
repost n.,=riposte.


Simply repost the same item within 14 days upon the end date . sellers can also pre - set an auto - repost function . when doing so , the system will auto - repost the item within 12 hours upon the end of the item if there is no winner for that item 賣家可以在張貼貨品時預先設定重貼為自動功能,并可選擇最多5次的重貼,那么當拍賣結束而又沒有勝出者時,貨品會于12小時內自動重貼。

All rights reserved ! ! ! please do not repost any our exclusive photos and wallpapers to other forum or site , respect copyright ! ! ! thanks for your cooperation , thank you ! ! ! 注意:請勿任意轉載本會網站任何獨家圖片及桌布至其他網站或個人網站,懇請各位古迷合作,尊重知識版權,謝謝!

I ' m writing this from korea . thank god for keeping me safe . please help translate and repost if you think it worhtwhile . thank you 這些是在韓國寫的,感謝神保守我的安全。如果你覺得值得的話,請將這些翻譯過來,重新發表。謝謝!

If an item is closed without a winner , sellers can choose to repost the same item again for upto 5 times free of charge 如果拍賣結束時沒有勝出者,賣家可以選擇重貼相同的貨品最多5次。使用重貼功能以再次售賣相同貨品是免費的。

If the auction is closed without a winner , the seller can choose to repost the same auction item again for 5 times free of charge 如果拍賣結束時沒有勝出者,賣家可以選擇在拍賣結束后的14內免費再度重貼相同的貨品最多5次。

However please quote original sources and author if available ( if not , please put “ repost “ on the top of the story or essay 請各位在轉貼文章及故事時標明出處或原作者,若果無法探查,請在文章的首位置寫上[轉貼] 。

As i was editing the photo above the maple leaves pumpkin , i accidently erased it . this is a repost of the composite photo 當我在編輯以上的楓葉南瓜燈照片時,在無意中刪除了,這是合照的重新貼圖

Please repost your message to revise them , we will remove the previous one from database 如果您想對留言進行修改,請將其重新登載,我們將從數據庫里清除舊的內容。

We are welcome members to repost interesting essay and story in our forum and share experience with each others 我們歡迎各位轉貼文章及故事,與各位好友分享。

It ' s a repost of a table i made a while back , updated with new aq / naxx weapons 最近的更新添加了安齊拉和納克薩瑪斯掉落的武器。

Repost auto manual 重貼功能自動非自動

How do i repost an item 拍賣貨品成功出售,如何聯絡買家?