
repossess vt.再占有,取回,復得(被奪之物);使恢復。 repo...


Based on the sample of ais which was smaller than the full june survey , the situation of repossessed properties improved in the third quarter as a result of increased sales of repossessed properties , with the monthly average disposal rate almost tripling that recorded in the 18 - month period mentioned above 根據被抽樣訪問的認可機構機構數目較月份統計調查的小,第季收回物業情況有所改善,原因是出售收回物業的數目增加,每月平均出售比率差不多是上述個月期間所錄得數字的倍。

The primary objective of the survey was to facilitate its prudential supervision by gathering information on the quantity of repossessed properties , including both residential and non - residential properties , held by authorised institutions at 30 june and the practices adopted by ais in relation to the repossession and disposal of these properties 該項統計調查的主要目的,是收集有關認可機構于月日持有的收回物業包括住宅及非住宅物業數目,以及認可機構就收回與出售這類物業的處理手法的資料,以便進行審慎監管。

Article 249 partial refund in case of termination by lessor where the parties agreed that title to the lease item will vest in the lessee at the end of the lease term , and after paying a major portion of the rent , the lessee is unable to pay the remaining balance , resulting in the lessor ' s termination of the contract and repossession of the lease item , if the value of the repossessed lease item exceeds the rent owed by the lessee and other expenses , the lessee may require partial refund 第二百四十九條當事人約定租賃期間屆滿租賃物歸承租人所有,承租人已經支付大部分租金,但無力支付剩余租金,出租人因此解除合同收回租賃物的,收回的租賃物的價值超過承租人欠付的租金以及其他費用的,承租人可以要求部分返還。

Where the parties agreed that title to the lease item will vest in the lessee at the end of the lease term , and after paying a major portion of the rent , the lessee is unable to pay the remaining balance , resulting in the lessor ' s termination of the contract and repossession of the lease item , if the value of the repossessed lease item exceeds the rent owed by the lessee and other expenses , the lessee may require partial refund 第二百四十九條當事人約定租賃期間屆滿租賃物歸承租人所有,承租人已經支付大部分租金,但無力支付剩余租金,出租人因此解除合同收回租賃物的,收回的租賃物的價值超過承租人欠付的租金以及其他費用的,承租人可以要求部分返還。

The decline in number of rmls in negative equity in the first quarter is due to a number of factors : the stabilisation of property prices , continued instalment repayments by homeowners , pay - downs by customers who sought refinancing or restructuring of their loans and some disposals of repossessed properties 年第季的負資產住宅按揭貸款宗數有所減少,是受多項因素影響,包括物業價格轉趨穩定業主繼續供款客戶尋求轉按或重組貸款而償還部分本金,以及銀行出售部分收回的物業。

There is some danger in taking on debts , however . when the economy slackens and employers lay off workers , families that lose breadwinners often fail to make the payments on their debts . if they fall behind too far on these obligations , they run the risk of having their houses , cars or other items taken over or repossessed by the lenders 不過負債有一些風險。經濟不景氣雇主裁減工人的時候,失去養家糊口之人的家庭常常不能支付債務。如果支付欠債離欠款太遠,他們的房子、轎車或其他項目有被債主收回或占用的危險。

This is because the number of repossessed properties nearly 4 , 000 in the past 12 months being disposed of has probably become a big enough factor on the supply side to have exerted a significant depressing effect on property prices , in particular those in the secondary market ,可能已成為樓市供應其中一個主要源頭,對樓價造成顯著的遏抑作用,其中以對二手樓市的影響更為明顯。因此,那些打算收回抵押物業的銀行不如考慮重組貸款,可能更符合本身的利益。

Most of the ais reported that their strategy was to sell repossessed properties only at an acceptable price level i . e . they would not be prepared to sell at forced - sale values . this indicates that ais generally adopt a prudent approach towards the disposal of repossessed properties 大部分認可機構表示,它們只會以可接受的價格水平出售收回物業即是認可機構不會以迫售式價格出售這類物業,顯示認可機構對出售收回物業普遍采取審慎態度。

Then some kind souls let him know that his non - paying customer had been dropped by the duke and was living with some young man who had no money . the other creditors were likewise told . they demanded money , and repossessed some of their goods 后來一些好心人提醒他說,他的債務人已經被公爵拋棄了,她正在跟一個沒有財產的青年過日子別的債權人也接到了同樣的通知,他們也來討債,來查封瑪格麗特的財產。

In general , the surveys indicate that sales of repossessed properties accounted for a relatively small proportion of total sale transactions and that ais were able to accelerate disposal of repossessed properties in the third quarter of this year 整體而言,兩項統計調查顯示認可機構出售收回物業占物業銷售交易總數的比重相對較小,而認可機構在本年第季出售收回物業的數量增加。

I know how to chastise children , you see , said the scoundrel grimly , as he stooped to repossess himself of the key , which had dropped to the floor . go to linton now , as i told you ; and cry at your ease “你瞧,我知道怎么懲罰孩子們, ”這個無賴漢兇惡地說,這時他彎腰去拾掉在地板上的鑰匙, “現在,按照我告訴過你的,到林敦那兒哭個痛快吧!

Where the lessee fails to pay the rent within a reasonable period after receiving demand for payment from the lessor , the lessor may require payment of the full rent ; or it may terminate the contract and repossess the lease item 承租人經催告后在合理期限內仍不支付租金的,出租人可以要求支付全部租金;也可以解除合同,收回租賃物。

Breach of contract in any regard on the part of the lessee shall be grounds for the lessor to terminate this contract immediately ; the lessee shall then permit the lessor to have right to repossess the leased building immediately 承租人有任何違約行為,出租人便有權立即終止本合同.承租人應允許出租人有權立即收回該出租房屋

1 under the following circumstances , lessor has the right to repossess the car , andcharge lessee for the losses incurred , while charging lessee the rentals for the time actually leased 存在下列情況時有權收回租賃車輛,并由乙方賠償因此所受到的損失,租金和相關費用按實際租賃的時間結算。

The ais included in this survey generally expected the number of repossessed properties at year - end to remain around the same level as that recorded as at 25 september 這項統計調查涉及的認可機構普遍預期年底前收回物業數目會維持在月日的相同水平。

Furthermore , there is a limit on the length of overdue payments in any mortgage beyond which a bank has to take the prudent action to repossess the property 此外,按揭貸款逾期供款是有一定時限的,超過了這個時限,銀行為審慎計,會收回有關物業。

Party a shall not repossess the leased property during the term of party a disturb of interfere with party b ' s quiet enjoyment of the leased property 2租賃期內甲方不得收回出租房屋(除非本合同另有規定) ,甲方保證乙方可不受干擾的享用該物業。

Bill has paid the last installment on his washing machine , so now he ' s out of debt , our of danger and doesn ' t have to worry about having it repossessed 比爾已付清了洗衣機的最后一筆款,現在他可是無債一身輕,不必擔心再失去它。

Counting the properties that have already been repossessed ? and hence are all but certain to be for sale ? that figure rises by about a fifth 把已經回收的房屋計算在內,這些房屋幾乎都是待售的,待售房的數量上升了五分之一。