
reportedly adv.據報導,據傳說。


When reaching near tin ha road , the bike reportedly collided with the public light bus 該輛單車在駛至田廈路時據報與公共小巴相撞。

Inevitably , chinese law firms are reportedly already touting for claims 據報道,中國的律師事務所已開始為索賠造勢,這也是在所難免。

Jerome kerviel reportedly made trades in european stock index derivatives 據報道,杰洛米?科維爾在歐洲股票指數衍生產品中進行交易。

Lazio reportedly offered want - away defender guglielmo stendardo in exchange for lucchini 據報道拉齊奧想用斯滕達爾多換取盧基尼。

It reportedly rammed into the barriers when negotiating a right bend near ting kau 當駛經汀九一個右彎時,據報車輛撞向防撞欄。

He was an early christian churchman who reportedly helped young lovers 他是早期的一位基督教教士,傳說曾幫助過年輕的情侶們。

Software easy to use language preparation . may antivirus software reportedly virus 軟件用易語言編寫.有可能殺毒軟件報是病毒

A new computer virus was reportedly found in the new operating system 據報導,在新的作業系統中發現了一只新的電腦病毒。

The fake milk reportedly caused the deaths of 13 infants within the province 這些假奶粉據說已經造成了省內13名嬰兒的死亡。

The outbreak has reportedly paralysed 69 children in the north of the country 這次爆發的疫情導致該國北部的69名兒童患病。

Reportedly , 1986 no . 3 typhoon is being generated over the western north pacific 據報道, 1986年3號臺風在西北太平洋生成。

Mr olmert has reportedly been rejecting the army ' s most ambitious plans 據報道,奧爾默特一直在否決軍部野心勃勃的計劃。

At least one person has reportedly dead in a subway accident in italy 在意大利發生的地鐵事故中至少有一人被報道已死亡。

At least one person has reportedly dead in a subway accident in italy 據報道,在意大利的地鐵追尾事件中至少有一人死亡。

“ while there theyoung star reportedly underwent a penile enhancement . . 這位年輕的明星據說做了一次陰莖增大手術. . . . .

A third u . s . soldier was reportedly killed friday in central iraq 據報道,另一名美軍士兵星期五在伊拉克中部被打死。

The deal will reportedly make terry the highest paid player in england 這份合同將會使特里成為英國薪水最高的球員。

At least one person has reportedly dead in a subway accident in italy 據說在意大利的地鐵事故中至少有一人死亡。

The star is reportedly very ill 據說該明星病重