認為她比起在座的任何人來,都叫人看不順眼。

So instead of open surveys , alternative procedures are needed if we are to procure reliable data on such confidential matters , especially the sensitive ones , believed to carry reprehensible stigmas 因此,調查者很希望能設計一種方法,既能使被調查者不擔心暴露隱私,又使調查者獲得正確的資料。

This reminds us once again of the horrors of this trade in human beings , and of the reprehensible and degrading practices of the criminal syndicates who promote it 這事件再一次提醒我們,這類偷運人口生意的可怕,提倡這類卑劣行徑的犯罪集團應受斥責。

At first he saw nothing [ color = red ] [ b ] reprehensible [ / b ] [ / color ] in this , but in the second year of his marriage his view of that form of punishment suddenly changed 起初,他并不覺得這有什么不對,但在婚后第二年,他對這種懲罰方法的看法突然改變了。

What makes these singaporeans behave the way they do my own views , admittedly somewhat speculative , are that they probably do not consider their actions as reprehensible 這些新加坡人為何有如此舉止?以筆者揣想,他們大概是認為此等行為無可指摘。

At first he saw nothing reprehensible in this , but in the second year of his marriage his view of that form of punishment suddenly changed 起初,他并不覺得這有什么不對,但在婚后第二年,他對這種懲罰方法的看法突然改變了。

Those of her colleagues who detected in her something odd and reprehensible would not have dared to call it “ religious “ 那些同事雖然在她身上發現了某種奇特的、大可非議的東西,卻不敢說這種東西“具有宗教性質” 。

And pierre , trying panic - stricken to think whether he had done anything reprehensible , looked about him , crimsoning 皮埃爾很驚恐地回想起,他是否做了什么不體面的事,他滿面通紅,向四周環顧。

And even though i found it reprehensible for any man in the experience i ' m going romance - me too 而盡管我發現,對任何男人來說,我所卷入的風流韻事都是應該受譴責的-我也是

She was not reprehensible in any way - just a full - blood animal glowing with a love of life 她是完全不應該受人非難的- -她只是個多血質的動物,由于熱愛生活而紅光煥發。

It is the blastocyst destruction in this process that ideologues perceive as morally reprehensible 理論家們覺得這一過程中的胚泡破壞應該受到道德上的譴責。