
report vt.1.告知,報告,匯報;報導(新聞、調查結果等);發...

report card

I take this opportunity to report to you about a matter . 順便向各位報告一件事。

But be sure you report to me before you go back . 不過回去之前一定先來向我報到。

The testimony tallies with the report . 證詞與報告吻合。

I can't find the fool who botched up the report . 我找不到那個把報告搞糟的笨蛋。

Now then , are there any comments on this report ? 喂,對這個報告有什么意見嗎?

The reports were greatly exaggerated . 報告被嚴重夸大了。

These reports must be identified . 這些報告必須核對清楚。

This report wrests the facts out of their true meaning . 這個報告歪曲事實真相。

She drew my attention to an error in the report . 她要我注意報告中的一處錯誤。

Ismay came back and reported the bleak news . 伊斯梅回來報告了令人喪氣的消息。

The report does not jibe with the facts . 報告與事實不符。

Avoid sensationalism in reporting crime . 報道罪案時要避免使用聳動視聽的手段。

A build-up of enemy forces is reported . 據悉敵軍正在集結。

You can report that he stood . 你在報告中可以說他是站著的。

Both fatalities and residua have been reported . 致命病例及后遺癥都有過報道。

They reported sighting the plane . 他們宣稱看見了那架飛機。

At the meeting i gave a long report . 我在會上作了長篇報告。

The white house has denied the report . 白宮已否認這一報道。

They publish this report with all reserve . 他們發表這消息,但不保證其真偽。