
reportage n.1.新聞采訪,新聞報導。2.報告文學,報導文體。


Part i : this part explains the idea of the cases journalistic reportage , shows its three features , which are the guide in communicating , continuousness in reporting , representative in selecting materials , and analyses the reason why the cases reportage are more and more concerned continuously 第一部分:簡單概括了案件新聞報道的概念;總結了案件新聞報道的特點:傳播上的導向性、報道上的動態性、選擇上的典型性;分析了案件報道在我國持續升溫的三個動因。

Part ii : this part uses the typical examples of cases reportage to show that in current situation the main melody of chinese media ' s reportage is to improve interpersonal relationship and moral standards . however there are still many problems . some reports do the media trials that are beyond the normal trial procedure 第二部分:概括了我國案件報道的現狀,對其進行了新聞倫理學思考:我國媒體案件報道的主旋律是懲惡揚善、伸張正義,但是也存在許多問題,諸如:案例報道失當,造成新聞傷害;報道超越審判程序,進行媒體審判;媒體炒作侵犯隱私權;媒體無原則地遷就受眾,報道品味滑坡;報道不顧社會責任,一味追求刺激等。

The contents of auditing report and scholiums of accounting statements are emphases in this chapter . at the end of this chapter , it ' s pointed that nonscheduled information such as reports from the board of directors and other reportages 審計報告是我們分析上市公司財務報表前首先應該閱讀的資料,因此,本文重點介紹審計報告的內容,說明非標準無保留意見的審計報告是分析上市公司財務信息的重要參考資料。

This photo , together with several others that illustrate the contributions made by resettled refugees in the once - declining city of utica , new york , were given “ new america “ 2006 photo - reportage award by the u . s . - based national press photographers association ( nppa ) 這張照片和其他一些表現重新安置難民對美國紐約猶他市做出貢獻的照片,獲得了美國國家攝影家協會頒發的2006 “新美洲”新聞圖片獎。

It must be important for journalism researchers to study how to report the cases in order to regular the media ' s guide of public opinion , how to relieve the pain caused by journalistic reportage in order to find media ' s greater social influence 怎樣處理好案件新聞的報道,使媒體保持正確的輿論導向,減少新聞傷害的發生,更好地發揮媒體的社會作用,是新聞學術界應該深入研究的問題。

Front the five angles of politic - s 、 economy 、 humanities 、 society and audience - demand , this paper is in an attempt to make detailed theoretical analysis on the significance of the choice of multiple angles of view that improves economic reportage 從政治視角、經濟學視角、人文視角、社會視角以及受眾需求視角等多角度進行報道,對于改進經濟新聞報道的效果意義很大。

It has already come third in the lettre ulysses prize for reportage , winning ? 14 , 000 , and was shortlisted for an index on censorship freedom of expression award . riverbend began the blog with the words : “ i ' m female , iraqi and 24 報道說,燃燒的巴格達已在柏林lettre雜志舉辦的著名的“尤利西斯”報告文學大獎中榮獲3等獎,并獲獎金1 . 4萬英鎊。

The internet enables the instantaneous pooling ( and hence correction , refinement , and amplification ) of the ideas and opinions , facts and images , reportage and scholarship , generated by bloggers 因特網可以使某一主意、觀點、事件以及圖片、報道還有專業知識達到即時性的共享(因而可以修改、加工和完善) ,這一切的變化都是網絡日志帶來的。

The dissertation talks about the journalistic ethical consideration on reportage of the cases from the perspective of mass media ' s journalistic cases reporting . it consists of three major parts , preface and conclusion 本選題從我國大眾媒體的案例新聞報道這個視角出發,對案件報道進行新聞倫理學思考,正文共分三個部分。

Just like the developing stock market in china , the stock news reportage has many problems to solve . but the lag of the theory studies has already prevented the development of the practice 如同中國還不成熟的證券市場一樣,證券新聞報道也存在著一些亟待解決的問題,而理論研究的滯后已遠遠不能適應實踐發展的需要。

Reportage narrative lays stress on different aspects than that of news narrative and history narrative : the attention to characters and interests to scenes , details and discourse 報告文學敘事的眼光明顯不同于新聞敘事和歷史敘事,主要表現為:一,對人物性格的關注;二,對場景、細節及人物話語的興趣。

Compared with conspicuous and popular studies of journalism and reportage , edgar ' s unique ideas of ecology and the modern concept of ecology reflected in his works have not been given adequate attention 摘要相比而言,埃德加?斯諾獨特的生態思想及其作品中所蘊含的現代生態觀念尚未得到應有的研究。

This essay demonstrates such a viewpoint that moderate making - up is permitted in the writing of reportage because of its literary characteristics and realistic characteristics 摘要本文從報告文學的文學性和真實性兩方面的特徵入手,闡述了報告文學在寫作過程中允許適當虛構的觀點。

The fourth annual seminar of national theoretical reportage research committee is held in the capital of inner mongolia autonomous region during the days from august 8th to 11th , 2006 摘要全國報告文學理論研究會第四屆學術年會于2006年8月8日11日在呼和浩特市隆重舉行。

At the end of this chapter , it ' s pointed that nonscheduled information such as reports from the board of directors and other reportages from special medium 本章最后提出,招股說明書、上市公告書及董事會臨時公告是我們獲取上市公司財務信息的不定期渠道。

The truthfulness of reportage cannot be reached without comprehension of people , without subjective imagination and construction , which differs from the truthfulness of nature 報告文學的真實不同于自然的真實,它離不開人的理解,離不開主觀的想象和建構。

Our car ? long - term test dive reportage , giving the test vehicle a systematic and comprehensive assessment in a professional manner 日常使用報告? ?中、長期汽車日常使用監測,真實反映編輯的用車感受,從專業角度對車型做系統、全面的使用推介。

Once you have explained the intended effect of the occasion , see whether this effect was in fact achieved by examining reportage and commentary 當你解釋了事件的預期效果,就要通過查看報道和評論,看看事實上是否取得了這個效果。

This annual seminar is hosted by national theoretical reportage research committee and undertaken by inner mongolia open university 本次會議由全國報告文學理論研究會主辦,內蒙古廣播電視大學承辦。