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report card (學生)成績報告單。

report stage

One of the nice little additions to the report card is that sometimes a scout will not only tell you he thinks the player is no where near as a good as your best central defender , but he will suggest that he reckons the player could be as low down the pecking order as probably the fifth best centre back at the club 一個一般的球員的報告單有時球探將不會告訴你'他認為這名球員與你的最好的中后衛有差距' ,而他將會建議'他估計這名球員可能按所打位子的強弱順序排在隊里的第5位

We , the several little pumpkins , had just received onsite horticultural training in the garden adjacent to master s office . we had learned how to cultivate flowers and plants , and to design beautiful landscapes as if they were forms of natural growth . although we were thrilled by the experience of receiving personal guidance from master , and delighted that we had the new skill of beatifying the environment for our own good use , we were surprised to have to hand in our report cards so quickly 好了,我們幾個小地瓜有人才剛在師父辦公室旁的花圃受教學習如何種植花草如何造型才能看起來美觀又自然,好像它們天生就生在那里似的,當我們還在陶醉能親自受到師父的指導,多擁有了一項美感技能可以暗藏,想不到就要馬上交成績單了,而且如此大的一個地方限期才七天,幾個小地瓜要如何達成使命呢?

The course sees as the graduation after study through the examination or investigate qualifiedly , the student compose the thesis under the guidance of the professor , and the student gain the graduation certificate , academic degree certificate and report card after american school square judge the thesis qualifiedly 課程學習經考試或考核合格后視為畢業,學員在教授指導下撰寫論文,論文經美國校方評審合格后,由校方發給畢業證、學位證書和成績單

I have already been to an ayuntamiento , they say there is only an on the report card don ' t calculate qualified , all want to send to the ministry of interior reviewing , if my data was send to the ministry of interior , new of the id card don ' t know when then can come down 我已經去過市政廳了,他們說成績單上只有有a就不算合格,都要送去內政部審查,如果我的資料被送去內政部了,新的身份證就不知道什么時候才能下來了。

A distinctive feature of the program is that the number of days the students attend school via computer is included in their student records , on which report cards and reference letters from teachers are based 這個計畫有一項明顯的特徵就是,學生在線上上學的天數也會被納進紀錄,作為老師制作成績單和參考信件的依據。

“ a report card on the department of energy ' s nonproliferation programs with russia . “ secretary of energy advisory board , january 10 , 2001 ( approved by the seab on january 18 , 2001 ) 能源部與俄羅斯合作的防止核武擴散計畫之成果報告美國能源部下轄能源諮詢會議(由該會議于2001年1月18日認可) , 2001年1月10日。

We await with interest the report cards of the fund management industry in hong kong , and with some trepidation the numbers on the exchange fund that we are now crunching out 年是困難的一年。一方面,我們等待香港基金管理業派發成績表,另一方面,我們亦懷有點忐忑的心情,計算外匯基金的投資結果。

It is being published in the “ report card year “ of the united nations millennium development goals ( mdgs ) , two of which are to improve maternal and child health drastically by the year 2015 它將在聯合國千年發展目標的“成績單年”發表,其中兩項目標是到2015年顯著改善孕產婦和兒童健康。

Geoffrey says to his father ( who is looking at his son ' s report card ) . “ so i don ' t get the highest marks in the class , do you get the highest salary in the office ? 杰弗里對爸爸說(爸爸正在看兒子地成績單) : “我在班里沒有拿到最高的成績,那你在單位里拿到最高的薪水了嗎? ”

The oee rating for critical equipment provides a relative comparison or “ report card ” on equipment performance and how well our maintenance and operations improvement activities are doing 關鍵設備的oee值為設備效率以及維修和操作改進工作提供了比對依據或者說是“匯報卡” 。

Geoffrey says to his father ( who is looking at his son ' s report card ) . “ so i don ' t get the highest marks in the class , do you get the highest salary in the office ? 杰弗里對爸爸說(爸爸正在看兒子的成績單) : “我在班里沒有拿到最高的成績,那你在單位里拿到最高的薪水了嗎? ”

Look cheerful and full of energy ; it was close to impossible to calm everybody down on the day they got back their report cards and exam papers from the previous month 但是,隨之學生手上都被遞上了瞬間讓他們安靜下來的東西。那就是,上個月舉行的定期考試的成績表。

Parents are being urged to reject a system that grades their children from a to e as part of a campaign to sabotage the national push for plain - english report cards 時下,仍有呼聲要求家長們拒絕一個將把他們的孩子(在學校的表現)評為a到e共五級的評價系統。

Madonna remembers “ i was really competitive in school with my grades and stuff coz my father used to give us rewards if we got “ a “ on our report cards 她回憶道: “我在班里的學習極有競爭力,因為如果我們的表現記錄上得了“ a “父親就會給我們獎賞“ 。

I : from your school report card , i can see you did well in every course . but our advertisement says we need an accountant with practical work experience 從成績單上可以看出你每門課程都學得很好,可我們廣告上說我們需要有實際工作經驗的會計師。

There are all kinds of issues that crop up , including discipline , teenage romances , disappointing report cards , curfews and college choices 各種各樣的突發狀況都可能發生,比如孩子的管教、早戀、令人失望的成績單、晚上回家的時間和上哪個大學。

From your school report card , i can see you did well in every course . but our advertisement says we need an accountant with practical work experience 從成績單上可以看出你每門課程都學得很好,可我們廣告上說我們需要有實際工作經驗的會計師。

I : from your school report card , i know you did well in every course , but our advertisement says we need an accoutant with pratical work experience 從成績單上可以看出你每門課程都學得很好,可我們廣告上說我們需要有實際工作經驗的會計師。

A youngster , being scolded for a poor report card , asked : “ dad , what do you think is the trouble with me , heredity or environment 一個少年因為成績不理想而受到責備,問道: “爸,你認為我的問題是什么,遺傳還是環境? ”