
repose vt.把(希望等)寄托在…;〔罕用語〕委托。 repos...


An old man reposed on a bench in the park 一位老人躺在公園的長凳上。

His parents were now reposing in the local churchyard 他的雙親現在長眠于本地教堂墓地。

Below this stone repose the mortal remains of the poet 在此石安息的是這位詩人的遺骸。

After lunch father reposed in the hammock 吃過午飯后,父親在吊床上休息。

We are praying now for the repose of his soul 眼下我們正為迪格納穆靈魂的安息而禱告。

Angle of repose of cohesionless soils test 室內土工試驗無粘性土天然坡角試驗

He reposed too much confidence in her / her promises 他過于相信她[她的諾言]

Ideas should not repose on unsupported facts 想法不應該建立在未經證實的事實之上。

As glass , as the heart in repose this lasting day 如玻璃般,如今日在此停駐的心靈。

Martin marvelled at the calm repose of his face 馬丁為他臉上的平靜安詳感到驚訝。

Solid fertilizers - measurement of static angle of repose 固體肥料.靜態休止角測量

Solid fertilizers . measurement of static angle of repose 固體肥料.靜態休止角測量

On the image - reposing technique in cao zhi ' s poems 淺論曹植詩歌的意象寄托手法

The owl hunts while you repose in bed 你躺在床上安然入睡時,貓頭鷹卻要去覓食。

The bearded owner of the slashed madonna, which itself was reposing on sherlock holmes'desk, was almost speechless with rage . 那幅有砍痕的圣母畫像擺在歇洛克福爾摩斯的辦公桌上,它的一臉胡子的主人則滿面恕容幾乎一言不發。

Dismissing faith in the confused creeds of the heathen world, he reposed the greatest faith in the power of human wisdom . 他不相信異教徒信奉的種種雜亂無章的教義,卻特別相信人類智慧的力量。

Resting my head on helen's shoulder, i put my arms round her waist, she drew me to her, and we reposed in silence . 我把頭靠在海倫肩上,用胳膊摟著她的腰,她把我拉過去,我們在寂靜中休息著。

I have no relative but the universal mother, nature: i will seek her breast and ask repose . 除了萬物之母大自然以外,我沒有親屬;我還是到她的懷里,去得到安息吧。

Mr. and mrs. shelby, after their protracted discussion of the night before, did not really sink to repose . 謝爾貝夫婦當晚一直談到深夜,上床后又未能立即入睡。