
reposition 短語和例子reposition1n.1.安置,保存,保藏...


Gets a value indicating whether the cell contents need to be repositioned whenever the value changes 獲取一個值,指示是否需要在每次值更改時重新定位單元格內容。

To the file , then you reposition the file pointer to the start of the file and read the contents 的內容寫入文件,然后把文件指針重新定位到文件開頭,并讀入內容。

If elements are added , removed , or repositioned in the collection after this enumerator is created , 如果創建此枚舉數之后在集合中添加、移除或重新定位元素,則

It comprises of repositioning the lower legs to expand and flipping the chest over 90 degrees 就是小腿的延伸復位和討厭的胸部上翻90度(兩個步驟)組成。

Route n13 ambient building repositioned so troops no longer become stuck when exiting N13號公路地圖中民用建筑被重新放置,因此步兵不會在離開時被卡住。

Prompt , the cursor will reposition to the correct location , right after the j in ij 提示符下輸入內容,光標又會回到適當的位置,也就是在ij中的j之后。

Repositioning teacher ' s role in the web and multimedia - based senior school english teaching context 從多媒體及網絡環境看高中英語課教師角色的再定位

The handwheel can be removed and repositioned any of six positions around the stem 手輪可以拆卸并重新定位在環繞閥桿的六個位置中的任何一個位置上。

Practice and reflections on the reposition and settlement of personnel for reemployment at universities 高等學校待聘人員分流安置的實踐與思考

If howling occurs , reposition the speakers or turn down the volume on the amplifier 如果發生嘯聲,請重新配置揚聲器,或轉小放大器的音量。

The south pole marker was repositioned to reflect the precise location of the earth ' s south pole 南極耶地標徙位徙去地球確實耶南極地點。

Gets or sets a value indicating whether manual column repositioning is enabled 獲取或設置一個值,該值指示是否允許通過手動對列重新定位。

Method to reposition the enumerator to the start of the collection , you must then call the 方法將枚舉數重新定位到集合開頭后,必須調用

Therefore , hong kong must reposition itself and explore new economic possibilities 所以,香港經濟需要重新定位,探索未來的新路向。

Treatment of trans - scaphoid perilunate dislocation by manual reposition and exopexy 手法復位外固定治療經舟骨月骨周圍腕關節脫位

Reposition those rigs 平臺位置調整!

When removing or repositioning basket , lift straight up to avoid binding 當移動或復位裝置,必須豎直升起以避免東西束縛。

Repositioning locke ' s epistemology constructed on the basis of natural science 對洛克的認識論及其自然科學基礎研究之二

Tag , which creates a floating window that can be repositioned at run time 標記,創建可以在運行時重新放置的浮動窗口。